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Test Coverage
module Capybara
  module UI
    # A group of form fields.
    # @todo Explain how to use locators when defining fields, including what
    #   happens when locators are omitted.
    class FieldGroup < Widget
      root 'fieldset'

      def self.default_locator(type = nil, &block)
        alias_method :name_to_locator, type if type

        define_method :name_to_locator, &block if block

      # The names of all the fields that belong to this field group.
      # Field names are automatically added to this group as long as you use
      # the field definition macros.
      # @return [Set] the field names.
      # @see field
      def self.field_names
        @field_names ||=

      # @!group Field definition macros

      # Creates a new checkbox accessor.
      # Adds the following methods to the widget:
      # <name>:: Gets the current checkbox state, as a boolean. Returns +true+
      #          if the corresponding check box is checked, +false+ otherwise.
      # <name>=:: Sets the current checkbox state. Pass +true+ to check the
      #           checkbox, +false+ otherwise.
      # @example
      #   # Given the following HTML:
      #   #
      #   # <form>
      #   #   <p>
      #   #     <label for="checked-box">
      #   #     <input type="checkbox" value="1" id="checked-box" checked>
      #   #   </p>
      #   #   <p>
      #   #     <label for="unchecked-box">
      #   #     <input type="checkbox" value="1" id="unchecked-box">
      #   #   </p>
      #   # </form>
      #   class MyFieldGroup < Capybara::UI::FieldGroup
      #     root 'form'
      #     check_box :checked_box, 'checked-box'
      #     check_box :unchecked_box, 'unchecked-box'
      #   end
      #   form = widget(:my_field_group)
      #   form.checked_box          #=> true
      #   form.unchecked_box        #=> false
      #   form.unchecked_box = true
      #   form.unchecked_box        #=> true
      # @param name the name of the checkbox accessor.
      # @param locator the locator for the checkbox. If +nil+ the locator will
      #   be derived from +name+.
      # @todo Handle checkbox access when the field is disabled (raise an
      #   exception?)
      def self.check_box(name, locator = nil)
        field name, locator, CheckBox

      # Defines a new field.
      # @param name the name of the field accessor.
      # @param locator the field locator.
      # @param type the field class name.
      # @api private
      def self.field(name, locator, type)
        raise TypeError, "can't convert `#{name}' to Symbol" \
          unless name.respond_to?(:to_sym)

        field_names << name.to_sym

        label     = name.to_s.gsub(/_/, ' ').capitalize
        locator ||= label

        widget name, locator, type do
          define_method :label do

        define_method "#{name}=" do |val|
          widget(name).set val

        define_method name do

      # Creates a new select accessor.
      # Adds the following methods to the widget:
      # <name>:: Gets the text of the current selected option, or +nil+,
      #          if no option is selected.
      # <name>_value:: Gets the value of the current selected option, or
      #                +nil+, if no option is selected.
      # <name>=:: Selects an option on the current select. Pass the text or
      #           value of the option you want to select.
      # @example
      #   # Given the following HTML:
      #   #
      #   # <form>
      #   #   <p>
      #   #     <label for="selected">
      #   #     <select id="selected">
      #   #       <option value ="1s" selected>Selected option</option>
      #   #       <option value ="2s">Selected option two</option>
      #   #     </select>
      #   #   </p>
      #   #   <p>
      #   #     <label for="unselected">
      #   #     <select id="unselected">
      #   #       <option value="1u">Unselected option</option>
      #   #       <option value="2u">Unselected option two</option>
      #   #     </select>
      #   #   </p>
      #   # </form>
      #   class MyFieldGroup < Capybara::UI::FieldGroup
      #     root 'form'
      #     select :selected, 'selected'
      #     select :unselected, 'unselected'
      #   end
      #   form = widget(:my_field_group)
      #   form.selected                         #=> "Selected option"
      #   form.selected_value                   #=> "1s"
      #   # Select by text
      #   form.unselected                       #=> nil
      #   form.unselected = "Unselected option"
      #   form.unselected                       #=> "Unselected option"
      #   # Select by value
      #   form.unselected = "2u"
      #   form.unselected                       #=> "Unselected option two"
      #   form.unselected_value                 #=> "2u"
      # @param name the name of the select accessor.
      # @param locator the locator for the select. If +nil+ the locator will
      #   be derived from +name+.
      # @todo Handle select access when the field is disabled (raise an
      #   exception?)
      # @todo Raise an exception when an option doesn't exist.
      # @todo Allow passing the option value to set an option.
      # @todo Ensure an option with no text returns the empty string.
      # @todo What to do when +nil+ is passed to the writer?
      def, locator = nil)
        field name, locator, Select

