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# Security Policy

## Security Measures

We are very concerned about security. Therefore we have taken some precautions:

-   We use [Snyk](, a platform that regularly checks our security
-   We have enabled all [security features on Github](
-   We use [Dependabot Security]( to be immediately aware of security issues in our dependencies and prevent security vulnerabilities throughout the dependency chain
-   We use [Renovate]( to automatically check all dependencies and create automatic pull requests for updates
-   We use [PHPStan / Larastan](, the best static analyzer for PHP and Laravel to catch every bug in our codebase
-   We have branch protection enabled and run all check before merging to `main`
-   We always stay on the current stable versions and choose our dependencies with great care

## Supported Versions

We currently support the current version, means the `main`-Branch and the current packages on packagist.

| Version  | Supported          |
| -------- | ------------------ |
| dev-main | :white_check_mark: |

## Reporting a Vulnerability

If you spot a potential vulnerability, please go to and click on the `Report a vulnerability`-Button or send an email to

Please do not create a GitHub issue for security vulnerabilities. This could allow potential attackers to exploit the vulnerability and cause damage before we've had a chance to patch it.