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5 days
Test Coverage
 * This file is part of MODX Revolution.
 * Copyright (c) MODX, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
 * For complete copyright and license information, see the COPYRIGHT and LICENSE
 * files found in the top-level directory of this distribution.

 * Abstract class for manager controllers. Not to be initialized directly; must be extended by the implementing
 * controller.
 * @package modx
abstract class modManagerController {
    /** @var modX A reference to the modX object */
    public $modx;
    /** @var array A configuration array of options related to this controller's action object. */
    public $config = array();
    /** @var bool Set to false to prevent loading of the header HTML. */
    public $loadHeader = true;
    /** @var bool Set to false to prevent loading of the footer HTML. */
    public $loadFooter = true;
    /** @var bool Set to false to prevent loading of the base MODExt JS classes. */
    public $loadBaseJavascript = true;
    /** @var array An array of possible paths to this controller's templates directory. */
    public $templatesPaths = array();
    /** @var array An array of possible paths to this controller's directory. */
    public $controllersPaths;
    /** @var modContext The current working context. */
    public $workingContext;
    /** @var modMediaSource The default media source for the user */
    public $defaultSource;
    /** @var string The current output content */
    public $content = '';
    /** @var array An array of request parameters sent to the controller */
    public $scriptProperties = array();
    /** @var array An array of css/js/html to load into the HEAD of the page */
    public $head = array('css' => array(),'js' => array(),'html' => array(),'lastjs' => array());
    /** @var array An array of placeholders that are being set to the page */
    public $placeholders = array();

    /** @var string Any Form Customization rule output that was created. */
    protected $ruleOutput = array();
    /** @var string The current manager theme. */
    protected $theme = 'default';
    /** @var string The pagetitle for this controller. */
    protected $title = '';
    /** @var bool Whether or not a failure message was sent by this controller. */
    protected $isFailure = false;
    /** @var string The failure message, if existent, for this controller. */
    protected $failureMessage = '';

     * The constructor for the modManagerController class.
     * @param modX $modx A reference to the modX object.
     * @param array $config A configuration array of options related to this controller's action object.
    function __construct(modX &$modx,$config = array()) {
        $this->modx =& $modx;
        $this->config = !empty($config) && is_array($config) ? $config : array();

     * Can be used to provide custom methods prior to processing
     * @return void
    public function initialize() {}

     * Return the proper instance of the derived class. This can be used to override how the manager loads a controller
     * class; for example, when handling derivative classes with class_key settings.
     * @static
     * @param modX $modx A reference to the modX object.
     * @param string $className The name of the class that is being requested.
     * @param array $config A configuration array of options related to this controller's action object.
     * @return The class specified by $className
    public static function getInstance(modX &$modx, $className, array $config = array()) {
        /** @var modManagerController $controller */
        $controller = new $className($modx,$config);
        return $controller;

     * Sets the properties array for this controller
     * @param array $properties
     * @return void
    public function setProperties(array $properties) {
        $this->scriptProperties = $properties;

     * Set a property for this controller
     * @param string $key
     * @param mixed $value
     * @return void
    public function setProperty($key,$value) {
        $this->scriptProperties[$key] = $value;

     * Prepares the language placeholders
    public function prepareLanguage() {
        $languageTopics = $this->getLanguageTopics();
        foreach ($languageTopics as $topic) {
        $this->setPlaceholder('_lang', $this->modx->lexicon->fetch());

     * Render the controller.
     * @return string
    public function render() {
        if (!$this->checkPermissions()) {

            'action' => $this->config,

        $this->theme = $this->modx->getOption('manager_theme',null,'default',true);

        $content = '';



        /* help url */
        $helpUrl = $this->getHelpUrl();
        $this->addHtml('<script>MODx.helpUrl = "'.($helpUrl).'"</script>');

        $this->modx->invokeEvent('OnManagerPageBeforeRender',array('controller' => &$this));

        $placeholders = !$this->isFailure ? $this->process($this->scriptProperties) : [];
        if (!$this->isFailure && !empty($placeholders) && is_array($placeholders)) {
        } elseif (!empty($placeholders)) {
            $content = $placeholders;
        if (!$this->isFailure) {

