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 * Copyright 2010-2015 by MODX, LLC.
 * This file is part of xPDO.
 * xPDO is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
 * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
 * version.
 * xPDO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
 * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
 * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * xPDO; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
 * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

 * The sqlsrv implementation of xPDOQuery.
 * @package xpdo
 * @subpackage om.sqlsrv

/** Include the base {@see xPDOQuery} class */
include_once (dirname(__DIR__) . '/xpdoquery.class.php');

 * An implementation of xPDOQuery for the sqlsrv database driver.
 * @package xpdo
 * @subpackage om.sqlsrv
class xPDOQuery_sqlsrv extends xPDOQuery {
    public function __construct(& $xpdo, $class, $criteria= null) {
        parent :: __construct($xpdo, $class, $criteria);
        $this->query['top']= 0;

    public function parseConditions($conditions, $conjunction = xPDOQuery::SQL_AND) {
        $result= array ();
        $pk= $this->xpdo->getPK($this->_class);
        $pktype= $this->xpdo->getPKType($this->_class);
        $fieldMeta= $this->xpdo->getFieldMeta($this->_class, true);
        $command= strtoupper($this->query['command']);
        $alias= $command == 'SELECT' ? $this->_class : $this->xpdo->getTableName($this->_class, false);
        $alias= trim($alias, $this->xpdo->_escapeCharOpen . $this->xpdo->_escapeCharClose);
        if (is_array($conditions)) {
            if (isset($conditions[0]) && is_scalar($conditions[0]) && !$this->isConditionalClause($conditions[0]) && is_array($pk) && count($conditions) == count($pk)) {
                $iteration= 0;
                foreach ($pk as $k) {
                    if (!isset ($conditions[$iteration])) {
                        $conditions[$iteration]= null;
                    $isString= in_array($fieldMeta[$k]['phptype'], $this->_quotable);
                    $field= array();
                    $field['sql']= $this->xpdo->escape($alias) . '.' . $this->xpdo->escape($k) . " = ?";
                    $field['binding']= array (
                        'value' => $conditions[$iteration],
                        'type' => $isString ? \PDO::PARAM_STR : \PDO::PARAM_INT,
                        'length' => 0
                    $field['conjunction']= $conjunction;
                    $result[$iteration]= new xPDOQueryCondition($field);
            } else {
                foreach ($conditions as $key => $val) {
                    if (is_int($key)) {
                        if (is_array($val)) {
                            $result[]= $this->parseConditions($val, $conjunction);
                        } elseif ($this->isConditionalClause($val)) {
                            $result[]= new xPDOQueryCondition(array('sql' => $val, 'binding' => null, 'conjunction' => $conjunction));
                        } else {
                            $this->xpdo->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error parsing condition with key {$key}: " . print_r($val, true));
                    } elseif (is_scalar($val) || is_array($val) || $val === null) {
                        $alias= $command == 'SELECT' ? $this->_class : trim($this->xpdo->getTableName($this->_class, false), $this->xpdo->_escapeCharOpen . $this->xpdo->_escapeCharClose);
                        $operator= '=';
                        $conj = $conjunction;
                        $key_operator= explode(':', $key);
                        if ($key_operator && count($key_operator) === 2) {
                            $key= $key_operator[0];
                            $operator= $key_operator[1];
                        elseif ($key_operator && count($key_operator) === 3) {
