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 * Lexicon English lexicon topic
 * @language en
 * @package modx
 * @subpackage lexicon
$_lang['duplicate'] = 'Duplicate';
$_lang['entry'] = 'Entry';
$_lang['entry_create'] = 'Create Entry';
$_lang['entry_err_ae'] = 'Entry already exists!';
$_lang['entry_err_nf'] = 'Entry not found.';
$_lang['entry_err_ns'] = 'Entry not specified.';
$_lang['entry_err_save'] = 'An error occurred while trying to save the Lexicon Entry.';
$_lang['entry_revert'] = 'Revert Lexicon Entry';
$_lang['language'] = 'Language';
$_lang['languages'] = 'Languages';
$_lang['last_modified'] = 'Last Modified On';
$_lang['lexicon'] = 'Lexicon';
$_lang['lexicon_export'] = 'Export Topic';
$_lang['lexicon_export_desc'] = 'Here you can select a Lexicon Topic to export to a file.';
$_lang['lexicon_topics'] = 'Lexicon Topics';
$_lang['lexicon_topics_desc'] = 'Here you can manage your Lexicon Topics.';
$_lang['lexicon_import'] = 'Import Topic';
$_lang['lexicon_import_desc'] = 'You may import a file to load into a specified Lexicon Topic for a namespace. Your file must return a $_lang associative array of strings, similar to the core/lexicon files. If the topic in the namespace already exists, it will be overwritten.';
$_lang['lexicon_import_err_ns'] = 'Lexicon Topic file not specified.';
$_lang['lexicon_import_err_upload'] = 'An error occurred while trying to upload the new Lexicon Topic file. Check your web server permissions in trying to upload to the tmp directory, and validate that the file you are trying to upload is a valid file.';
$_lang['lexicon_management'] = 'Lexicon Management';
$_lang['lexicon_management_desc'] = 'Here you can override any Lexicon Entries across Namespaces and their respective Topics. Just double-click on any Entry\'s value to override it. To add new Lexicon Entries or Topics, just create their Topic files in their Namespace\'s respective directory.<br /><b>Each Entry will be available via the [[%name]] placeholder.</b>';
$_lang['lexicon_rlfb_msg'] = 'Successfully regenerated [[+num]] strings.';
$_lang['reload_from_base'] = 'Revert All Core Entries';
$_lang['reload_success'] = 'Successfully reloaded [[+total]] strings.';
$_lang['search_by_key'] = 'Search by Key:';
$_lang['topic'] = 'Topic';