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Test Coverage
 * English language files for Revolution 2.0.0 setup
 * @package setup
$_lang['additional_css'] = '';
$_lang['addons'] = 'Add-ons';
$_lang['advanced_options'] = 'Alte opțiuni (pentru utilizatori avansați)';
$_lang['all'] = 'All';
$_lang['app_description'] = 'CMS and PHP Application Framework';
$_lang['app_motto'] = 'MODX Create and Do More with Less';
$_lang['back'] = 'Înapoi';
$_lang['base_template'] = 'BaseTemplate';
$_lang['cache_manager_err'] = 'MODX\'s Cache Manager could not be loaded.';
$_lang['choose_language'] = 'Alegeți limba';
$_lang['cleanup_errors_title'] = 'Notă importantă:';
$_lang['cli_install_failed'] = 'Installation Failed! Errors: [[+errors]]';
$_lang['cli_no_config_file'] = 'MODX could not find a configuration file (such as config.xml) for your CLI install. To run MODX Setup from the command line, you must provide a config xml file. See the official documentation for more information.';
$_lang['cli_tests_failed'] = 'Sistemul dvs. nu îndeplinește unele cerințe pentru instalare. Erori: [[+errors]]';
$_lang['close'] = 'închide';
$_lang['config_file_err_w'] = 'Error writing config file.';
$_lang['config_file_perms_notset'] = 'Config file permissions were not updated. You may want to change the permissions on your config file to secure the file from tampering.';
$_lang['config_file_perms_set'] = 'Drepturile de acces ale fișierului de configurare au fost modificate cu succes.';
$_lang['config_file_written'] = 'Fișierul de configurare a fost creat/modificat cu succes.';
$_lang['config_key'] = 'MODX Configuration Key';
$_lang['config_key_change'] = 'If you would like to change the MODX configuration key, <a id="cck-href" href="javascript:void(0);">please click here.</a>';
$_lang['config_key_override'] = 'If you wish to run setup on a configuration key other than the one currently specified in your setup/includes/config.core.php, please specify it below.';
$_lang['config_not_writable_err'] = 'You have attempted to change a setting in setup/includes/config.core.php, but the file is not writable. Make the file writable or edit the file manually before continuing.';
$_lang['connection_character_set'] = 'Set de caractere utilizat la conexiune:';
$_lang['connection_collation'] = 'Interclasare (collation) caracterelor:';
$_lang['connection_connection_and_login_information'] = 'Conexiunea la baza de date și autentificarea';
$_lang['connection_connection_note'] = 'Please enter the following information to connect to your MODX database. If there is no database yet, the installer will attempt to create it for you. (This may fail if your database configuration or the database user permissions do not allow it.)';
$_lang['connection_database_host'] = 'Numele serverului de baze de date:';
$_lang['connection_database_info'] = 'Now please enter the login data for your database.';
$_lang['connection_database_login'] = 'Numele utilizatorului bazei de date:';
$_lang['connection_database_name'] = 'Numele bazei de date:';
$_lang['connection_database_pass'] = 'Parola utilizatorului bazei de date:';
$_lang['connection_database_type'] = 'Tipul bazei de date:';
$_lang['connection_default_admin_email'] = 'E-mail:';
$_lang['connection_default_admin_login'] = 'Nume de utilizator:';
$_lang['connection_default_admin_note'] = 'Now you\'ll need to enter some details for the main administrator account. You can fill in your own name here, and a password you\'re not likely to forget. You\'ll need these to log into Admin once setup is complete.';
$_lang['connection_default_admin_password'] = 'Parola:';
$_lang['connection_default_admin_password_confirm'] = 'Confirmați parola:';
$_lang['connection_default_admin_user'] = 'Cont implicit de administrator';
$_lang['connection_table_prefix'] = 'Prefix pentru numele tabelelor:';
$_lang['connection_test_connection'] = 'Verifică conexiunea';
$_lang['connection_title'] = 'Informații privind conexiunea la baza de date';
$_lang['context_connector_options'] = '<strong>Connectors Options</strong> (AJAX connector services)';