        /* handle FC rules */
        if (!empty($this->ruleOutput)) {

        /* register CSS/JS */


        $this->content = '';
        if ($this->loadHeader) {
            $this->content .= $this->getHeader();

        $tpl = $this->getTemplateFile();
        if ($this->isFailure) {
            $this->setPlaceholder('_e', $this->modx->error->failure($this->failureMessage));
            $content = $this->fetchTemplate('error.tpl');
        } else if (!empty($tpl)) {
            $content = $this->fetchTemplate($tpl);

        $this->content .= $content;

        if ($this->loadFooter) {
            $this->content .= $this->getFooter();

        $this->modx->invokeEvent('OnManagerPageAfterRender',array('controller' => &$this));

        return $this->content;

    public function getHelpUrl() {
        return '';

     * @return void
    protected function assignPlaceholders() {
        foreach ($this->placeholders as $k => $v) {

     * Set a placeholder for this controller's template
     * @param string $k The key of the placeholder
     * @param mixed $v The value of the placeholder
     * @return void
    public function setPlaceholder($k,$v) {
        $this->placeholders[$k] = $v;

     * Set an array of placeholders
     * @param array $keys
     * @return void
    public function setPlaceholders($keys) {
        foreach ($keys as $k => $v) {
            $this->placeholders[$k] = $v;

     * Get all the set placeholders
     * @return array
    public function getPlaceholders() {
        return $this->placeholders;

     * Get a specific placeholder set
     * @param string $k
     * @param mixed $default
     * @return mixed
    public function getPlaceholder($k,$default = null) {
        return isset($this->placeholders[$k]) ? $this->placeholders[$k] : $default;

     * Fetch the template content
     * @param string $tpl The path to the template
     * @return string The output of the template
    public function fetchTemplate($tpl) {
        $templatePath = '';
        if (is_array($this->templatesPaths)) {
            foreach ($this->templatesPaths as $path) {
                if (file_exists($path.$tpl)) {
                    $templatePath = $path;
        return $this->modx->smarty->fetch($tpl);

     * Load another manual controller file (such as header/footer)
     * @param $controller
     * @param bool $coreOnly
     * @return mixed|string
    public function loadController($controller,$coreOnly = false) {
        /** @var modX $modx */
        $modx =& $this->modx;
        $paths = $this->getControllersPaths($coreOnly);
        $o = '';
        foreach ($paths as $path) {
            if (file_exists($path.$controller)) {
                $o = include_once $path.$controller;
        return $o;

     * Set a failure on this controller. This will return the error message.
     * @param string $message
     * @return void
    public function failure($message) {
        $this->isFailure = true;
        $this->failureMessage .= $message;

     * Load the path to this controller's template's directory. Only override this if you want to override default
     * behavior; otherwise, overriding getTemplatesPath is preferred.
     * @return string
    public function loadTemplatesPath() {
        if (empty($this->templatesPaths)) {
            $templatesPaths = $this->getTemplatesPaths();
            if (is_string($templatesPaths)) {
                $templatesPaths = array($templatesPaths);
        return $this->templatesPaths;

     * Set the possible template paths for this controller
     * @param array $paths
     * @return void
    public function setTemplatePaths(array $paths) {
        $this->templatesPaths = $paths;

     * Load an array of possible paths to this controller's directory. Only override this if you want to override
     * default behavior; otherwise, overriding getControllersPath is preferred.
     * @return array
    public function loadControllersPath() {
        if (empty($this->controllersPaths)) {
            $this->controllersPaths = $this->getControllersPaths();
        return $this->controllersPaths;

     * Get the path to this controller's directory. Override this to point to a custom directory.
     * @param bool $coreOnly Ensure that it grabs the path from the core namespace only.
     * @return array
    public function getControllersPaths($coreOnly = false) {
        if (!empty($this->config['namespace']) && $this->config['namespace'] != 'core' && !$coreOnly) { /* for non-core controllers */
            $managerPath = $this->modx->getOption('manager_path',null,MODX_MANAGER_PATH);
            $paths[] = $this->config['namespace_path'].'controllers/'.$this->theme.'/';
            $paths[] = $this->config['namespace_path'].'controllers/default/';
            $paths[] = $this->config['namespace_path'].'controllers/';
            $paths[] = $this->config['namespace_path'].$this->theme.'/';
            $paths[] = $this->config['namespace_path'].'default/';
            $paths[] = $this->config['namespace_path'];
            $paths[] = $managerPath.'controllers/'.$this->theme.'/';
            $paths[] = $managerPath.'controllers/default/';