                            $conj= $key_operator[0];
                            $key= $key_operator[1];
                            $operator= $key_operator[2];
                        if (strpos($key, '.') !== false) {
                            $key_parts= explode('.', $key);
                            $alias= trim($key_parts[0], " {$this->xpdo->_escapeCharOpen}{$this->xpdo->_escapeCharClose}");
                            $key= $key_parts[1];
                        if ($val === null) {
                            $type= \PDO::PARAM_NULL;
                            if (!in_array($operator, array('IS', 'IS NOT'))) {
                                $operator= $operator === '!=' ? 'IS NOT' : 'IS';
                        elseif (isset($fieldMeta[$key]) && !in_array($fieldMeta[$key]['phptype'], $this->_quotable)) {
                            $type= \PDO::PARAM_INT;
                        else {
                            $type= \PDO::PARAM_STR;
                        if (in_array(strtoupper($operator), array('IN', 'NOT IN')) && is_array($val)) {
                            $vals = array();
                            foreach ($val as $v) {
                                switch ($type) {
                                    case \PDO::PARAM_INT:
                                        $vals[] = (integer) $v;
                                    case \PDO::PARAM_STR:
                                        $vals[] = $this->xpdo->quote($v);
                                        $this->xpdo->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error parsing {$operator} condition with key {$key}: " . print_r($v, true));
                            if (!empty($vals)) {
                                $val = "(" . implode(',', $vals) . ")";
                                $sql = "{$this->xpdo->escape($alias)}.{$this->xpdo->escape($key)} {$operator} {$val}";
                                $result[]= new xPDOQueryCondition(array('sql' => $sql, 'binding' => null, 'conjunction' => $conj));
                            } else {
                                $this->xpdo->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error parsing {$operator} condition with key {$key}: " . print_r($val, true));
                        $field= array ();
                        if ($type === \PDO::PARAM_NULL) {
                            $field['sql']= $this->xpdo->escape($alias) . '.' . $this->xpdo->escape($key) . ' ' . $operator . ' NULL';
                            $field['binding']= null;
                            $field['conjunction']= $conj;
                        } else {
                            $field['sql']= $this->xpdo->escape($alias) . '.' . $this->xpdo->escape($key) . ' ' . $operator . ' ?';
                            $field['binding']= array (
                                'value' => $val,
                                'type' => $type,
                                'length' => 0
                            $field['conjunction']= $conj;
                        $result[]= new xPDOQueryCondition($field);
        elseif ($this->isConditionalClause($conditions)) {
            $result= new xPDOQueryCondition(array(
                'sql' => $conditions
                ,'binding' => null
                ,'conjunction' => $conjunction
        elseif (($pktype == 'integer' && is_numeric($conditions)) || ($pktype == 'string' && is_string($conditions))) {
            if ($pktype == 'integer') {
                $param_type= \PDO::PARAM_INT;
            } else {
                $param_type= \PDO::PARAM_STR;
            $field['sql']= $this->xpdo->escape($alias) . '.' . $this->xpdo->escape($pk) . ' = ?';
            $field['binding']= array ('value' => $conditions, 'type' => $param_type, 'length' => 0);
            $field['conjunction']= $conjunction;
            $result = new xPDOQueryCondition($field);
        return $result;