$_lang['context_connector_path'] = 'Filesystem path for connectors';
$_lang['context_connector_url'] = 'URL for connectors';
$_lang['context_installation'] = 'Context Installation';
$_lang['context_manager_options'] = '<strong>Manager Context Options</strong> (back-end administration interface)';
$_lang['context_manager_path'] = 'Filesystem path for mgr context';
$_lang['context_manager_url'] = 'URL for mgr context';
$_lang['context_override'] = 'Leave these disabled to allow the system to auto-determine this information as shown.  By enabling a specific value, regardless if you manually set the value, you are indicating that you want the path to be set explicitly to that value in the configuration.';
$_lang['context_web_options'] = '<strong>Web Context Options</strong> (front-end web site)';
$_lang['context_web_path'] = 'Filesystem path for web context';
$_lang['context_web_url'] = 'URL for web context';
$_lang['continue'] = 'Continuă';
$_lang['dau_err_save'] = 'Error saving the default admin user.';
$_lang['dau_saved'] = 'A fost creat contul implicit de administrator.';
$_lang['db_check_db'] = 'Se verifică baza de date:';
$_lang['db_connecting'] = 'Connecting to database server:';
$_lang['db_connected'] = 'Database connection successful!';
$_lang['db_created'] = 'Successfully created the database.';
$_lang['db_err_connect'] = 'Could not connect to the database.';
$_lang['db_err_connect_upgrade'] = 'Could not connect to the existing database for upgrade.  Check the connection properties and try again.';
$_lang['db_err_connect_server'] = 'Conectarea automată la baza de date nu s-a putut realiza. Verificați datele privind conexiunea și mai încercați.';
$_lang['db_err_create'] = 'Error while attempting to create the database.';
$_lang['db_err_create_database'] = 'MODX could not create your database. Please manually create your database and then try again.';
$_lang['db_err_show_charsets'] = 'MODX could not get the available character sets from your MySQL server.';
$_lang['db_err_show_collations'] = 'MODX could not get the available collations from your MySQL server.';
$_lang['db_success'] = 'Success!';
$_lang['db_test_coll_msg'] = 'Creează sau verifică conexiunea la baza de date.';
$_lang['db_test_conn_msg'] = 'Verifică conexiunea la serverul de baze de date și vizualizați interclasarea(collation) caracterelor.';
$_lang['default_admin_user'] = 'Cont implicit de administrator';
$_lang['delete_setup_dir'] = 'Bifați pentru a ȘTERGE dosarul setup din sistemul de fișiere.';
$_lang['dir'] = 'ltr';
$_lang['email_err_ns'] = 'Email address is invalid';
$_lang['err_occ'] = 'Errors have occured!';
$_lang['err_update_table'] = 'Error updating table for class [[+class]]';
$_lang['errors_occurred'] = 'Errors were encountered during core installation.  Please review the installation results below, correct the problems and proceed as directed.';
$_lang['failed'] = 'Failed!';
$_lang['fatal_error'] = 'FATAL ERROR: MODX Setup cannot continue.';
$_lang['home'] = 'Acasă';
$_lang['congratulations'] = 'Congratulations!';
$_lang['img_banner'] = 'assets/images/img_banner.gif';
$_lang['img_box'] = 'assets/images/img_box.png';
$_lang['img_splash'] = 'assets/images/img_splash.gif';
$_lang['install'] = 'Install';
$_lang['install_packages'] = 'Install Packages';
$_lang['install_packages_desc'] = 'You can choose to install individual add-on packages.  Once you have installed all the optional packages you want, press Finish to complete the process.';
$_lang['install_packages_options'] = 'Package Installation Options';
$_lang['install_success'] = 'Instalarea nucleului a fost reușită. Dați clic pe Înainte pentru a finaliza instalarea.';
$_lang['install_summary'] = 'Raport scurt privind instalarea';
$_lang['install_update'] = 'Instalează/înnoiește';
$_lang['installation_finished'] = 'Instalarea s-a sfârșit și a durat [[+time]]';
$_lang['license'] = '<p class="title">You must agree to the License before continuing installation.</p>
    <p>Usage of this software is subject to the GPL license. To help you understand