        } else { /* for core controllers only */
            $managerPath = $this->modx->getOption('manager_path',null,MODX_MANAGER_PATH);
            $paths[] = $managerPath.'controllers/'.$this->theme.'/';
            $paths[] = $managerPath.'controllers/default/';
        return $paths;

     * Get an array of possible paths to this controller's template's directory.
     * Override this to point to a custom directory.
     * @param bool $coreOnly Ensure that it grabs the path from the core namespace only.
     * @return array|string
    public function getTemplatesPaths($coreOnly = false) {
        /* extras */
        if (!empty($this->config['namespace']) && $this->config['namespace'] != 'core' && !$coreOnly) {
            $namespacePath = $this->config['namespace_path'];
            $paths[] = $namespacePath . 'templates/'.$this->theme.'/';
            $paths[] = $namespacePath . 'templates/default/';
            $paths[] = $namespacePath . 'templates/';
        $managerPath = $this->modx->getOption('manager_path',null,MODX_MANAGER_PATH);
        $paths[] = $managerPath . 'templates/'.$this->theme.'/';
        $paths[] = $managerPath . 'templates/default/';
        $paths = array_unique($paths);
        return $paths;

     * Get an array of possible URLs to the template's directory.
     * Override this to point to a custom directory.
     * @param bool $specificThemeOnly Return URL only to theme specified in system settings
     * @return array
    public function getTemplatesUrls($specificThemeOnly = false) {
        $urls = array();
        $managerUrl = $this->modx->getOption('manager_url', null, MODX_MANAGER_URL);

        $urls[] = $managerUrl . 'templates/'.$this->theme.'/';

        if ($specificThemeOnly === false) {
            $urls[] = $managerUrl . 'templates/default/';

        return $urls;

     * Do permission checking in this method. Returning false will present a "permission denied" message.
     * @abstract
     * @return boolean
    abstract public function checkPermissions();

     * Process the controller, returning an array of placeholders to set.
     * @abstract
     * @param array $scriptProperties A array of REQUEST parameters.
     * @return mixed Either an error or output string, or an array of placeholders to set.
    abstract public function process(array $scriptProperties = array());

     * Return a string to set as the controller's page title.
     * @abstract
     * @return string
    abstract public function getPageTitle();

     * Register any custom CSS or JS in this method.
     * @abstract
     * @return void
    abstract public function loadCustomCssJs();

     * Return the relative path to the template file to load
     * @abstract
     * @return string
    abstract public function getTemplateFile();

     * Specify an array of language topics to load for this controller
     * @return array
    public function getLanguageTopics() {
        return array();

     * Can be used to fire events after all the CSS/JS is loaded for a page
     * @return void
    public function firePostRenderEvents() {}

     * Fire any pre-render events for the controller
     * @return void
    public function firePreRenderEvents() {}

     * Get the page header for the controller.
     * @return string
    public function getHeader() {
        $this->setPlaceholder('_authToken', $this->modx->user->getUserToken('mgr'));
        $output = $this->fetchTemplate('header.tpl');
        $this->setPlaceholder('_authToken', '');
        return $output;

     * Get the page footer for the controller.
     * @return string
    public function getFooter() {
        return $this->fetchTemplate('footer.tpl');

     * Registers the core and base JS scripts
     * @access public
     * @return void
    public function registerBaseScripts() {
        $managerUrl = $this->modx->getOption('manager_url');
        $externals = array();

        if ($this->loadBaseJavascript) {
            $compressJs = (boolean)$this->modx->getOption('compress_js',null,true);
            if ($compressJs) {
                $externals[] = $managerUrl . 'assets/modext/modx.jsgrps-min.js';
            else {
                $externals[] = $managerUrl . 'assets/modext/core/modx.localization.js';
                $externals[] = $managerUrl . 'assets/modext/util/utilities.js';
                $externals[] = $managerUrl . 'assets/modext/util/datetime.js';
                $externals[] = $managerUrl . 'assets/modext/util/uploaddialog.js';
                $externals[] = $managerUrl . 'assets/modext/util/fileupload.js';
                $externals[] = $managerUrl . 'assets/modext/util/superboxselect.js';

