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Test Coverage
<%= form_tag(@filter_params, :method => :get, :name => 'filter_form') do %>
  <%= hidden_field_tag(:filter, params[:filter]) %>
  <%= hidden_field_tag(:sort_by, params[:sort_by]) %>
  <div id="top">
      <div class="right">
        <%= select_tag(:from_locale, options_for_select(I18n.available_locales, @from_locale.to_sym)) %> <span>to</span>
        <%= select_tag(:to_locale, options_for_select(I18n.available_locales, @to_locale.to_sym)) %>
        <%= submit_tag "Display" %>
      <%= link_to '.. /', '../' %>
      <%= link_to @page_title, root_path %></a>
      <div class="center">
        <label>Show:</label> <%=  simple_filter(@show_filters).html_safe %>
        Found <strong><%= @total_entries %></strong> messages
        <%= link_to "Reload messages", translate_reload_path %>
        <%# link_to "Reload messages", translate_reload_path(params) %>
    <% flash.each do |key, msg| %>
      <div class="flash" id="<%= key %>"><%= msg %></div>
    <% end %>
  <div id="searchbox">
    <%= text_field_tag(:per_page, session[:per_page], size: 2) %>
    Per page
    <%= select_tag(:key_type, options_for_select([["Key contains", 'contains'], ["Key starts with", 'starts_with']], params[:key_type])) %>
    <%= text_field_tag(:key_pattern, params[:key_pattern], :size => 50, :id => "key_pattern_value", :class => "text-default") %>

    <%= select_tag(:text_type, options_for_select([['Text contains','contains'], ['Text equals','equals']], params[:text_type])) %>
    <%= text_field_tag(:text_pattern, params[:text_pattern], :size => 50, :id => "text_pattern_value", :class => "text-default") %>

    <%= link_to "clear", @filter_params.to_h.merge({:text_pattern => nil, :key_pattern => nil}), class: 'btn' %>
    <%= submit_tag "Search" %>
    <%= link_to "Export language file", translate_export_path(:locale => @to_locale), class: 'btn sep' %>
<% end %>

<div id="namespaces">
  <%= build_namespace(@keys.namespaces).html_safe %>

<div id="inside">
  <div class="paging">
    <%= render :partial => 'pagination', :locals => { :total_entries => @total_entries, :per_page => @per_page } %>

  <% if @total_entries > 0 %>
    <%= form_tag(translate_path, method: :put) do %>
      <%= hidden_field_tag(:filter, params[:filter], :id => "hid_filter") %>
      <%= hidden_field_tag(:sort_by, params[:sort_by], :id => "hid_sort_by") %>
      <%= hidden_field_tag(:key_type, params[:key_type], :id => "hid_key_type") %>
      <%= hidden_field_tag(:key_pattern, params[:key_pattern], :id => "hid_key_pattern") %>
      <%= hidden_field_tag(:text_type, params[:text_type], :id => "hid_text_type") %>
      <%= hidden_field_tag(:text_pattern, params[:text_pattern], :id => "hid_text_pattern") %>
      <div class="translations">
        <p class="translate">
          Translations from <b><%= @from_locale %></b> to <b><%= @to_locale %></b> -
          <label>Sort by:</label> <%= simple_filter(["key", "text"], 'sort_by').html_safe %>
          <%= submit_tag "Save Translations", style: 'float:right;' %>
      <% @keys.translations.each do |tr| %>
        <div class="translation">
          <p class="edit-form">
            <div class="right">
              <% if tr.files %>
                <div class="files">
                  <div class="count">
                    found in <%= tr.files.count %> files
                  <div class="filelist">
                    <div><%= tr.files.join("</div><div>").html_safe %></div>
              <% end %>
              <span class="key">
                <%= h tr.key %>
                <% if tr.persisted %>
                <% else %>
                <% end %>
              <a href="#" class="delete" title="Delete this key from database">X</a>
            <% if tr.lines > 1 %>
              <div class="long-translation">
                <div class="translation-text">
                  <pre id="<%= %>_original"><%= tr.from_text %></pre>
                  <div class="clear"></div>
                <div class="translation-textarea">
                  <%= text_area_tag("key[#{tr.key}]", tr.to_text, :rows => tr.lines, :id => %>
                  <div class="clear"></div>
                <div class="clear"></div>
            <% else %>
              <div class="translation-text">
                <code class="keytext" id="<%= %>_original"><%= tr.from_text %></code>
              <a class="change multiline" href="#" title="click to transform in a multi-line translation">&#9654;</a>
              <%= text_field_tag("key[#{tr.key}]", tr.to_text, :size => tr.lines, :id => %>
            <% end %>
      <% end %>
      <p class="translate">
        Translations from <b><%= @from_locale %></b> to <b><%= @to_locale %></b>
        <%= submit_tag "Save Translations", style: 'float:right' %>
    <% end %>
  <% end %>

  <div class="paging clear">
    <%= render :partial => 'pagination', :locals => { :total_entries => @total_entries, :per_page => @per_page } %>
