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Test Coverage
# coding: utf-8
# This file is a part of VK4XMPP transport
# © simpleApps, 2014 — 2015.

from __main__ import *
from __main__ import _
import forms

def initializeUser(user, cl, iq, kwargs):
    result = iq.buildReply("result")
    connect = False
    resource = iq.getFrom().getResource()
    source = user.source
        connect = user.connect(**kwargs)
    except (api.TokenError, api.AuthError) as e:
        result = utils.buildIQError(iq, xmpp.ERR_NOT_AUTHORIZED, _(str(e) + " Try logging in by token."))
        if connect:
            user.initialize(resource=resource, first=True)
            executeHandlers("evt08", (source,))
            logger.error("user connection failed (jid: %s)" % source)
            result = utils.buildIQError(iq, xmpp.ERR_BAD_REQUEST, _("Incorrect password or access token!"))
    sender(cl, result)
def register_handler(cl, iq):
    source = iq.getFrom().getStripped()
    destination = iq.getTo().getStripped()
    result = iq.buildReply("result")
    if USER_LIMIT:
        count = calcStats()[0]
        if count >= USER_LIMIT and source not in Users:
            sender(cl, utils.buildIQError(iq, xmpp.ERR_NOT_ALLOWED, _("The gateway admins limited registrations, sorry.")))
            raise xmpp.NodeProcessed()

    if not ALLOW_REGISTRATION and source not in Users:
        sender(cl, utils.buildIQError(iq, xmpp.ERR_NOT_ALLOWED, _("The gateway admins limited registrations, sorry.")))
        raise xmpp.NodeProcessed()

    if destination == TransportID and iq.getQueryChildren():
        phone, password, use_password, token, result = None, None, None, None, None
        query = iq.getTag("query")
        data = query.getTag("x", namespace=xmpp.NS_DATA)
        if data:
            form = xmpp.DataForm(node=data).asDict()
            phone = str(form.get("phone", "")).lstrip("+")
            password = str(form.get("password", ""))
            use_password = utils.normalizeValue(form.get("use_password", ""))  # In case here comes some unknown crap

            if not password:
                result = utils.buildIQError(iq, xmpp.ERR_BAD_REQUEST, _("The token/password field can't be empty!"))
                if use_password:
                    logger.debug("user want to use a password (jid: %s)" % source)
                    if not phone or phone == "+":
                        result = utils.buildIQError(iq, xmpp.ERR_BAD_REQUEST, _("Phone is incorrect."))
                    logger.debug("user won't use a password (jid: %s)" % source)
                    token = password
                    password = None
                    # check if the supplied data is a link or a part of the link, instead of being a token
                    if "&" in token or "=" in token:
                        match =
                        if match:
                            token =
                            # get rid of unnecessary data (if present)
                            token = token.split("&")[0]
                            token = None
                    # fixme: if the user has their password
                    # starting with vk1, then we're doomed
                    elif not token.startswith("vk1"):
                        if phone:
                            password = token
                        elif token:
                            result = utils.buildIQError(iq, xmpp.ERR_NOT_AUTHORIZED, _("Fill the fields!"))

                # If phone or password (token)
                if token or (phone and password):
                    user = User(source)
                    initializeUser(user, cl, iq, {"username": phone, "password": password, "token": token})
                    result = None

        elif query.getTag("remove"):
            logger.debug("user %s wants to remove me..." % source)
            if source in Users:
                user = Users[source]
                result = iq.buildReply("result")
                result.setPayload([], add=False)
                executeHandlers("evt09", (source,))

            elif findUserInDB(source):
                removeUser(source, True, False)
                sendPresence(TransportID, destination, "unsubscribe")
                executeHandlers("evt09", (source,))
    if result:
        sender(cl, result)

def sendRegisterForm(cl, iq):
    logger.debug("Sending registration form to user (jid: %s)", iq.getFrom().getStripped())
    form = utils.buildDataForm(fields=forms.Forms.getComlicatedForm(), data=[_("Fill the fields below")])
    result = iq.buildReply("result")
    sender(cl, result)

MOD_TYPE = "iq"
MOD_HANDLERS = ((register_handler, "set", xmpp.NS_REGISTER, False), (sendRegisterForm, "get", xmpp.NS_REGISTER, False))