require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Moip\Auth\OAuth;
use Moip\Moip;
* Tip: Check how to create an Moip APP on https://dev.moip.com.br/reference#criar-um-app
* to generate an OAuth token.
$token = 'YOUR-OAUTH-TOKEN';
$moip = new Moip(new OAuth($token), Moip::ENDPOINT_SANDBOX);
try {
// Here we are creating a transparent account to a merchant
$account = $moip->accounts()
->setLastName('De Tal')
->setIdentityDocument('4737283560', 'SSP', '2015-06-23')
->setPhone(11, 66778899, 55)
->addAlternativePhone(11, 66448899, 55)
->addAddress('Rua de teste', 123, 'Bairro', 'Sao Paulo', 'SP', '01234567', 'Apt. 23', 'BRA')
->setCompanyName('Empresa Teste', 'Teste Empresa ME')
->setCompanyPhone(11, 66558899, 55)
->setCompanyAddress('Rua de teste 2', 123, 'Bairro Teste', 'Sao Paulo', 'SP', '01234567', 'Apt. 23', 'BRA')
->setCompanyMainActivity('82.91-1/00', 'Atividades de cobranças e informações cadastrais')
* When a transparent account is created, access token is returned from API
* and you should save in your database to make transactions in name of the merchant
$merchantAccessToken = $account->getAccessToken();
// Using OAuth token from merchant
$moipMerchant = new Moip(new OAuth($merchantAccessToken), Moip::ENDPOINT_SANDBOX);
// Creating an object customer to order
$customer = $moipMerchant->customers()->setOwnId(uniqid())
->setFullname('Fulano de Tal')
->setPhone(11, 66778899)
'Rua de teste', 123,
'Bairro', 'Sao Paulo', 'SP',
'01234567', 8)
'Rua de teste do SHIPPING', 123,
'Bairro do SHIPPING', 'Sao Paulo', 'SP',
'01234567', 8);
// Creating an order and splitting payment using 'addReceiver' method
$order = $moipMerchant->orders()->setOwnId(uniqid())
->addItem('bicicleta 1', 1, 'sku1', 10000)
->addItem('bicicleta 2', 1, 'sku2', 11000)
->addItem('bicicleta 3', 1, 'sku3', 12000)
->addItem('bicicleta 4', 1, 'sku4', 13000)
->addItem('bicicleta 5', 1, 'sku5', 14000)
->addItem('bicicleta 6', 1, 'sku6', 15000)
->addItem('bicicleta 7', 1, 'sku7', 16000)
->addItem('bicicleta 8', 1, 'sku8', 17000)
->addItem('bicicleta 9', 1, 'sku9', 18000)
->addItem('bicicleta 10', 1, 'sku10', 19000)
// Here we're setting a secondary account to receive 90% from order value
->addReceiver('MPA-ID', 'SECONDARY', null, 90, true)
// Creating payment to order
$payment = $order->payments()
->setCreditCard(12, 21, '4073020000000002', '123', $customer)
->setStatementDescriptor('teste de pag')
echo 'Order ID: '.$order->getId().'<br />';
echo 'Receivers: <br>';
foreach ($order->getReceiverIterator() as $receiver) {
echo $receiver->moipAccount->fullname.' - '.$receiver->moipAccount->id.'<br>';
echo 'Payment ID: '.$payment->getId().'<br />';
echo 'Created at: '.$payment->getCreatedAt()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s').'<br />';
echo 'Status: '.$payment->getStatus().'<br />';
echo 'Amount: '.$payment->getAmount()->total.'<br />';
echo 'Funding Instrument: '.$payment->getFundingInstrument()->method.'<br />';
echo 'Installment Count: '.$payment->getInstallmentCount().'<br />';
} catch (\Moip\Exceptions\UnautorizedException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
} catch (\Moip\Exceptions\ValidationException $e) {
} catch (\Moip\Exceptions\UnexpectedException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();