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# Contributing to ssh_scan

Thanks for your interest in contributing to ssh_scan.

If you could follow the following guidelines, you will make it much easier for
us to give feedback, help you find whatever problem you have and fix it.

## Issues

If you have questions of any kind, or are unsure of how something works, please
[create an issue](

Please try to answer the following questions in your issue:

- What did you do?
- What did you expect to happen?
- What happened instead?

If you have identified a bug, it would be very helpful if you could include a
way to replicate the bug.  Ideally a failing test would be perfect, but even a
simple script demonstrating the error would suffice.

Feature requests are great and if submitted they will be considered for
inclusion, but sending a pull request is much more awesome.

## Pull Requests

If you want your pull requests to be accepted, please follow the following guidelines:

- [**Add tests!**]( Your patch won't be accepted (or will be delayed) if it doesn't have tests.

- [**Document any change in behaviour**]( Make sure the README and any other
  relevant documentation are kept up-to-date.

- [**Create topic branches**]( Don't ask us to pull from your master branch.

- [**One pull request per feature**]( If you want to do more than one thing, send
  multiple pull requests.

- [**Send coherent history**]( Make sure each individual commit in your pull
  request is meaningful. If you had to make multiple intermediate commits while
  developing, please squash them before sending them to us.

- [**Follow coding conventions**]( The standard Ruby stuff, two spaces indent,
  don't omit parens unless you have a good reason.

Thank you so much for contributing!