    what the GPL licence is and how it affects your ability to use the software, we
    have provided the following summary:</p>
    <h4>The GNU General Public License is a Free Software license.</h4>
    <p>Like any Free Software license, it grants to you the four following freedoms:</p>
        <li>The freedom to run the program for any purpose. </li>
        <li>The freedom to study how the program works and adapt it to your needs. </li>
        <li>The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor. </li>
        <li>The freedom to improve the program and release your improvements to the
        public, so that the whole community benefits. </li>
    <p>You may exercise the freedoms specified here provided that you comply with
    the express conditions of this license. The principal conditions are:</p>
        <li>You must conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy distributed an
        appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty and keep intact all the
        notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and give
        any other recipients of the Program a copy of the GNU General Public License
        along with the Program. Any translation of the GNU General Public License must
        be accompanied by the GNU General Public License.</li>

        <li>If you modify your copy or copies of the program or any portion of it, or
        develop a program based upon it, you may distribute the resulting work provided
        you do so under the GNU General Public License. Any translation of the GNU
        General Public License must be accompanied by the GNU General Public License. </li>

        <li>If you copy or distribute the program, you must accompany it with the
        complete corresponding machine-readable source code or with a written offer,
        valid for at least three years, to furnish the complete corresponding
        machine-readable source code.</li>

        <li>Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the
        copyright holder.</li>

        <li>Your fair use and other rights are in no way affected by the above.</li>
    <p>The above is a summary of the GNU General Public License. By proceeding, you
    are agreeing to the GNU General Public Licence, not the above. The above is
    simply a summary of the GNU General Public Licence, and its accuracy is not
    guaranteed. It is strongly recommended you read the <a href="" onclick="; return false;" onkeypress="; return false;">GNU General Public
    License</a> in full before proceeding, which can also be found in the license
    file distributed with this package.</p>
$_lang['license_agree'] = 'I agree to the terms set out in this license.';
$_lang['license_agreement'] = 'License Agreement';
$_lang['license_agreement_error'] = 'You must agree to the License before continuing installation.';
$_lang['locked'] = 'MODX Setup is locked!';
$_lang['locked_message'] = '<p>You will need to remove the setup/.locked/ directory in order to proceed.</p>';
$_lang['login'] = 'Login';
$_lang['modx_class_err_nf'] = 'Could not include the MODX class file.';
$_lang['modx_configuration_file'] = 'MODX configuration file';
$_lang['modx_err_instantiate'] = 'Could not instantiate the MODX class.';
$_lang['modx_err_instantiate_mgr'] = 'Could not initialize the MODX manager context.';
$_lang['modx_footer1'] = '&copy; 2005-[[+current_year]] the <a href="" onclick="; return false;" onkeypress="; return false;">MODX</a> Content Management Framework (CMF) project. All rights reserved. MODX is licensed under the GNU GPL.';
$_lang['modx_footer2'] = 'MODX is free software.  We encourage you to be creative and make use of MODX in any way you see fit. Just make sure that if you do make changes and decide to redistribute your modified MODX, that you keep the source code free!';
$_lang['modx_install'] = 'MODX Installation';
$_lang['modx_install_complete'] = 'MODX Installation Complete';
$_lang['modx_object_err'] = 'The MODX object could not be loaded.';
