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# Moox Permission

This is my package permission

## Quick Installation

These two commmands are all you need to install the package:

composer require moox/permission
php artisan mooxpermission:install

Curious what the install command does? See manual installation below.

## What it does


Here are some things missing, like an overview with screenshots about this package, or simply a link to the package's docs.


## Manual Installation

Instead of using the install-command `php artisan mooxpermission:install` you are able to install this package manually step by step:

// Publish and run the migrations:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="permission-migrations"
php artisan migrate

// Publish the config file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="permission-config"

## Using the Default Policy

The default policy handles all defaults for Moox Resources in Filament:


namespace Moox\Permission\Policies;

use App\Models\User;

class DefaultPolicy
    public function viewAll(User $user)
        return $user->hasPermissionTo('view all');

    public function editAll(User $user)
        return $user->hasPermissionTo('edit all');

    public function deleteAll(User $user)
        return $user->hasPermissionTo('delete all');

    public function create(User $user)
        return $user->hasPermissionTo('create');

    public function viewOwn(User $user, $model)
        return $user->hasPermissionTo('view own') && $model->user_id === $user->id;

    public function editOwn(User $user, $model)
        return $user->hasPermissionTo('edit own') && $model->user_id === $user->id;

    public function deleteOwn(User $user, $model)
        return $user->hasPermissionTo('delete own') && $model->user_id === $user->id;

    public function emptyTrash(User $user)
        return $user->hasPermissionTo('empty trash');

    public function changeSettings(User $user)
        return $user->hasPermissionTo('change settings');

The default policy is used by most Moox packages.

If you use Moox Builder to create a package, the default policy works out of the box and all default permissions are pre-configured to sane defaults.

## Extending the Default Policy

If you need to create a policy for a specific resource, you can extend the DefaultPolicy and override any methods where custom logic is required.

use Moox\Permission\Policies\DefaultPolicy;

class ItemPolicy extends DefaultPolicy
    // Custom logic for editing own items
    public function editOwn(User $user, $item)
        // Maybe add additional checks here
        return parent::editOwn($user, $item);

    // Additional custom methods if needed


You then need to register the policy in the published Moox Core config (/config/core.php):

return [
    'packages' => [
        'audit' => [
            'package' => 'Moox Audit',
            'models' => [
                'Audit' => [
                    'policy' => \Moox\Audit\Policies\AuditPolicy::class,
        // more packages

## Changelog

Please see [CHANGELOG]( for more information on what has changed recently.

## Security Vulnerabilities

Please review [our security policy]( on how to report security vulnerabilities.

## Credits

-   [All Contributors](../../contributors)

## License

The MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File]( for more information.