    public function construct() {
        $constructed= false;
        $this->bindings= array ();
        $command= strtoupper($this->query['command']);
        $sql= $this->query['command'] . ' ';
        $limit= !empty($this->query['limit']) ? intval($this->query['limit']) : 0;
        $offset= !empty($this->query['offset']) ? intval($this->query['offset']) : 0;
        $orderBySql = '';
        if ($command == 'SELECT' && !empty ($this->query['sortby'])) {
            $sortby= reset($this->query['sortby']);
            $orderBySql= 'ORDER BY ';
            $orderBySql.= $sortby['column'];
            if ($sortby['direction']) $orderBySql.= ' ' . $sortby['direction'];
            while ($sortby= next($this->query['sortby'])) {
                $orderBySql.= ', ';
                $orderBySql.= $sortby['column'];
                if ($sortby['direction']) $orderBySql.= ' ' . $sortby['direction'];
        if ($command == 'SELECT' && $orderBySql == '' && !empty($limit) && !empty($offset)) {
            $pk = $this->xpdo->getPK($this->getClass());
            if ($pk) {
                if (!is_array($pk)) $pk = array($pk);
                $orderBy = array();
                foreach ($pk as $k) {
                    $orderBy[] = $this->xpdo->escape($this->getAlias()) . '.' . $this->xpdo->escape($k);
                $orderBySql = "ORDER BY " . implode(', ', $orderBy);
        if ($command == 'SELECT') {
            $sql.= !empty($this->query['distinct']) ? $this->query['distinct'] . ' ' : '';
            if (!empty($limit) && empty($offset)) {
                $this->query['top'] = $limit;
            $sql.= $this->query['top'] > 0 ? 'TOP ' . $this->query['top'] . ' ' : '';
            $columns= array ();
            if (empty ($this->query['columns'])) {
            foreach ($this->query['columns'] as $alias => $column) {
                $ignorealias = is_int($alias);
                $escape = !preg_match('/\bAS\b/i', $column) && !preg_match('/\./', $column) && !preg_match('/\(/', $column);
                if ($escape) {
                    $column= $this->xpdo->escape(trim($column));
                } else {
                    $column= trim($column);
                if (!$ignorealias) {
                    $alias = $escape ? $this->xpdo->escape($alias) : $alias;
                    $columns[]= "{$column} AS {$alias}";
                } else {
                    $columns[]= "{$column}";
            $sql.= implode(', ', $columns);
            if(!empty($limit) && !empty($offset)) {
                $sql.= ', ROW_NUMBER() OVER (' . $orderBySql . ') AS [xpdoRowNr]';
            $sql.= ' ';
        if ($command != 'UPDATE') {
            $sql.= 'FROM ';
        $tables= array ();
        foreach ($this->query['from']['tables'] as $table) {
            if ($command != 'SELECT') {
                $tables[]= $this->xpdo->escape($table['table']);
            } else {
                $tables[]= $this->xpdo->escape($table['table']) . ' AS ' . $this->xpdo->escape($table['alias']);
        $sql.= $this->query['from']['tables'] ? implode(', ', $tables) . ' ' : '';
        if (!empty ($this->query['from']['joins'])) {
            foreach ($this->query['from']['joins'] as $join) {
                $sql.= $join['type'] . ' ' . $this->xpdo->escape($join['table']) . ' AS ' . $this->xpdo->escape($join['alias']) . ' ';
                if (!empty ($join['conditions'])) {
                    $sql.= 'ON ';
                    $sql.= $this->buildConditionalClause($join['conditions']);
                    $sql.= ' ';
        if ($command == 'UPDATE') {
            if (!empty($this->query['set'])) {
                $clauses = array();
                foreach ($this->query['set'] as $setKey => $setVal) {
                    $value = $setVal['value'];
                    $type = $setVal['type'];
                    if ($value !== null && in_array($type, array(\PDO::PARAM_INT, \PDO::PARAM_STR))) {
                        $value = $this->xpdo->quote($value, $type);
                    } elseif ($value === null) {
                        $value = 'NULL';
                    $clauses[] = $this->xpdo->escape($setKey) . ' = ' . $value;
                if (!empty($clauses)) {
                    $sql.= 'SET ' . implode(', ', $clauses) . ' ';
        if (!empty ($this->query['where'])) {
            if ($where= $this->buildConditionalClause($this->query['where'])) {
                $sql.= 'WHERE ' . $where . ' ';
        if ($command == 'SELECT' && !empty ($this->query['groupby'])) {
            $groupby= reset($this->query['groupby']);
            $sql.= 'GROUP BY ';
            $sql.= $groupby['column'];
            if ($groupby['direction']) $sql.= ' ' . $groupby['direction'];
            while ($groupby= next($this->query['groupby'])) {
                $sql.= ', ';
                $sql.= $groupby['column'];
                if ($groupby['direction']) $sql.= ' ' . $groupby['direction'];
            $sql.= ' ';
        if (!empty ($this->query['having'])) {
            $sql.= 'HAVING ';
            $sql.= $this->buildConditionalClause($this->query['having']);
            $sql.= ' ';
        if ($command == 'SELECT' && !empty($limit) && !empty($offset)) {
            if (!empty($orderBySql)) {
                $sql = "WITH OrderedSettings AS ($sql) SELECT * FROM OrderedSettings WHERE [xpdoRowNr] BETWEEN " . ($offset + 1) . " AND " . ($offset + $limit);
            } else {
                $this->xpdo->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "limit() in sqlsrv requires either an explicit sortby or a defined primary key; limit ignored");
        } else {
            $sql.= $orderBySql;
        $this->sql= $sql;
        return (!empty ($this->sql));