$_lang['next'] = 'Înainte';
$_lang['none'] = 'None';
$_lang['ok'] = 'OK!';
$_lang['options_core_inplace'] = 'Files are already in-place<br /><small>(Recommended for installation on shared servers.)</small>';
$_lang['options_core_inplace_note'] = 'Check this if you are using MODX from Git or extracted it from the full MODX package to the server prior to installation.';
$_lang['options_core_unpacked'] = 'Core Package has been manually unpacked<br /><small>(Recommended for installation on shared servers.)</small>';
$_lang['options_core_unpacked_note'] = 'Check this if you have manually extracted the core package from the file core/packages/ This will reduce the time it takes for the installation process on systems that do not allow the PHP time_limit and Apache script execution time settings to be altered.';
$_lang['options_install_new_copy'] = 'Va fi instalată o nouă copie de ';
$_lang['options_install_new_note'] = 'Important: există pericolul de a pierde parțial sau integral informația din bază de date aleasă pentru instalare.';
$_lang['options_important_upgrade'] = 'Important Upgrade Note';
$_lang['options_important_upgrade_note'] = 'Make sure all Manager users <strong>log out before upgrading</strong> to prevent problems (e.g., not being able to access resources). If you have trouble after upgrading, log out of any Manager sessions, clear your browser cache, then log in again.';
$_lang['options_new_file_permissions'] = 'Drepturi de acces pentru noile fișiere';
$_lang['options_new_file_permissions_note'] = 'Puteți stabili ce drepturi de acces vor avea noile fișiere create de MODX, de exemplu, 0664 sau 0666.';
$_lang['options_new_folder_permissions'] = 'Drepturi de acces pentru noile dosare';
$_lang['options_new_folder_permissions_note'] = 'Puteți stabili drepturile de acces pentru noile dosare create de MODX, de exemplu, 0775 sau 0777.';
$_lang['options_new_installation'] = 'Instalare de la zero';
$_lang['options_nocompress'] = 'Disable CSS/JS compression';
$_lang['options_nocompress_note'] = 'Check this if the manager does not work with CSS/JS compression on.';
$_lang['options_send_poweredby_header'] = 'Send X-Powered-By Header';
$_lang['options_send_poweredby_header_note'] = 'When enabled, MODX will send the "X-Powered-By" header to identify this site as built on MODX. This helps tracking global MODX usage through third party trackers inspecting your site. Because this makes it easier to identify what your site is built with, it might pose a slightly increased security risk if a vulnerability is found in MODX.';
$_lang['options_title'] = 'Opțiuni de instalare';
$_lang['options_upgrade_advanced'] = 'Înnoirea unei instalări existente<br /><small>(pentru utilizatori avansați)</small>';
$_lang['options_upgrade_advanced_note'] = 'Această opțiune este recomandată administratorilor de baze de date sau în cazul migrării pe servere cu baze de date care folosesc alte seturi de caractere la conexiune. <strong>Trebuie să cunoașteți numele bazei de date, numele de utilizator, parola pentru accesul la baza de date și detalii privind interclasarea(collation) caracterelor folosite pentru conectare.</strong>';
$_lang['options_upgrade_existing'] = 'Înnoirea unei instalări existente';
$_lang['options_upgrade_existing_note'] = 'Vor fi înnoite fișierele și baza de date ale instalării existente.';
$_lang['package_execute_err_retrieve'] = 'The install failed because MODX could not unpack the [[+path]]packages/ package. Make sure that the [[+path]]packages/ file exists and is writable, and that you have made the [[+path]]packages/ directory writable.';
$_lang['package_err_install'] = 'Could not install package [[+package]].';
$_lang['package_err_nf'] = 'Could not retrieve package [[+package]] installation.';
$_lang['package_installed'] = 'Successfully installed package [[+package]].';
$_lang['password_err_invchars'] = 'Your password may not contain any invalid characters, such as /, \\, &apos;, &quot;, (, ) or {}.';
$_lang['password_err_nomatch'] = 'Does not match password';