        define_method "#{name}_value" do

      # Creates a new radio button group accessor.
      # Adds the following methods to the widget:
      # <name>:: Gets the text of the current checked button, or +nil+,
      #          if no button is checked.
      # <name>_value:: Gets the value of the current checked button, or +nil+,
      #                if no button is checked.
      # <name>=:: Checks a button in the current container. Pass the text of
      #           the label or the id or value of the button you want to choose.
      # @example
      #   # Given the following HTML:
      #   #
      #   # <form>
      #   #   <p class='checked'>
      #   #     <label for="checked">Checked button</label>
      #   #     <input type="radio" id="checked" name="c" value="checked_value" checked>
      #   #     <label for="checked_two">Checked button two</label>
      #   #     <input type="radio" id="checked_two" name="c" value="checked_two_value">
      #   #   </p>
      #   #   <p class='unchecked'>
      #   #     <label for="unchecked">Unchecked button</label>
      #   #     <input type="radio" id="unchecked" name="u" value="unchecked_value_one">
      #   #     <label for="unchecked_two">Unchecked button two</label>
      #   #     <input type="radio" id="unchecked_two" name="u" value="unchecked_value_two">
      #   #   </p>
      #   # </form>
      #   class MyFieldGroup < Capybara::UI::FieldGroup
      #     root 'form'
      #     radio_button :checked, '.checked'
      #     radio_button :unchecked, '.unchecked'
      #   end
      #   form = widget(:my_field_group)
      #   form.checked                            #=> "Checked button"
      #   form.unchecked                          #=> nil
      #   form.unchecked = "Unchecked button" # Choose by label text
      #   form.unchecked                          #=> "Unchecked button"
      #   form.unchecked_value                    #=> "unchecked_value_one"
      #   form.unchecked = "unchecked_two" # Choose by id
      #   form.unchecked                          #=> "Unchecked button two"
      #   form.unchecked_value                    #=> "unchecked_value_two"
      #   form.unchecked = "unchecked_value_one" # Choose by value
      #   form.unchecked                          #=> "Unchecked button"
      # @param name the name of the radio_button group accessor.
      # @param locator the locator for the radio_button group.
      def self.radio_button(name, locator = nil)
        field name, locator, RadioButton

        define_method "#{name}_value" do

      # Creates a new text field accessor.
      # Adds the following methods to the widget:
      # <name>:: Returns the current text field value, or +nil+ if no value
      #          has been set.
      # <name>=:: Sets the current text field value.
      # <name>? Returns +true+ if the current text field has content or
      #         +false+ otherwise
      # @example
      #   # Given the following HTML:
      #   #
      #   # <form>
      #   #   <p>
      #   #     <label for="text-field">
      #   #     <input type="text" value="Content" id="text-field">
      #   #   </p>
      #   #   <p>
      #   #     <label for="empty-field">
      #   #     <input type="text" id="empty-field">
      #   #   </p>
      #   # </form>
      #   class MyFieldGroup < Capybara::UI::FieldGroup
      #     root 'form'
      #     text_field :filled_field, 'text-field'
      #     text_field :empty_field, 'empty-field'
      #   end
      #   form = widget(:my_field_group)
      #   form.filled_field                #=> "Content"
      #   form.empty_field                 #=> nil
      #   form.filled_field?                #=> true
      #   form.empty_field?                 #=> false
      #   form.empty_field = "Not anymore"
      #   form.empty_field                 #=> "Not anymore"
      # @param name the name of the text field accessor.
      # @param locator the locator for the text field. If +nil+ the locator
      #   will be derived from +name+.
      # @todo Handle text field access when the field is disabled (raise an
      #   exception?)
      def self.text_field(name, locator = nil)
        define_method "#{name}?" do

        field name, locator, TextField

      # @!endgroup

      # @return This field group's field widgets.
      def fields { |name| widget(name) }

      # Sets the given form attributes.
      # @param attributes [Hash] the attributes and values we want to set.
      # @return the current widget.
      def set(attributes)
        attributes.each do |k, v|
          send "#{k}=", v


      # Converts the current field group into a table suitable for diff'ing
      # with Cucumber::MultilineArgument::DataTable.
      # Field labels are determined by the widget name.
      # Field values correspond to the return value of each field's +to_s+.
      # @return [Array<Array>] the table.
      def to_table
        headers = { |field| field.label.downcase }
        body    = { |field| field.to_s.downcase }

        [headers, body]