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# Overview

## 2.1.0

### New Features

* Aliased `order` to `order_by` for compatibility with AR query methods.

* Added `reorder` to queryables to have a way to completely overwrite existing
  ordering instead of always having to merge. This takes the same syntax
  as `order`.

## 2.0.0

### Major Changes (Backwards Incompatible)

* Origin 2 now only supports MongoDB 2.4.0 and higher.

* \#60 Array evolution no longer modifies in place.

* Legacy geo selection has been removed, use geo_spacial now.

* \#48 `not` negation no longer ignores parameters without expressions
  which follow them, but not negates them with `$ne` instead.


        selection = query.not.where(field: 1)
        selection.selector # { "field" =>  1 }


        selection = query.not.where(field: 1)
        selection.selector # { "field" => { "$ne" =>  1 }}

### New Features

* \#82 Added support for $geoIntersects and $geoWithin queries via the
  geo_spacial method. Examples:

      query.geo_spacial(:location.intersects_line => [[ 1, 10 ], [ 2, 10 ]])
      query.geo_spacial(:location.intersects_point => [[ 1, 10 ]])
      query.geo_spacial(:location.intersects_polygon => [[ 1, 10 ], [ 2, 10 ], [ 1, 10 ]])
      query.geo_spacial(:location.within_polygon => [[ 1, 10 ], [ 2, 10 ], [ 1, 10 ]])

### Resolved Issues

* \#83 Internal smart hashes (Smashes) now can get directly by key or alias.
  (Gosha Arinich)

* \#66 Array evolution now properly coerces non arrays into arrays.
  (Jared Wyatt)

* \#61 `only` and `without` can now be used together. It is up to the user
  to determine when this is valid or not. (Rodrigo Saito)

## 1.1.0

### Resolved Issues

* \#77 Arrays can now be expanded when complex keys are preset.
  (Timersha Ziganshin)

* \#76 Hashes with nested values multiple levels are now expanded properly.
  (Timersha Ziganshin)

* \#75 Merging strategies now expand nested criteria properly.
  (Timersha Ziganshin)

* \#73 Negation now properly works for $gt/$lt etc queries.
  (Arthur Neves)

* \#62 Fixed time with zone require. (Julien Boyer)

## 1.0.11

### Resolved Issues

* \#58 Retain milliseconds precision when evolving times. (Steve Valaitis)

* \#56 Selector values are no longer modified in place.

* \#55 Allow #only and #without to take array arguments. (Egor Lynko)

## 1.0.10

### Resolved Issues

* \#51 hash equality works corectly with `Origin::Key`s (Gerad Suyderhoud)

      { :foo.all => [1, 2] } == { :foo.all => [1, 2] } #=> true

## 1.0.9

### Resolved Issues

* \#45 Fixed $not query negation with regular expressions. (Andrew Bennett)

## 1.0.8

### Resolved Issues

* \#44 Fixed serialization on deeply nested $and and $or queries. (Egor Lynko)

## 1.0.7

### Resolved Issues

* \#40 Allow $elemMatch queries to be expanded in where clauses, not just
  elem_match method calls.

## 1.0.5

### Resolved Issues

* \#40 Allow $elemMatch queries to be expanded.

## 1.0.4

### Resolved Issues

* \#39 Fixed errors when using forwarding when active support is not present.

## 1.0.3

### Resolved Issues

* mongoid/mongoid\#2170 Multi selection ($and/$or) now properly concats
  when merging two criteria.

## 1.0.2

### Resolved Issues

* mongoid/mongoid\#2165 Multi selection ($and/$or) now takes into account
  field aliases.

## 1.0.1

### Resolved Issues

* \#38 Fixed issues around UTC time conversion of dates and date times:

    `DateTimes` already in UTC are not converted to UTC again.

    `Dates` properly convert directly to UTC from numeric values.