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3 hrs
Test Coverage
// NOTE(jeresig): This is a modified version of the Express flow types
// from flow-typed, modified to include the custom properties on the
// request object. Theoretically it should be possible to extend this
// according to this diff, but I can't figure it out:

import type {Server} from "http";
import type {Socket} from "net";

declare type express$RouterOptions = {
    caseSensitive?: boolean,
    mergeParams?: boolean,
    strict?: boolean,

declare class express$RequestResponseBase {
    app: express$Application;
    get(field: string): string | void;

declare type express$RequestParams = {
    [param: string]: string,

declare class express$Request extends http$IncomingMessage
    mixins express$RequestResponseBase {
    baseUrl: string;
    body: mixed;
    cookies: {[cookie: string]: string};
    connection: Socket;
    fresh: boolean;
    hostname: string;
    ip: string;
    ips: Array<string>;
    method: string;
    originalUrl: string;
    params: express$RequestParams;
    path: string;
    protocol: "https" | "http";
    query: {[name: string]: string | Array<string>};
    route: string;
    secure: boolean;
    signedCookies: {[signedCookie: string]: string};
    stale: boolean;
    subdomains: Array<string>;
    xhr: boolean;
    accepts(types: string): string | false;
    accepts(types: Array<string>): string | false;
    acceptsCharsets(...charsets: Array<string>): string | false;
    acceptsEncodings(...encoding: Array<string>): string | false;
    acceptsLanguages(...lang: Array<string>): string | false;
    header(field: string): string | void;
    is(type: string): boolean;
    param(name: string, defaultValue?: string): string | void;

    // Custom properties
    lang: string;
    i18n: {
        lang: string,
        gettext: (message: string) => string,
        format: (msg: string, fields: {}) => string,
    user?: {
        email: string,
        sourceAdmin: Array<string>,
        siteAdmin: boolean,
        getEditableSourcesByType: () => {
            [type: string]: Array<string>,

declare type express$CookieOptions = {
    domain?: string,
    encode?: (value: string) => string,
    expires?: Date,
    httpOnly?: boolean,
    maxAge?: number,
    path?: string,
    secure?: boolean,
    signed?: boolean,

declare type express$Path = string | RegExp;

declare type express$RenderCallback = (
    err: Error | null,
    html?: string,
) => mixed;

declare type express$SendFileOptions = {
    maxAge?: number,
    root?: string,
    lastModified?: boolean,
    headers?: {[name: string]: string},
    dotfiles?: "allow" | "deny" | "ignore",

declare class express$Response extends http$ServerResponse
    mixins express$RequestResponseBase {
    headersSent: boolean;
    locals: {[name: string]: mixed};
    append(field: string, value?: string): this;
    attachment(filename?: string): this;
    cookie(name: string, value: string, options?: express$CookieOptions): this;
    clearCookie(name: string, options?: express$CookieOptions): this;
        path: string,
        filename?: string,
        callback?: (err?: ?Error) => void,
    ): this;
    format(typesObject: {[type: string]: Function}): this;
    json(body?: mixed): this;
    jsonp(body?: mixed): this;
    links(links: {[name: string]: string}): this;
    location(path: string): this;
    redirect(url: string, ...args: Array<void>): this;
    redirect(status: number, url: string, ...args: Array<void>): this;
        view: string,
        locals?: {[name: string]: mixed},
        callback?: express$RenderCallback,
    ): this;
    send(body?: mixed): this;
        path: string,
        options?: express$SendFileOptions,
        callback?: (err?: ?Error) => mixed,
    ): this;
    sendStatus(statusCode: number): this;
    header(field: string, value?: string): this;
    header(headers: {[name: string]: string}): this;
    set(field: string, value?: string | string[]): this;
    set(headers: {[name: string]: string}): this;
    status(statusCode: number): this;
    type(type: string): this;
    vary(field: string): this;
    req: express$Request;

declare type express$NextFunction = (err?: ?Error | "route") => mixed;
declare type express$Middleware =
    | ((
          req: $Subtype<express$Request>,
          res: express$Response,
          next: express$NextFunction,
      ) => mixed)
    | ((
          error: Error,
          req: $Subtype<express$Request>,
          res: express$Response,
          next: express$NextFunction,
      ) => mixed);
declare interface express$RouteMethodType<T> {
    (middleware: express$Middleware): T;
    (...middleware: Array<express$Middleware>): T;
        path: express$Path | express$Path[],
        ...middleware: Array<express$Middleware>
    ): T;
declare class express$Route {
    all: express$RouteMethodType<this>;
    get: express$RouteMethodType<this>;
    post: express$RouteMethodType<this>;
    put: express$RouteMethodType<this>;
    head: express$RouteMethodType<this>;
    delete: express$RouteMethodType<this>;
    options: express$RouteMethodType<this>;
    trace: express$RouteMethodType<this>;
    copy: express$RouteMethodType<this>;
    lock: express$RouteMethodType<this>;
    mkcol: express$RouteMethodType<this>;
    move: express$RouteMethodType<this>;
    purge: express$RouteMethodType<this>;
    propfind: express$RouteMethodType<this>;
    proppatch: express$RouteMethodType<this>;
    unlock: express$RouteMethodType<this>;
    report: express$RouteMethodType<this>;
    mkactivity: express$RouteMethodType<this>;
    checkout: express$RouteMethodType<this>;
    merge: express$RouteMethodType<this>;

