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 * Property Set English lexicon topic
 * @language en
 * @package modx
 * @subpackage lexicon
$_lang['area'] = 'Area';
$_lang['areas'] = 'Areas';
$_lang['class_name'] = 'Class Name';
$_lang['default'] = 'Default';
$_lang['duplicate_of'] = ' [[+name]]的副本';
$_lang['element_properties_desc'] = 'Here you can edit the default properties for the element, or edit specific property sets. <b>Note</b>: When you edit the default set, you will be saving the properties to the default properties. Editing a specific property set will save those property settings to the property set.<br /><br />When you\'ve selected a property set to edit, the default properties will show in the grid in the color <span style="color: gray;">gray</span>. Properties in gray are not in the property set, but show up there for easier editing. Properties in <span style="color: green">green</span> are properties that have been overridden from the default. Properties in <span style="color: purple">purple</span> are new properties in the custom set that are not in the default properties.<br /><br /><b>Note:</b> It is best to not edit default properties for snippets installed via Package Management, as if those snippets are upgraded, the default properties will be overwritten. Use a Property Set instead.';
$_lang['file'] = '文件';
$_lang['color'] = 'Color';
$_lang['import'] = '导入';
$_lang['new_name'] = '新名称';
$_lang['object'] = '对象';
$_lang['properties'] = '属性';
$_lang['properties_default_locked'] = 'Default Properties Locked';
$_lang['properties_default_locked_msg'] = 'Only a user with the "unlock_element_properties" permission may unlock default properties.';
$_lang['properties_default_unlocked'] = 'Default Properties Unlocked';
$_lang['properties_import'] = '导入属性';
$_lang['properties_import_err_invalid'] = 'The file you specified is not a valid properties file. Please try again.';
$_lang['properties_import_err_upload'] = 'Please specify a valid properties file to upload.';
$_lang['properties_import_msg'] = 'Please select a valid properties file.';
$_lang['properties_remove'] = 'Delete Properties';
$_lang['properties_remove_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete these properties?';
$_lang['property'] = 'Property';
$_lang['property_area_desc'] = 'The area, or group, this property belongs to.';
$_lang['property_create'] = 'Create Property';
$_lang['property_description_desc'] = 'A short description of the property. This can be a lexicon key of the property\'s lexicon.';
$_lang['property_lexicon_desc'] = 'Optional. The lexicon that this property\'s fields can be translated with.';
$_lang['property_name_desc'] = 'The name of the property, which will be accessible via: [[+propertyName]]';
$_lang['property_option_create'] = 'Create Property Option';
$_lang['property_option_remove'] = 'Delete Property Option';
$_lang['property_option_remove_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this property option?';
$_lang['property_options'] = 'Property Options';
$_lang['property_revert'] = 'Revert Property to Default';
$_lang['property_revert_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to revert this property to the default?';
$_lang['property_revert_all'] = 'Revert All to Default';
$_lang['property_revert_all_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to revert all properties to their defaults?';
$_lang['property_remove'] = 'Delete Property';
$_lang['property_remove_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this property?';
$_lang['property_update'] = 'Update Property';
$_lang['property_xtype_desc'] = 'The input type of the property.';
$_lang['propertyset'] = '属性集';
$_lang['propertyset_add'] = 'Add Property Set';
$_lang['propertyset_create'] = 'Create Property Set';
$_lang['propertyset_create_new'] = 'Create New Property Set';
$_lang['propertyset_duplicate'] = 'Duplicate Property Set';
$_lang['propertyset_duplicate_copyels'] = 'Copy Element associations?';
$_lang['propertyset_element_add'] = 'Attach Element to Property Set';
$_lang['propertyset_element_remove'] = 'Remove Element from Property Set';
$_lang['propertyset_element_remove_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to unattach this element from this property set?';
$_lang['propertyset_err_ae'] = 'A property set already exists with that name. Please specify another.';
$_lang['propertyset_err_associate'] = 'An error occurred while trying to associate the property set to the element.';
$_lang['propertyset_err_create'] = 'An error occurred while trying to create the property set.';
$_lang['propertyset_err_element_add'] = 'An error occurred while trying to add the element to the property set.';
$_lang['propertyset_err_element_nf'] = 'That element is not associated to that property set.';
$_lang['propertyset_err_element_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to remove the element from the property set.';
$_lang['propertyset_err_nf'] = 'Property set not found.';
$_lang['propertyset_err_nfs'] = 'Property set not found with ID [[+id]].';
$_lang['propertyset_err_ns'] = 'Property set not specified.';
$_lang['propertyset_err_ns_name'] = 'Please specify a name for the property set.';
$_lang['propertyset_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to remove the property set.';
$_lang['propertyset_err_update'] = 'An error occurred while trying to update the property set.';
$_lang['propertyset_new'] = 'New Property Set';
$_lang['propertyset_panel_desc'] = 'Here you can create a property set, or select an existing one to attach to this element.';
$_lang['propertyset_remove'] = 'Delete Property Set';
$_lang['propertyset_remove_confirm'] =  'Are you sure you want to delete this property set?';
$_lang['propertyset_save'] = 'Save Property Set';
$_lang['propertyset_update'] = 'Update Property Set';
$_lang['propertysets'] = 'Property Sets';
$_lang['propertysets_desc'] = 'Here you can manage your property sets. Click a set in the tree to load that set\'s properties into the grid, where you can modify them specifically. You can also right-click on property sets in the tree to attach or unattach elements for them.';
$_lang['propertysets_err_item_class_ns'] = 'Item class has not been specified';