                $externals[] = $managerUrl . 'assets/modext/core/modx.component.js';
                $externals[] = $managerUrl . 'assets/modext/core/modx.view.js';
                $externals[] = $managerUrl . 'assets/modext/widgets/core/modx.button.js';
                $externals[] = $managerUrl . 'assets/modext/widgets/core/modx.searchbar.js';
                $externals[] = $managerUrl . 'assets/modext/widgets/core/modx.panel.js';
                $externals[] = $managerUrl . 'assets/modext/widgets/core/modx.tabs.js';
                $externals[] = $managerUrl . 'assets/modext/widgets/core/modx.window.js';
                $externals[] = $managerUrl . 'assets/modext/widgets/core/modx.combo.js';
                $externals[] = $managerUrl . 'assets/modext/widgets/core/modx.grid.js';
                $externals[] = $managerUrl . 'assets/modext/widgets/core/modx.console.js';
                $externals[] = $managerUrl . 'assets/modext/widgets/core/modx.portal.js';
                $externals[] = $managerUrl . 'assets/modext/widgets/windows.js';

                $externals[] = $managerUrl . 'assets/fileapi/FileAPI.js';
                $externals[] = $managerUrl . 'assets/modext/util/multiuploaddialog.js';

                $externals[] = $managerUrl . 'assets/modext/widgets/core/tree/modx.tree.js';
                $externals[] = $managerUrl . 'assets/modext/widgets/core/tree/modx.tree.treeloader.js';
                $externals[] = $managerUrl . 'assets/modext/widgets/modx.treedrop.js';
                $externals[] = $managerUrl . 'assets/modext/widgets/core/modx.tree.asynctreenode.js';

                $externals[] = $managerUrl . 'assets/modext/widgets/resource/modx.tree.resource.js';
                $externals[] = $managerUrl . 'assets/modext/widgets/element/modx.tree.element.js';
                $externals[] = $managerUrl . 'assets/modext/widgets/system/';
                $externals[] = $managerUrl . 'assets/modext/widgets/system/modx.panel.filetree.js';
                $externals[] = $managerUrl . 'assets/modext/widgets/media/modx.browser.js';
                $externals[] = $managerUrl.'assets/modext/core/modx.layout.js';


            if ($this->modx->getOption('compress_css',null,true)) {

            $o = '';
            // Add script tags for the required javascript
            foreach ($externals as $js) {
                $o .= '<script src="'.$js.'"></script>'."\n";

            // Get the state and user token for adding to the init script
            $state = $this->getDefaultState();
            if (!empty($state)) {
                $state = 'MODx.defaultState = '.$this->modx->toJSON($state).';';
            } else {
                $state = '';
            $layout = '';
            if (!$this instanceof BrowserManagerController) {
                $siteId = $this->modx->user->getUserToken('mgr');
                $layout = 'MODx.load({xtype: "modx-layout",accordionPanels: MODx.accordionPanels || [],auth: "'.$siteId.'"});';
            $o .= <<<HTML
Ext.onReady(function() {

            $this->modx->smarty->assign('maincssjs', $o);

     * Load theme specific layout.js if found, fallback to default layout
     * @param array $externals An array of assets to load
     * @return void
    public function loadLayout(array &$externals) {
        $templatesUrl = $this->modx->getOption('manager_url', null, MODX_MANAGER_URL) . 'templates/';
        $themePath = MODX_MANAGER_PATH . "templates/{$this->theme}";
        $layoutFile = '/js/layout.js';

        if (file_exists($themePath . $layoutFile)) {
            // Apply to both custom themes and "default" theme
            $externals[] = $templatesUrl . $this->theme . $layoutFile;
        } elseif ($this->theme !== 'default') {
            // Load default layout for custom themes without a custom layout.js
            $externals[] = $templatesUrl . 'default' . $layoutFile;