    // @TODO Missing 'm-search' but get flow illegal name error.

    notify: express$RouteMethodType<this>;
    subscribe: express$RouteMethodType<this>;
    unsubscribe: express$RouteMethodType<this>;
    patch: express$RouteMethodType<this>;
    search: express$RouteMethodType<this>;
    connect: express$RouteMethodType<this>;

declare class express$Router extends express$Route {
    constructor(options?: express$RouterOptions): void;
    route(path: string): express$Route;
    static (options?: express$RouterOptions): express$Router;
    use(middleware: express$Middleware): this;
    use(...middleware: Array<express$Middleware>): this;
        path: express$Path | express$Path[],
        ...middleware: Array<express$Middleware>
    ): this;
    use(path: string, router: express$Router): this;
        req: http$IncomingMessage,
        res: http$ServerResponse,
        next: express$NextFunction,
    ): void;
        param: string,
        callback: (
            req: $Subtype<express$Request>,
            res: express$Response,
            next: express$NextFunction,
            id: string,
        ) => mixed,
    ): void;
        req: http$IncomingMessage,
        res: http$ServerResponse,
        next?: ?express$NextFunction,
    ): void;

With flow-bin ^0.59, express app.listen() is deemed to return any and fails flow type coverage.
Which is ironic because (release notes for 0.59)
says "Improves typings for Node.js HTTP server listen() function."  See that?  IMPROVES!
To work around this issue, we changed Server to ?Server here, so that our invocations of express.listen() will
not be deemed to lack type coverage.

declare class express$Application extends express$Router
    mixins events$EventEmitter {
    constructor(): void;
    locals: {[name: string]: mixed};
    mountpath: string;
        port: number,
        hostname?: string,
        backlog?: number,
        callback?: (err?: ?Error) => mixed,
    ): ?Server;
        port: number,
        hostname?: string,
        callback?: (err?: ?Error) => mixed,
    ): ?Server;
    listen(port: number, callback?: (err?: ?Error) => mixed): ?Server;
    listen(path: string, callback?: (err?: ?Error) => mixed): ?Server;
    listen(handle: Object, callback?: (err?: ?Error) => mixed): ?Server;
    disable(name: string): void;
    disabled(name: string): boolean;
    enable(name: string): express$Application;
    enabled(name: string): boolean;
    engine(name: string, callback: Function): void;
     * Mixed will not be taken as a value option. Issue around using the GET http method name and the get for settings.
    //   get(name: string): mixed;
    set(name: string, value: mixed): mixed;
        name: string,
        optionsOrFunction: {[name: string]: mixed},
        callback: express$RenderCallback,
    ): void;
        req: http$IncomingMessage,
        res: http$ServerResponse,
        next?: ?express$NextFunction,
    ): void;
    // callable signature is not inherited
        req: http$IncomingMessage,
        res: http$ServerResponse,
        next?: ?express$NextFunction,
    ): void;

declare type JsonOptions = {
    inflate?: boolean,
    limit?: string | number,
    reviver?: (key: string, value: mixed) => mixed,
    strict?: boolean,
    type?: string | Array<string> | ((req: express$Request) => boolean),
    verify?: (
        req: express$Request,
        res: express$Response,
        buf: Buffer,
        encoding: string,
    ) => mixed,

declare type express$UrlEncodedOptions = {
    extended?: boolean,
    inflate?: boolean,
    limit?: string | number,
    parameterLimit?: number,
    type?: string | Array<string> | ((req: express$Request) => boolean),
    verify?: (
        req: express$Request,
        res: express$Response,
        buf: Buffer,
        encoding: string,
    ) => mixed,

declare module "express" {
    declare export type RouterOptions = express$RouterOptions;
    declare export type CookieOptions = express$CookieOptions;
    declare export type Middleware = express$Middleware;
    declare export type NextFunction = express$NextFunction;
    declare export type RequestParams = express$RequestParams;
    declare export type $Response = express$Response;
    declare export type $Request = express$Request;
    declare export type $Application = express$Application;

    declare module.exports: {
        (): express$Application, // If you try to call like a function, it will use this signature
        json: (opts: ?JsonOptions) => express$Middleware,
        static: (root: string, options?: Object) => express$Middleware, // `static` property on the function
        Router: typeof express$Router, // `Router` property on the function
        urlencoded: (opts: ?express$UrlEncodedOptions) => express$Middleware,