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## Upgrading Mongoid-Locker

## Upgrading to 2.0.0

Mongoid-Locker supports only `5`, `6` and `7` versions of Mongoid.
Since this version `Mongoid::Locker` uses unique name of locking and time is set by MongoDB. `Mongoid::Locker` no longer uses `locked_until` field and this field may be deleted with `User.all.unset(:locked_until)`. You must define new `locking_name` field of `String` type.

class User
  include Mongoid::Document
  include Mongoid::Locker

  field :locking_name, type: String
  field :locked_at, type: Time

The options `:timeout` and `retry_sleep` of `#with_lock` method was deprecated and have no effect. For details see [](
If you handle `Mongoid::Locker::LockError` error then this error should be renamed to `Mongoid::Locker::Errors::DocumentCouldNotGetLock`.

### Upgrading to 1.0.0

`Mongoid::Locker` no longer defines `locked_at` and `locked_until` fields when included. You must define these fields manually.

class User
  include Mongoid::Document
  include Mongoid::Locker

  field :locked_at, type: Time
  field :locked_until, type: Time

You can customize the fields used with a `locker` class method or via a global `configure`. See [Customizable :locked_at and :locked_until field names]( for more information.

See [#55]( for more information.