     * Get the default state for the UI
     * @return array|mixed|string
    public function getDefaultState() {
        /** @var modProcessorResponse $response */
        $response = $this->modx->runProcessor('system/registry/register/read',array(
            'register' => 'state',
            'topic' => '/ys/user-'.$this->modx->user->get('id').'/',
            'include_keys' => true,
            'poll_interval' => 1,
            'poll_limit' => 1,
            'remove_read' => false,
            'show_filename' => false,
            'time_limit' => 10,
        $obj = $response->getMessage();
        if (!empty($obj)) {
            $obj = $this->modx->fromJSON($obj);
        } else {
            $obj = array();
        return $obj;

     * Grabs a stripped version of modx to prevent caching of JS after upgrades
     * @access private
     * @return string The parsed version string
    private function _prepareVersionPostfix() {
        $version = $this->modx->getVersionData();
        return str_replace(array('.','-'),'',$version['full_version']);

     * Appends a version postfix to a script tag
     * @access private
     * @param string $str The script tag to append the version to
     * @param string $version The version to append
     * @return string The adjusted script tag
    private function _postfixVersionToScript($str,$version) {
        $pos = strpos($str,'.js');
        $pos2 = strpos($str,'src="'); /* only apply to externals */
        if ($pos && $pos2) {
            $s = substr($str,0,strpos($str,'"></script>'));
            if (!empty($s) && substr($s,strlen($s)-3,strlen($s)) == '.js') {
                $str = $s.'?v='.$version.'"></script>';
        return $str;

     * Registers CSS/JS to manager interface
    public function registerCssJs() {
        $versionPostFix = $this->_prepareVersionPostfix();

        $jsToCompress = array();
        foreach ($this->head['js'] as $js) {
            $jsToCompress[] = $js;
        $cssjs = array();
        if (!empty($jsToCompress)) {
            foreach ($jsToCompress as $scr) {
                $cssjs[] = '<script src="'.$scr.'"></script>';

        $cssToCompress = array();
        foreach ($this->head['css'] as $css) {
            $cssToCompress[] = $css;
        if (!empty($cssToCompress)) {
            foreach ($cssToCompress as $scr) {
                $cssjs[] = '<link href="'.$scr.'" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />';

        foreach ($this->head['html'] as $html) {
            $cssjs[] = $html;

        foreach ($this->modx->sjscripts as $scr) {
            $scr = $this->_postfixVersionToScript($scr,$versionPostFix);
            $cssjs[] = $scr;

        $lastjs = array();
        foreach ($this->head['lastjs'] as $js) {
            $lastjs[] = $js;
        if (!empty($lastjs)) {
            foreach ($lastjs as $scr) {
                $cssjs[] = '<script src="'.$scr.'"></script>';


     * Prepare the set html/css/js to be added
     * @return void
    private function _prepareHead() {
        $this->head['js'] = array_unique($this->head['js']);
        $this->head['html'] = array_unique($this->head['html']);
        $this->head['css'] = array_unique($this->head['css']);
        $this->head['lastjs'] = array_unique($this->head['lastjs']);

     * Add an external Javascript file to the head of the page
     * @param string $script
     * @return void
    public function addJavascript($script) {
        $this->head['js'][] = $script;

     * Add a block of HTML to the head of the page
     * @param string $script
     * @return void
    public function addHtml($script) {
        $this->head['html'][] = $script;

     * Add a external CSS file to the head of the page
     * @param string $script
     * @return void
    public function addCss($script) {
        $this->head['css'][] = $script;
     * Add an external Javascript file to the head of the page
     * @param string $script
     * @return void
    public function addLastJavascript($script) {
        $this->head['lastjs'][] = $script;

