

0 mins
Test Coverage
package core

// Order represents a Moltin order:
type Order struct {
    ID              string               `json:"id,omitempty"`
    Type            string               `json:"type"`
    Status          string               `json:"status"`
    Payment         string               `json:"payment"`
    Shipping        string               `json:"shipping"`
    Customer        OrderCustomer        `json:"customer"`
    ShippingAddress OrderShippingAddress `json:"shipping_address"`
    BillingAddress  OrderBillingAddress  `json:"billing_address"`
    Links           *Links               `json:"links"`
    Meta            *OrderMeta           `json:"meta,omitempty"`
    Relationships   *Relationships       `json:"relationships,omitempty"`

// OrderMeta represents the meta object for a Moltin order
type OrderMeta struct {
    DisplayPrice DisplayPriceWrapper `json:"display_price"`
    Timestamps   Timestamps          `json:"timestamps,omitempty"`

// OrderCustomer represents a Moltin customer object for a Moltin order (can be ID or Name and Email)
type OrderCustomer struct {
    Name  string `json:"name"`
    Email string `json:"email"`

// OrderBillingAddress represents a Moltin billing address for a Moltin order
type OrderBillingAddress struct {
    FirstName   string `json:"first_name"`
    LastName    string `json:"last_name"`
    CompanyName string `json:"company_name"`
    Line1       string `json:"line_1"`
    Line2       string `json:"line_2"`
    City        string `json:"city"`
    PostCode    string `json:"postcode"`
    County      string `json:"county"`
    Country     string `json:"country"`

// OrderShippingAddress represents a Moltin shipping address for a Moltin order
type OrderShippingAddress struct {
    FirstName    string `json:"first_name"`
    LastName     string `json:"last_name"`
    PhoneNumber  string `json:"phone_number"`
    CompanyName  string `json:"company_name"`
    Line1        string `json:"line_1"`
    Line2        string `json:"line_2"`
    City         string `json:"city"`
    PostCode     string `json:"postcode"`
    County       string `json:"county"`
    Country      string `json:"country"`
    Instructions string `json:"instructions"`