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# Cypress dotenv

Cypress plugin that enables compatability with [dotenv](  

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Please note that as of v2.0 this plugin only support Node v10+, Cypress 8+ and dotenv 10+  
If you are still using older versions, then please install v1.x instead 

## What does this thing do?
It will load any [`environment variables`]( defined in your `.env` file so you can access them via `Cypress.env()` from within your tests as you would expect.

Any [Cypress config options]( defined in your `.env` will also be applied and take precedence over what is in your `cypress.json` file. See the [Cypress docs for details on this](

For example, if your `.env` file has something like this:


You can use `Cypress.env('HELLO')` to access its value.

## Install
You will also need to install the original `dotenv` package along with `cypress-dotenv`
npm install --save-dev dotenv cypress-dotenv 
yarn add --dev dotenv cypress-dotenv

## Configure

Since this is a plugin, you will need to modify your file `cypress/plugins/index.js` to look something like this:

const dotenvPlugin = require('cypress-dotenv');
module.exports = (on, config) => {
  config = dotenvPlugin(config)
  return config

## Options
This plugin takes three paramaters. The first parameter (which is mandatory) is the Cypress config object. 

The second is an optional [dotenv]( config object.

The third is an optional [all] boolean parameter, which is set to false by default. If set to true, it returns all available environmental variables, not limited to those prefixed with CYPRESS_.