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<title><%= @session.title %></title>
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<%= Shell2html.to_html("\e[33m>\e[0m Type <enter> to begin, use arrows or p/n to navigate.") %>
<% @session.sequence.each_with_index do |screen, i| %>
<div class="screen" id="s<%= i %>">
<% if screen.displaycommand %>
<% if screen.customprompt %>
<%= Shell2html.to_html(screen.customprompt) %>
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<%= Shell2html.to_html(@session.config.prompt) %>
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<%= Shell2html.to_html(screen.stdin) %>
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<%= Shell2html.to_html(screen.stdout) %>
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<%= Shell2html.to_html(screen.stderr) %>
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<% if screen.playprompt %>
<%= Shell2html.to_html("\n\e[33m>\e[0m ") %>
<% if screen.timespent != 0 && screen.displaycommand %>
<%= Shell2html.to_html(sprintf("\e[33melapsed: \e[0m\e[1;93m#{@session.config.timeformat}s\e[0m ", screen.timespent)) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
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