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Test Coverage
- [Mongoid::Scroll](#mongoidscroll)
  - [Compatibility](#compatibility)
  - [Demo](#demo)
  - [The Problem](#the-problem)
  - [Installation](#installation)
  - [Usage](#usage)
    - [Mongoid](#mongoid)
    - [Mongo-Ruby-Driver (Mongoid 5)](#mongo-ruby-driver-mongoid-5)
  - [Indexes and Performance](#indexes-and-performance)
  - [Cursors](#cursors)
    - [Standard Cursor](#standard-cursor)
    - [Base64 Encoded Cursor](#base64-encoded-cursor)
  - [Contributing](#contributing)
  - [Copyright and License](#copyright-and-license)

# Mongoid::Scroll

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Mongoid extension that enables infinite scrolling for `Mongoid::Criteria` and `Mongo::Collection::View`.

## Compatibility

This gem supports Mongoid 5, 6, 7 and 8.

## Demo

Check out [shows on]( Keep scrolling down.

There're also two code samples for Mongoid in [examples](examples). Run `bundle exec ruby examples/mongoid_scroll_feed.rb`.

## The Problem

Traditional pagination does not work when data changes between paginated requests, which makes it unsuitable for infinite scroll behaviors.

* If a record is inserted before the current page limit, items will shift right, and the next page will include a duplicate.
* If a record is removed before the current page limit, items will shift left, and the next page will be missing a record.

The solution implemented by the `scroll` extension paginates data using a cursor, giving you the ability to restart pagination where you left it off. This is a non-trivial problem when combined with sorting over non-unique record fields, such as timestamps.

## Installation

Add the gem to your Gemfile and run `bundle install`.

gem 'mongoid-scroll'

## Usage

### Mongoid

A sample model.

module Feed
  class Item
    include Mongoid::Document
    field :title, type: String
    field :position, type: Integer
    index({ position: 1, _id: 1 })

Scroll by `:position` and save a cursor to the last item.

saved_cursor = nil
Feed::Item.desc(:position).limit(5).scroll do |record, next_cursor|
  # each record, one-by-one
  saved_cursor = next_cursor

Resume iterating using the previously saved cursor.

Feed::Item.desc(:position).limit(5).scroll(saved_cursor) do |record, next_cursor|
  # each record, one-by-one
  saved_cursor = next_cursor

The iteration finishes when no more records are available. You can also finish iterating over the remaining records by omitting the query limit.

Feed::Item.desc(:position).scroll(saved_cursor) do |record, next_cursor|
  # each record, one-by-one

### Mongo-Ruby-Driver (Mongoid 5)

Scroll a `Mongo::Collection::View` and save a cursor to the last item. You must also supply a `field_type` of the sort criteria.

saved_cursor = nil
client[:feed_items].find.sort(position: -1).limit(5).scroll(nil, { field_type: DateTime }) do |record, next_cursor|
  # each record, one-by-one
  saved_cursor = next_cursor

Resume iterating using the previously saved cursor.

session[:feed_items].find.sort(position: -1).limit(5).scroll(saved_cursor, { field_type: DateTime }) do |record, next_cursor|
  # each record, one-by-one
  saved_cursor = next_cursor

## Indexes and Performance

A query without a cursor is identical to a query without a scroll.

``` ruby
# db.feed_items.find().sort({ position: 1 }).limit(7)

Subsequent queries use an `$or` to avoid skipping items with the same value as the one at the current cursor position.

``` ruby
# db.feed_items.find({ "$or" : [
#   { "position" : { "$gt" : 13 }},
#   { "position" : 13, "_id": { "$gt" : ObjectId("511d7c7c3b5552c92400000e") }}
# ]}).sort({ position: 1 }).limit(7)

This means you need to hit an index on `position` and `_id`.

``` ruby
# db.feed_items.ensureIndex({ position: 1, _id: 1 })

module Feed
  class Item
    index({ position: 1, _id: 1 })

## Cursors

You can use `Mongoid::Scroll::Cursor.from_record` to generate a cursor. A cursor points at the last record of the previous iteration and unlike MongoDB cursors will not expire.

record = Feed::Item.desc(:position).limit(3).last
cursor = Mongoid::Scroll::Cursor.from_record(record, { field: Feed::Item.fields["position"] })
# cursor or cursor.to_s can be returned to a client and passed into .scroll(cursor)

You can also a `field_name` and `field_type` instead of a Mongoid field.

cursor = Mongoid::Scroll::Cursor.from_record(record, { field_type: DateTime, field_name: "position" })

When the `include_current` option is set to `true`, the cursor will include the record it points to:

record = Feed::Item.desc(:position).limit(3).last
cursor = Mongoid::Scroll::Cursor.from_record(record, { field: Feed::Item.fields["position"], include_current: true })
Feed::Item.asc(:position).limit(1).scroll(cursor).first # record

If the `field_name`, `field_type` or `direction` options you specify when creating the cursor are different from the original criteria, a `Mongoid::Scroll::Errors::MismatchedSortFieldsError` will be raised.

cursor = Mongoid::Scroll::Cursor.from_record(record, { field_type: DateTime, field_name: "position" })
Feed::Item.desc(:created_at).scroll(cursor) # Raises a Mongoid::Scroll::Errors::MismatchedSortFieldsError

### Standard Cursor

The `Mongoid::Scroll::Cursor` encodes a value and a tiebreak ID separated by `:`, and does not include other options, such as scroll direction. Take extra care not to pass a cursor into a scroll with different options. 

### Base64 Encoded Cursor

The `Mongoid::Scroll::Base64EncodedCursor` can be used instead of `Mongoid::Scroll::Cursor` to generate a base64-encoded string (using RFC 4648) containing all the information needed to rebuild a cursor.

Feed::Item.desc(:position).limit(5).scroll(Mongoid::Scroll::Base64EncodedCursor) do |record, next_cursor|
   # next_cursor is of type Mongoid::Scroll::Base64EncodedCursor

## Contributing

Fork the project. Make your feature addition or bug fix with tests. Send a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.

## Copyright and License

MIT License, see [LICENSE]( for details.

(c) 2013-2023 [Daniel Doubrovkine](, based on code by [Frank Macreery](, [Artsy Inc.](