$_lang['password_err_ns'] = 'Password is empty';
$_lang['password_err_short'] = 'Your password must be at least [[+length]] characters long.';
$_lang['please_select_login'] = 'Please select the "Login" button to access the management interface.';
$_lang['preinstall_failure'] = 'Problems were detected.  Please review the pre-installation test results below, correct the problems as directed, and then click Test again.';
$_lang['preinstall_success'] = 'Sistemul dvs. îndeplinește toate cerințele pentru instalare. Dați click pe Instalează pentru a demara instalarea propriu-zisă.';
$_lang['refresh'] = 'Actualizează';
$_lang['request_handler_err_nf'] = 'Could not load the request handler at [[+path]] Make sure you have uploaded all the necessary files.';
$_lang['restarted_msg'] = 'MODX had to restart the setup process as a security precaution because setup was idle for over 15 minutes. Please re-attempt running setup at this time.';
$_lang['retry'] = 'Retry';
$_lang['security_notice'] = 'Security Notice';
$_lang['select'] = 'Salvează alegerea';
$_lang['settings_handler_err_nf'] = 'MODX could not find the modInstallSettings class at: [[+path]]. Please ensure you have uploaded all the files.';
$_lang['setup_err_lock'] = 'An error occurred while trying lock setup. Could not create the .locked subdirectory inside the setup directory.';
$_lang['setup_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to remove the setup directory.';
$_lang['setup_err_assets'] = 'Your assets/ directory was not created at: [[+path]] <br />You will need to create this directory and make it writable if you want to use Package Management or 3rd-Party Components.';
$_lang['setup_err_assets_comp'] = 'Your assets/components/ directory was not created at: [[+path]] <br />You will need to create this directory and make it writable if you want to use Package Management or 3rd-Party Components.';
$_lang['setup_err_core_comp'] = 'Your core/components/ directory was not created at: [[+path]] <br />You will need to create this directory and make it writable if you want to use Package Management or 3rd-Party Components.';
$_lang['skip_to_bottom'] = 'derulează până la sfârșitul paginii';
$_lang['success'] = 'Succes!';
$_lang['table_created'] = 'Successfully created table for class [[+class]]';
$_lang['table_err_create'] = 'Error creating table for class [[+class]]';
$_lang['table_updated'] = 'Successfully upgraded table for class [[+class]]';
$_lang['test_class_nf'] = 'Could not find the Install Test class at: [[+path]]<br />Please make sure you\'ve uploaded all the necessary files.';
$_lang['test_version_class_nf'] = 'Could not find the Install Test Versioner class at: [[+path]]<br />Please make sure you\'ve uploaded all the necessary files.';
$_lang['thank_installing'] = 'Vă mulțumim că ați ales ';
$_lang['transport_class_err_load'] = 'Error loading transport class.';
$_lang['toggle'] = 'Toggle';
$_lang['toggle_success'] = 'Afișează/ascunde mesajele de succes';
$_lang['toggle_warnings'] = 'Afișează/ascunde avertismentele';
$_lang['username_err_invchars'] = 'Your username may not contain any invalid characters, such as /, \\, &apos;, &quot;, or {}.';
$_lang['username_err_ns'] = 'Username is invalid';
$_lang['version'] = 'versiunea';
$_lang['warning'] = 'Warning';
$_lang['welcome'] = 'Bine ați venit în aplicația de instalare a sistemului MODX.';
$_lang['welcome_message'] = '<p>Această aplicație este un ghid interactiv care vă va ajuta la instalarea și inițierea MODX-ului.</p>
<p>Dați clic pe `Înainte` pentru a demara procesul de instalare:</p>
$_lang['workspace_err_nf'] = 'Could not find the active workspace.';
$_lang['workspace_err_path'] = 'Error setting the active workspace path.';
$_lang['workspace_path_updated'] = 'Updated the active workspace path.';
$_lang['versioner_err_nf'] = 'Could not find the Install Versioner at: [[+path]]<br />Please make sure you\'ve uploaded all the necessary files.';
$_lang['xpdo_err_ins'] = 'Could not instantiate xPDO.';
