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// Package esquerydsl exposes various structs and a json marshal-er that makes it easier
// to safely create complex ES Search Queries via the Query DSL
package esquerydsl

import (

// QueryType is used to manage the various querydsl types supported by ES
// We use this type as an enum, essentially to more safely handle the various
// string tokens that denote various querying modes
type QueryType int

// These are the currently supported esquery types
const (
    Match QueryType = iota

// QueryTypeErr is a custom err returned if we are trying to stringify
// an unsupported QueryType int
type QueryTypeErr struct {
    typeVal QueryType

func (e *QueryTypeErr) Error() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("Type %d is not supported", e.typeVal)

func (qt QueryType) String() (string, error) {
    convs := [...]string{
    if int(qt) > len(convs) {
        return "", &QueryTypeErr{typeVal: qt}

    return convs[qt], nil

// QueryDoc is the main public struct that ought to be used to
// construct our querydsl JSON bodies. This struct marshals into
// a spec complaint ES querydsl JSON string
type QueryDoc struct {
    Index       string
    Size        int
    From        int
    Sort        []map[string]string
    SearchAfter []interface{}
    And         []QueryItem
    Not         []QueryItem
    Or          []QueryItem
    Filter      []QueryItem
    PageSize    int

var _ query = (*QueryDoc)(nil)

func (query QueryDoc) andList() []QueryItem {
    return query.And

func (query QueryDoc) notList() []QueryItem {
    return query.Not

func (query QueryDoc) orList() []QueryItem {
    return query.Or

func (query QueryDoc) filterList() []QueryItem {
    return query.Filter

type NestedQueryItem struct {
    And    []QueryItem
    Not    []QueryItem
    Or     []QueryItem
    Filter []QueryItem

var _ query = (*NestedQueryItem)(nil)

func (n NestedQueryItem) andList() []QueryItem {
    return n.And

func (n NestedQueryItem) notList() []QueryItem {
    return n.Not

func (n NestedQueryItem) orList() []QueryItem {
    return n.Or

func (n NestedQueryItem) filterList() []QueryItem {
    return n.Filter

// HasChildQueryItem is used to construct a has_child query.
// The Query attr specifies the query that applies to the child documents
// and the Type attr must be the type name of the child documents
type HasChildQueryItem struct {
    Query QueryItem
    Type  string

// QueryItem is used to construct the specific query type json bodies
// for example if we want a "match" query, the Type attr should be "Match"
// the Field attr should be the document attr we want to query against
// and the Value attr should be the actual search term
type QueryItem struct {
    Field string
    Value interface{}
    Type  QueryType

// WrapQueryItems is to build nested queries
func WrapQueryItems(itemType string, items ...QueryItem) QueryItem {
    queryDoc := QueryDoc{}
    switch strings.ToLower(itemType) {
    case "or":
        queryDoc.Or = items
    case "not":
        queryDoc.Not = items
    case "filter":
        queryDoc.Filter = items
        queryDoc.And = items

    return QueryItem{
        Type:  Nested,
        Value: queryDoc,

// Builds a JSON string as follows:
//    {
//        "query": {
//            "bool": {
//                "must": [ ... ]
//                "should": [ ... ]
//                "filter": [ ... ]
//            }
//        }
//    }
type queryReqDoc struct {
    Query       queryWrap           `json:"query,omitempty"`
    Size        int                 `json:"size,omitempty"`
    From        int                 `json:"from,omitempty"`
    Sort        []map[string]string `json:"sort,omitempty"`
    SearchAfter []interface{}       `json:"search_after,omitempty"`

type queryWrap struct {
    Bool boolWrap `json:"bool"`

type boolWrap struct {
    AndList    []leafQuery `json:"must,omitempty"`
    NotList    []leafQuery `json:"must_not,omitempty"`
    OrList     []leafQuery `json:"should,omitempty"`
    FilterList []leafQuery `json:"filter,omitempty"`

type leafQuery struct {
    Type  QueryType
    Name  string
    Value interface{}

func (q leafQuery) handleMarshalType(queryType string) ([]byte, error) {
    // lowercase wildcard queries
    if q.Type == Wildcard {
        if s, ok := q.Value.(string); ok {
            q.Value = strings.ToLower(s)

    if q.Type == QueryString {
        return q.handleMarshalQueryString(queryType)

