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Test Coverage
 * This file is part of MODX Revolution.
 * Copyright (c) MODX, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
 * For complete copyright and license information, see the COPYRIGHT and LICENSE
 * files found in the top-level directory of this distribution.

require_once (dirname(__DIR__).'/update.class.php');
 * Update a plugin.
 * @param integer $id The ID of the plugin.
 * @param string $name The name of the plugin.
 * @param string $plugincode The code of the plugin.
 * @param string $description (optional) A description of the plugin.
 * @param integer $category (optional) The category for the plugin. Defaults to
 * no category.
 * @param boolean $locked (optional) If true, can only be accessed by
 * administrators. Defaults to false.
 * @param boolean $disabled (optional) If true, the plugin does not execute.
 * @param string $events (optional) A JSON array of system events to associate
 * this plugin with.
 * @package modx
 * @subpackage processors.element.plugin
class modPluginUpdateProcessor extends modElementUpdateProcessor {
    public $classKey = 'modPlugin';
    public $languageTopics = array('plugin','category','element');
    public $permission = 'save_plugin';
    public $objectType = 'plugin';
    public $beforeSaveEvent = 'OnBeforePluginFormSave';
    public $afterSaveEvent = 'OnPluginFormSave';

    public function beforeSave() {
        $disabled = (boolean)$this->getProperty('disabled',false);

        $isStatic = intval($this->getProperty('static', 0));

        if ($isStatic == 1) {
            $staticFile = $this->getProperty('static_file');

            if (empty($staticFile)) {
                $this->addFieldError('static_file', $this->modx->lexicon('static_file_ns'));

        return parent::beforeSave();

    public function afterSave() {

     * Update system event associations
     * @return void
    public function setSystemEvents() {
        $events = $this->getProperty('events',null);
        if ($events !== null) {
            $pluginEvents = is_array($events) ? $events : $this->modx->fromJSON($events);
            foreach ($pluginEvents as $id => $event) {
                $properties = array_merge($event,  array(
                    'plugin' => $this->object->get('id'),
                    'event' => $event['name']
                /** @var modProcessorResponse $response */
                $response = $this->modx->runProcessor('element/plugin/event/update', $properties);
                if ($response->isError()) {
                    $this->modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, $response->getMessage() . print_r($properties, true));

    public function cleanup() {
        return $this->success('', array_merge(
            $this->object->get(array('id', 'name', 'description', 'locked', 'category', 'disabled', 'plugincode')),
            array('previous_category' => $this->previousCategory)
return 'modPluginUpdateProcessor';