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Test Coverage
## Changelog

### 2.1.1 (Next)

* Your contribution here.

### 2.1.0 (2024-05-07)

* [#101]( Replace the $where operator with the $expr operator - [@amanfrinati](
* [#102]( Re-added danger, removed Travis-CI config, extracted RuboCop - [@dblock](
* [#104]( Fixed code coverage - [@dblock](
* [#105]( Added support for Mongoid 9.0 - [@saisrinivasan](

### 2.0.2 (2023-01-24)

* [#92]( Removed TTL and updated unique index definitions - [@cesarizu](
* [#96]( `new Date()` replaced by `` - [@rsosag](
* [#96]( Update the use of the `change` method in tests - [@rsosag](
* [#97]( Added support for mongoid 8.0.x versions - [@randikabanura](

### 2.0.1 (2020-06-17)

* [#86]( Upgraded to RuboCop 0.81.0 - [@dks17](
* [#86]( Fixed issue with `ruby` `delegate` method - [@dks17](
* [#86]( Updated Ruby and JRUby versions for Travis config - [@dks17](
* [#88]( Added RSpec test examples - [@dks17](

### 2.0.0 (2019-10-23)

* [#79]( Updated find_and_lock and find_and_unlock methods - [@dks17](
* [#78]( Upgraded to v2.0 - [@dks17](
* [#83]( Upgraded to RuboCop 0.75.1 - [@dblock](

### 1.0.1 (2019-03-23)

* [#74]( Added JRuby tests - [@dks17](
* [#68]( Fix Rubocop offenses, refactoring, update `ruby` versions, add `COVERAGE` test env, update `.travis.yml` matrix - [@dks17](
* [#67]( Deprecated `:wait` in favor of `:retries` option, which can attempt to grab a lock multiple times - [@afeld](, [@dks17](
* [#66]( Fix Mongoid::Locker::LockError for not persisted document - [@dks17](
* [#65]( Dropped `mongoid-compatibility` gem dependency - [@dks17](
* [#64]( Exclude demo files from the gem - [@dks17](
* [#60]( Dropped support for `mongoid` version `2` and `3` - [@dks17](
* [#60]( Added SimpleCov - [@dks17](

### 1.0.0 (2018-09-02)

* [#57]( `` replaced by `` - [@dks17](
* [#55]( Customizable :locked_at and :locked_until fields - [@dks17](

### 0.3.6 (2018-04-18)

* [#52]( Added support for Mongoid 7 - [@wuhuizuo](

### 0.3.5 (2017-01-24)

* [#43]( Added support for Mongoid 6 - [@sivagollapalli](
* [#38]( Fixed unlock already destroyed object - [@sivagollapalli](
* Removed Jeweler - [@afeld](
* [#46]( Allow unlock when process no longer owns the lock or the lock times out - [@nchainani](
* Library moved to the mongoid organization - [@afeld](, [@dblock](
* [#48]( Added Danger, PR linter - [@dblock](

### 0.3.4

* [#37]( Fixed write concern for the lock record with Mongoid 5 - [@dblock](
* Don't query the document in Mongoid 5, better performance when acquiring lock - [@afeld](

### 0.3.3

* [#36]( Added support for Mongoid 5 - [@dblock](

### 0.3.2

* [#34]( Loosened Mongoid dependency - [@afeld](

### 0.3.1

* [#32]( Fixed race condition, `undefined method '-' for nil:NilClass` - [@pschrammel](

### 0.3.0

* [#8]( Changed exception class to be `Mongoid::Locker::LockError` - [@afeld](, [@tolsen](
* Dropped support for Rubinius 1.8-mode, since it seems to be broken w/ Mongoid 2.6 - [@afeld](
* [#8]( Relaxed dependency on Mongoid - [@afeld](
* [#24]( Added Mongoid 4 support - [@dblock](
* [#24]( Dropped support for Ruby 1.8.x - [@dblock](
* Got rid of appraisal for testing multiple Mongoid versions - [@afeld](
* [#25]( Added Rubocop, Ruby style linter - [@dblock](
* [#25]( Fixed `:has_lock?` to always return a boolean - [@dblock](
* [#25]( Upgraded RSpec to 3.x - [@dblock](
* [#9]( Added `:retries` option to attempt to grab a lock multiple times - [@afeld](, [@mooremo](
* Added `:retry_sleep` to override duration between lock attempts - [@afeld](
* Reload document after acquiring a lock by default, which can be disabled with `:reload => false` - [@afeld](

### 0.2.1

* Fix for `update()` on Mongoid 3 - [@afeld](
* [#1]( Automatically reload model after waiting - [@afeld](

### 0.2.0

* [#7]( Handle recursive calls to `#with_lock` - [@afeld](
* Lock optimizations, particularly for large documents - [@afeld](
* [#5]( Added Mongoid 3 support - [@afeld](

### 0.1.1

* [#5]( Fix for subclasses - [@afeld](

### 0.1.0

* Initial public release - [@afeld](