    if q.Type == NestedQuery {
        return q.handleMarshalNestedQuery()

    if q.Type == HasChild {
        return q.handleHasChild()

    return json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{
        (queryType): map[string]interface{}{
            (q.Name): q.Value,

func (q leafQuery) handleMarshalQueryString(queryType string) ([]byte, error) {
    return json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{
        queryType: map[string]interface{}{
            "fields":           []string{q.Name},
            "query":            sanitizeElasticQueryField(q.Value.(string)),
            "analyze_wildcard": true, // TODO: make this configurable

func (q leafQuery) handleMarshalNestedQuery() ([]byte, error) {
    item, ok := q.Value.(NestedQueryItem)
    if !ok {
        return nil, &QueryTypeErr{typeVal: NestedQuery}

    return json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{
        "nested": map[string]interface{}{
            "path":  []string{q.Name},
            "query": getWrappedQuery(item),

func (q leafQuery) handleHasChild() ([]byte, error) {
    item, ok := q.Value.(HasChildQueryItem)
    if !ok {
        return nil, &QueryTypeErr{typeVal: HasChild}

    doc, ok := item.Query.Value.(QueryDoc)
    if !ok {
        return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("invalid value for HasChild query: %v", item.Query.Value))
    wrapped := getWrappedQuery(doc)

    return json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{
        "has_child": map[string]interface{}{
            "query": wrapped,
            "type":  item.Type,

type query interface {
    andList() []QueryItem
    notList() []QueryItem
    orList() []QueryItem
    filterList() []QueryItem

func getWrappedQuery(query query) queryWrap {
    boolDoc := boolWrap{}
    if and := query.andList(); len(and) > 0 {
        boolDoc.AndList = updateList(and)
    if not := query.notList(); len(not) > 0 {
        boolDoc.NotList = updateList(not)
    if or := query.orList(); len(or) > 0 {
        boolDoc.OrList = updateList(or)
    if filter := query.filterList(); len(filter) > 0 {
        boolDoc.FilterList = updateList(filter)
    return queryWrap{Bool: boolDoc}

func (q leafQuery) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    if q.Type == Nested {
        return json.Marshal(getWrappedQuery(q.Value.(QueryDoc)))

    var queryType string
    var err error
    if queryType, err = q.Type.String(); err != nil {
        return []byte(""), err

    return q.handleMarshalType(queryType)

func updateList(queryItems []QueryItem) []leafQuery {
    leafQueries := make([]leafQuery, 0)
    for _, item := range queryItems {
        leafQueries = append(leafQueries, leafQuery{
            Type:  item.Type,
            Name:  item.Field,
            Value: item.Value,
    return leafQueries

// MarshalJSON will convert QueryDoc struct into
// valid and spec compliant JSON representation
func (query QueryDoc) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    queryReq := queryReqDoc{
        Query:       getWrappedQuery(query),
        Size:        query.Size,
        From:        query.From,
        Sort:        query.Sort,
        SearchAfter: query.SearchAfter,

    requestBody, err := json.Marshal(queryReq)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return requestBody, nil

// MultiSearchDoc constructs document format for multisearch functionality using Query DSL
func MultiSearchDoc(queries []QueryDoc) (string, error) {
    var requestBuilder strings.Builder
    for _, query := range queries {
        body, err := json.Marshal(query)
        if err != nil {
            return "", err
        requestBuilder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(`{"index":"%s"}`, query.Index) + "\n")
        requestBuilder.WriteString(string(body) + "\n")

    return requestBuilder.String(), nil

// Elasticsearch defines a set of "reserved keywords" that MUST be escaped
// in order to be queryable. More info can be found in the docs:
// BASE: ...
// /query-dsl-query-string-query.html#_reserved_characters
var reserved = []string{"\\", "+", "=", "&&", "||", "!", "(", ")", "{", "}", "[", "]", "^", "\"", "~", "*", "?", ":", "/"}

func sanitizeElasticQueryField(keyword string) string {
    sanitizedKeyword := keyword
    for _, char := range reserved {
        if strings.Contains(sanitizedKeyword, char) {
            replaceWith := `\` + char
            sanitizedKeyword = strings.ReplaceAll(sanitizedKeyword, char, replaceWith)
    return sanitizedKeyword