     * Checks Form Customization rules for an object.
     * @param xPDOObject $obj If passed, will validate against for rules with constraints.
     * @param bool $forParent No longer used - filtering only happens by controller
     * @return array
    public function checkFormCustomizationRules(&$obj = null, $forParent = false) {
        $overridden = array();

        if ($this->modx->getOption('form_customization_use_all_groups',null,false)) {
            $userGroups = $this->modx->user->getUserGroups();
        } else {
            $primaryGroup = $this->modx->user->getPrimaryGroup();
            if ($primaryGroup) {
                $userGroups = array($primaryGroup->get('id'));
        $c = $this->modx->newQuery('modActionDom');
        $c->innerJoin('modFormCustomizationProfile','Profile','FCSet.profile =');
        $c->leftJoin('modFormCustomizationProfileUserGroup','ProfileUserGroup',' = ProfileUserGroup.profile');
        $c->leftJoin('modFormCustomizationProfile','UGProfile',' = ProfileUserGroup.profile');

        // Filter on the controller (action).
        $controller = array_key_exists('controller', $this->config) ? $this->config['controller'] : '';
        if (strpos($controller, '/') !== false) {
            // For multi-level controllers (e.g. resource/create), we get the last part
            // of the controller name to also search for a wildcard (e.g. resource/*)
            $wildController = substr($controller, 0, strrpos($controller, '/')) . '/*';
                'modActionDom.action:IN' => array($controller, $wildController),
        else {
                'modActionDom.action' => array_key_exists('controller',$this->config) ? $this->config['controller'] : '',

            '' => true,
            '' => true,
        if (!empty($userGroups)) {
                    'ProfileUserGroup.usergroup:IN' => $userGroups,
                        'OR:ProfileUserGroup.usergroup:IS' => null,
                        '' => true,
                'OR:ProfileUserGroup.usergroup:=' => null,
        $c->select($this->modx->getSelectColumns('modActionDom', 'modActionDom'));
        $c->select($this->modx->getSelectColumns('modFormCustomizationSet', 'FCSet', '', array(
        $domRules = $this->modx->getCollection('modActionDom',$c);
        $rules = array();
        /** @var modActionDom $rule */
        foreach ($domRules as $rule) {
            $template = $rule->get('template');
            if (!empty($template) && $obj) {
                if ($template != $obj->get('template')) continue;
            $constraintClass = $rule->get('constraint_class');
            if (!empty($constraintClass)) {
                if (empty($obj) || !($obj instanceof $constraintClass)) continue;
                $constraintField = $rule->get('constraint_field');
                $constraint = $rule->get('constraint');
                $constraintList = explode(',', $constraint);
                $constraintList = array_map('trim', $constraintList);
                if (($obj->get($constraintField) != $constraint) && (!in_array($obj->get($constraintField), $constraintList))) {
            if ($rule->get('rule') == 'fieldDefault') {
                $field = $rule->get('name');
                if ($field == 'modx-resource-content') $field = 'content';
                $overridden[$field] = $rule->get('value');
                if ($field == 'parent-cmb') {
                    $overridden['parent'] = (int)$rule->get('value');
                    $overridden['parent-cmb'] = (int)$rule->get('value');
            $r = $rule->apply();
            if (!empty($r)) $rules[] = $r;
        if (!empty($rules)) {
            $this->ruleOutput[] = '<script>Ext.onReady(function() {'.implode("\n",$rules).'});</script>';
        return $overridden;

     * Load the working context for this controller.
     * @return modContext|string
    public function loadWorkingContext() {
        $wctx = !empty($_GET['wctx']) ? $_GET['wctx'] : $this->modx->context->get('key');
        if (!empty($wctx)) {
            $this->workingContext = $this->modx->getContext($wctx);
            if (!$this->workingContext) {
        } else {
            $this->workingContext =& $this->modx->context;
        return $this->workingContext;

     * Adds a topic to the JS language array
     * @param string $topic
     * @return string
    public function addLexiconTopic($topic) {
        $langTopics = $this->getPlaceholder('_lang_topics');
        $langTopics = explode(',',$langTopics);
        $langTopics[] = $topic;
        $langTopics = implode(',',$langTopics);
        return $langTopics;

    public function setCssURLPlaceholders()
        $managerUrl = $this->modx->getOption('manager_url', null, MODX_MANAGER_URL);
        $managerPath = $this->modx->getOption('manager_path',null,MODX_MANAGER_PATH);

