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# Moox Flags

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> 5. `Blade Developer` with your name
> Then, make sure [the implementation](./src) is correct, that you set up [icon generation]( and that [your tests](./tests) pass. And remove this quote block from your readme. When you've published your package on Packagist, make sure to send it in to [the Blade Icons package list](

A package to easily make use of beautiful stylable country and language flags in your Laravel Blade views.

For a full list of available icons see [the SVG directory](resources/svg).

## Requirements

-   PHP 8.2 or higher
-   Laravel 10.0 or higher

## Installation

composer require moox/flags

## Updating

Please refer to [`the upgrade guide`]( when updating the library.

## Blade Icons

Moox Flags uses Blade Icons under the hood. Please refer to [the Blade Icons readme]( for additional functionality. We also recommend to [enable icon caching]( with this library.

## Configuration

Moox Flags also offers the ability to use features from Blade Icons like default classes, default attributes, etc. If you'd like to configure these, publish the `flags.php` config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=flags-config

## Usage

Icons can be used as self-closing Blade components which will be compiled to SVG icons:


You can also pass classes to your icon components:

<x-heroicon-o-adjustments class="w-6 h-6 text-gray-500"/>

And even use inline styles:

<x-heroicon-o-adjustments style="color: #555"/>

The solid icons can be referenced like this:


### Raw SVG Icons

If you want to use the raw SVG icons as assets, you can publish them using:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=flags --force

Then use them in your views like:

<img src="{{ asset('vendor/flags/o-adjustments.svg') }}" width="10" height="10"/>

## Changelog

Check out the [CHANGELOG]( in this repository for all the recent changes.

## Maintainers

Moox Flags is developed and maintained by Blade Developer.

## License

Moox Flags is open-sourced software licensed under [the MIT license](