$_lang['xpdo_err_nf'] = 'MODX could not find the xPDO class at: [[+path]]. Please make sure it was uploaded correctly.';

$_lang['preload_err_cache'] = 'Make sure your [[+path]]cache directory exists and is writable by the PHP process.';
$_lang['preload_err_core_path'] = 'Make sure you have specified a valid MODX_CORE_PATH in your setup/includes/config.core.php file; this must point to a working MODX core.';
$_lang['preload_err_mysql'] = 'MODX requires the mysql extension when using PHP without native PDO and it does not appear to be loaded.';
$_lang['preload_err_pdo'] = 'MODX requires the PDO extension when native PDO is being used and it does not appear to be loaded.';
$_lang['preload_err_pdo_mysql'] = 'MODX requires the pdo_mysql driver when native PDO is being used and it does not appear to be loaded.';

$_lang['test_config_file'] = 'Checking if <span class="mono">[[+file]]</span> exists and is writable: ';
$_lang['test_config_file_nw'] = 'For new Linux/Unix installs, please create a blank file named <span class="mono">[[+file]].inc.php</span> in your MODX core <span class="mono">config/</span> directory with permissions set to be writable by PHP.';
$_lang['test_db_check'] = 'Creating connection to the database: ';
$_lang['test_db_check_conn'] = 'Verificați datele legate de conexiune și încercați încă o dată.';
$_lang['test_db_failed'] = 'Database connection failed!';
$_lang['test_db_setup_create'] = 'Setup will attempt to create the database.';
$_lang['test_dependencies'] = 'Se verifică extensia PHP zlib: ';
$_lang['test_dependencies_fail_zlib'] = 'Your PHP installation does not have the "zlib" extension installed. This extension is necessary for MODX to run. Please enable it to continue.';
$_lang['test_directory_exists'] = 'Se verifică dacă dosarul <span class="mono">[[+dir]]</span> există: ';
$_lang['test_directory_writable'] = 'Se verifică în dosarul  <span class="mono">[[+dir]]</span> este permisă scrierea: ';
$_lang['test_memory_limit'] = 'Se verifică dacă limita de memorie este peste 24M: ';
$_lang['test_memory_limit_fail'] = 'MODX found your memory_limit setting to be below the recommended setting of 24M. MODX attempted to set the memory_limit to 24M, but was unsuccessful. Please set the memory_limit setting in your php.ini file to 24M or higher before proceeding.';
$_lang['test_php_version_fail'] = 'You are running on PHP [[+version]], and MODX Revolution requires PHP 4.3.0 or later';
$_lang['test_php_version_sn'] = 'While MODX will work on your PHP version ([[+version]]), usage of MODX on this version is not recommended. Your version of PHP is vulnerable to numerous security holes. Please upgrade to PHP version is 4.3.11 or higher, which patches these holes. It is recommended you upgrade to this version for the security of your own website.';
$_lang['test_php_version_start'] = 'Se verifică versiunea PHP:';
$_lang['test_sessions_start'] = 'Se verifică dacă sesiunile sunt configurate adecvat:';
$_lang['test_table_prefix'] = 'Se verifică prefixul (pentru numele tabelelor)  `[[+prefix]]`:';
$_lang['test_table_prefix_inuse'] = 'Table prefix is already in use in this database!';
$_lang['test_table_prefix_inuse_desc'] = 'Setup couldn\'t install into the selected database, as it already contains tables with the prefix you specified. Please choose a new table_prefix, and run Setup again.';
$_lang['test_table_prefix_nf'] = 'Table prefix does not exist in this database!';
$_lang['test_table_prefix_nf_desc'] = 'Setup couldn\'t install into the selected database, as it does not contain existing tables with the prefix you specified to be upgraded. Please choose an existing table_prefix, and run Setup again.';
$_lang['test_zip_memory_limit'] = 'Se verifică dacă limita de memorie este peste 24M: ';
$_lang['test_zip_memory_limit_fail'] = 'MODX found your memory_limit setting to be below the recommended setting of 24M. MODX attempted to set the memory_limit to 24M, but was unsuccessful. Please set the memory_limit setting in your php.ini file to 24M or higher before proceeding, so that the zip extensions can work properly.';