        $index = false;
        $login = false;

        if ($this->theme != 'default') {
            if (file_exists($managerPath . 'templates/' . $this->theme . '/css/index.css')) {
                $this->setPlaceholder('indexCss', $managerUrl . 'templates/' . $this->theme . '/css/index.css');
                $index = true;

            if (file_exists($managerPath . 'templates/' . $this->theme . '/css/login.css')) {
                $this->setPlaceholder('loginCss', $managerUrl . 'templates/' . $this->theme . '/css/login.css');
                $login = true;

        $versionToken = hash('adler32', $this->modx->getOption('settings_version') . $this->modx->uuid );
        $this->setPlaceholder('versionToken', $versionToken);

        if (!$index) {
            $this->setPlaceholder('indexCss', $managerUrl . 'templates/default/css/index.css');

        if (!$login) {
            $this->setPlaceholder('loginCss', $managerUrl . 'templates/default/css/login.css');

 * Utility abstract class for usage by Extras that has a subrequest handler that does auto-routing by the &action
 * REQUEST parameter. You must extend this class in your Extra to use it.
 * @abstract
 * @package modx
abstract class modExtraManagerController extends modManagerController {
     * Define the default controller action for this namespace
     * @static
     * @return string A default controller action
    public static function getDefaultController() { return 'index'; }

     * Get an instance of this extra controller
     * @static
     * @param modX $modx A reference to the modX object
     * @param string $className The string className that is being requested to load
     * @param array $config An array of configuration options built from the modAction object
     * @return modManagerController A newly created modManagerController instance
    public static function getInstanceDeprecated(modX &$modx, $className, array $config = array()) {
        $action = call_user_func(array($className,'getDefaultController'));
        if (isset($_REQUEST['action'])) {
            $action = str_replace(array('../','./','.','-','@'),'',$_REQUEST['action']);
        $className = self::getControllerClassName($action,$config['namespace']);
        $classPath = $config['namespace_path'].'controllers/'.$action.'.class.php';
        require_once $classPath;
        /** @var modManagerController $controller */
        $controller = new $className($modx,$config);
        return $controller;

     * Return the class name of a controller given the action
     * @static
     * @param string $action The action name, eg: "home" or "create"
     * @param string $namespace The namespace of the Exra
     * @param string $postFix The string to postfix to the class name
     * @return string A full class name of the controller class
    public static function getControllerClassName($action,$namespace = '',$postFix = 'ManagerController') {
        $className = explode('/',$action);
        $o = array();
        foreach ($className as $k) {
            $o[] = ucfirst(str_replace(array('.','_','-'),'',$k));
        return ucfirst($namespace).implode('',$o).$postFix;

     * Do any page-specific logic and/or processing here
     * @param array $scriptProperties
     * @return void
    public function process(array $scriptProperties = array()) {}

     * The page title for this controller
     * @return string The string title of the page
    public function getPageTitle() { return ''; }

     * Loads any page-specific CSS/JS for the controller
     * @return void
    public function loadCustomCssJs() {}

     * Specify the location of the template file
     * @return string The absolute path to the template file
    public function getTemplateFile() { return ''; }

     * Check whether the active user has access to view this page
     * @return bool True if the user passes permission checks
    public function checkPermissions() { return true;}

 * A base manager controller to implement, which makes use of the regular parser
abstract class modParsedManagerController extends modExtraManagerController {
     * The request HTTP method
     * @var string
    protected $method = 'GET';

    public function initialize() {
        // Let's check the HTTP method to display a different content based on it (ie. when we submit a form)
        $this->method = filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'REQUEST_METHOD');
        // Some hack to put the HTML content in its right place so ExtJS can resize the main content "area" properly
Ext.onReady(function() {
    var node = document.getElementById('modx-panel-holder').nextElementSibling
        ,content = node.innerHTML;
        xtype: 'box'
        ,html: content
        ,cls: node.className || ''
        ,id: ||

     * @inheritDoc
    public function render() {
        $html = parent::render();
        // Make controller placeholders available as modx placeholders
        $this->modx->setPlaceholders($this->placeholders, 'ph.');
        // Make script properties available as placeholders too
        $this->modx->setPlaceholders($this->scriptProperties, 'prop.');
        // Make modx parses tags
        $this->modx->getParser()->processElementTags('', $html, true, true);

        return $html;