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import constants from '../misc/constants'
import { TextFunction, AccessorFunction, GenericD3Selection } from '../misc/typings'

export enum TooltipSymbol {
  CIRCLE = 'circle',
  LINE = 'line',
  SQUARE = 'square'

export interface ITooltip {
  /** symbol to show in the tooltip (defaults to line) */
  legendObject?: TooltipSymbol

  /** description of the different data arrays shown in the legend */
  legend?: Array<string>

  /** array of colors for the different data arrays, defaults to schemeCategory10 */
  colors?: Array<string>

  /** custom text formatting function -- generated from accessors if not defined */
  textFunction?: TextFunction

  /** entries to show in the tooltip, usually empty when first instantiating */
  data?: Array<any>

  /** margin to the left of the tooltip */
  left?: number

  /** margin to the top of the tooltip */
  top?: number

  /** if no custom text function is specified, specifies how to get the x value from a specific data point */
  xAccessor?: AccessorFunction

  /** if no custom text function is specified, specifies how to get the y value from a specific data point */
  yAccessor?: AccessorFunction

export default class Tooltip {
  legendObject = TooltipSymbol.LINE
  legend: Array<string>
  colors = constants.defaultColors
  data: Array<any>
  left = 0
  top = 0
  node: any
  textFunction = (x: any) => 'bla'

  constructor({ legendObject, legend, colors, textFunction, data, left, top, xAccessor, yAccessor }: ITooltip) {
    this.legendObject = legendObject ?? this.legendObject
    this.legend = legend ?? []
    this.colors = colors ?? this.colors
    this.setTextFunction(textFunction, xAccessor, yAccessor) = data ?? []
    this.left = left ?? this.left = top ??

   * Sets the text function for the tooltip.
   * @param textFunction custom text function for the tooltip text. Generated from xAccessor and yAccessor if not
   * @param xAccessor if no custom text function is specified, this function specifies how to get the x value from a specific data point.
   * @param yAccessor if no custom text function is specified, this function specifies how to get the y value from a specific data point.
  setTextFunction(textFunction?: TextFunction, xAccessor?: AccessorFunction, yAccessor?: AccessorFunction): void {
    this.textFunction =
      textFunction || (xAccessor && yAccessor ? this.baseTextFunction(xAccessor, yAccessor) : this.textFunction)

   * If no textFunction was specified when creating the tooltip instance, this method generates a text function based on the xAccessor and yAccessor.
   * @param xAccessor returns the x value of a given data point.
   * @param yAccessor returns the y value of a given data point.
   * @returns base text function used to render the tooltip for a given datapoint.
  baseTextFunction(xAccessor: AccessorFunction, yAccessor: AccessorFunction): TextFunction {
    return (point: any) => `${xAccessor(point)}: ${yAccessor(point)}`

   * Update the tooltip.
  update({ data, legendObject, legend }: Pick<ITooltip, 'data' | 'legendObject' | 'legend'>): void { = data ??
    this.legendObject = legendObject ?? this.legendObject
    this.legend = legend ?? this.legend

   * Hide the tooltip (without destroying it).
  hide(): void {
    this.node.attr('opacity', 0)

   * Mount the tooltip to the given d3 node.
   * @param svg d3 node to mount the tooltip to.
  mountTo(svg: GenericD3Selection): void {
    this.node = svg
      .style('font-size', '0.7rem')
      .attr('transform', `translate(${this.left},${})`)
      .attr('opacity', 0)

   * Adds the text to the tooltip.
   * For each datapoint in the data array, one line is added to the tooltip.
  addText(): void {
    // first, clear existing content

    // second, add one line per data entry
    this.node.attr('opacity', 1), index) => {
      const symbol = constants.symbol[this.legendObject]
      const realIndex = datum.arrayIndex ?? index
      const color = this.colors[realIndex]
      const node = this.node
        .attr('text-anchor', 'end')
        .attr('y', index * 12)

      // category
      node.append('tspan').classed('text-category', true).attr('fill', color).text(this.legend[realIndex])

      // symbol
      node.append('tspan').attr('dx', '6').attr('fill', color).text(symbol)

      // text
        .attr('dx', '6')