"""Module providing adapter class making edge prediction possible in sklearn models."""
from sklearn.base import ClassifierMixin
from typing import Type, Union, List
from embiggen.utils.sklearn_utils import must_be_an_sklearn_classifier_model
from embiggen.edge_prediction.sklearn_like_edge_prediction_adapter import (
from embiggen.utils.abstract_models import abstract_class
class SklearnEdgePredictionAdapter(SklearnLikeEdgePredictionAdapter):
"""Class wrapping Sklearn models for running ."""
def __init__(
model_instance: Type[ClassifierMixin],
edge_embedding_methods: Union[List[str], str] = "Concatenate",
training_unbalance_rate: float = 1.0,
use_scale_free_distribution: bool = True,
use_edge_metrics: bool = False,
prediction_batch_size: int = 2**15,
random_state: int = 42,
"""Create the adapter for Sklearn object.
model_instance: Type[ClassifierMixin]
The class instance to be adapted into edge prediction.
edge_embedding_method: Union[List[str], str] = "Concatenate",
The method(s) to use to compute the edges.
If multiple edge embedding are provided, they
will be Concatenated and fed to the model.
The supported edge embedding methods are:
* Hadamard: element-wise product
* Sum: element-wise sum
* Average: element-wise mean
* L1: element-wise subtraction
* AbsoluteL1: element-wise subtraction in absolute value
* SquaredL2: element-wise subtraction in squared value
* L2: element-wise squared root of squared subtraction
* Concatenate: Concatenate of source and destination node features
* Min: element-wise minimum
* Max: element-wise maximum
* L2Distance: vector-wise L2 distance - this yields a scalar
* CosineSimilarity: vector-wise cosine similarity - this yields a scalar
training_unbalance_rate: float = 1.0
Unbalance rate for the training non-existing edges.
use_scale_free_distribution: bool = True
Whether to sample the negative edges for the TRAINING of the model
using a zipfian-like distribution that follows the degree distribution
of the graph. This is generally useful, as these negative edges are less
trivial to predict then edges sampled uniformely.
We stringly advise AGAINST using uniform sampling.
use_edge_metrics: bool = False
Whether to use the edge metrics from traditional edge prediction.
These metrics currently include:
- Adamic Adar
- Jaccard Coefficient
- Resource allocation index
- Preferential attachment
prediction_batch_size: int = 2**15
Batch size to use for the predictions.
Since usually rendering a whole dense graph edge embedding is not
feaseable in main memory, we chunk it into more digestable smaller
batches of edges.
random_state: int
The random state to use to reproduce the training.
If the provided model_instance is not a subclass of `ClassifierMixin`.
# We want to mask the decorator class name
self.__class__.__name__ = model_instance.__class__.__name__
self.__class__.__doc__ = model_instance.__class__.__doc__
def library_name(cls) -> str:
"""Return name of the model."""
return "scikit-learn"