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.. _ruby-external-resources:

Additional Resources

.. default-domain:: mongodb

.. contents:: On this page
   :backlinks: none
   :depth: 1
   :class: twocols

There are a number of good resources appearing all over the web for
learning about MongoDB and Ruby. A useful selection is listed below. If
you know of others, do let us know.


- `Introduction to MongoDB - Part I

  An introduction to MongoDB via the MongoDB shell.

- `Introduction to MongoDB - Part II

  In this screencast, Joon You teaches how to use the Ruby driver to
  build a simple Sinatra app.

- `Introduction to MongoDB - Part III

  For the final screencast in the series, Joon You introduces
  MongoMapper and Rails.

- `RailsCasts: MongoDB & MongoMapper

  Ryan Bates' RailsCast introducing MongoDB and MongoMapper.

- `RailsCasts: Mongoid <>`_

  Ryan Bates' RailsCast introducing Mongoid.


- `Introduction to MongoDB (Video) <>`_

  Mike Dirolf's introduction to MongoDB at Pivotal Labs, SF.

- `MongoDB: A Ruby Document Store that doesn't rhyme with 'Ouch'

  Wynn Netherland's introduction to MongoDB with some comparisons to

- `MongoDB (is) for Rubyists (Slides)

  Kyle Banker's presentation on why MongoDB is for Rubyists (and all
  human-oriented programmers).


- `Why I Think Mongo is to Databases What Rails was to Frameworks

- `What if a key-value store mated with a relational database system?

- `Mongo Tips <>`_

  John Nunemaker's articles on MongoDB and his Mongo Tips blog.

- A series of articles on aggregation with MongoDB and Ruby:

  1. `Part I: Introduction of Aggregation in MongoDB

  #. `Part II: MongoDB Grouping Elaborated

  #. `Part III: Introduction to Map-Reduce in MongoDB

- `Does the MongoDB Driver Support Feature X?

  An explanation of how the MongoDB drivers usually automatically
  support new database features.


- `Capistrano Mongo Sync <>`_

  Sync your local development db with your remote production db using capistrano.

- `Simple Pub/Sub <>`_

  A very simple pub/sub system.

- `Mongo Queue <>`_

  An extensible thread safe job/message queueing system that uses
  MongoDB as the persistent storage engine.

- `Resque-mongo <>`_

  A port of the Github's Resque to MongoDB.

- `Mongo Admin <>`_

  A Rails plugin for browsing and managing MongoDB data. See the `live
  demo <>`_.

- `Sinatra Resource <>`_

  Resource Oriented Architecture (REST) for Sinatra and MongoMapper.

- `NewsMonger <>`_

  A simple social news application demonstrating MongoMapper and Rails.

- `Data Catalog API <>`_

  From `Sunlight Labs <>`_, a non-trivial
  application using MongoMapper and Sinatra.

- `Watchtower <>`_

  An example application using Mustache, MongoDB, and Sinatra.

- `Shapado <>`_

  A question and answer site similar to Stack Overflow. Live version at
  ` <>`_.

.. Does not seem to exist
.. - `Shorty <>`_
.. A URL-shortener written with Sinatra and the MongoDB Ruby driver.


- `ActiveExpando <>`_

  An extension to ActiveRecord to allow the storage of arbitrary
  attributes in MongoDB.

- `ActsAsTree (MongoMapper)

  ActsAsTree implementation for MongoMapper.

- `Machinist adapter (MongoMapper)

  Machinist adapter using MongoMapper.

- `Mongo-Delegate <>`_

  A delegation library for experimenting with production data without
  altering it. A quite useful pattern.

- `Remarkable Matchers (MongoMapper)

  Testing / Matchers library using MongoMapper.

- `OpenIdAuthentication, supporting MongoDB as the datastore

  Brandon Keepers' fork of OpenIdAuthentication supporting MongoDB.

- `MongoTree (MongoRecord)

  MongoTree adds parent / child relationships to MongoRecord.

- `Merb_MongoMapper

  A plugin for the Merb framework for supporting MongoMapper models.

- `Mongolytics (MongoMapper)

  A web analytics tool.

- `Rack-GridFS <>`_

  A Rack middleware component that creates HTTP endpoints for files
  stored in GridFS.