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# TERYT WS1 API - Polish address database

## Installation

Install the latest version with [composer](
composer require mrcnpdlk/teryt-api

## Basic usage

### Cache
Library supports Cache bundles based on [PSR-16]( standard.

For below example was used [phpfastcache/phpfastcache](
`phpfastcache/phpfastcache` supports a lot of endpoints, i.e. `Files`, `Sqlite`, `Redis` and many other. 
More information about using cache and configuration it you can find in this [Wiki]( 


     * Cache in system files
    $oInstanceCacheFiles = new \phpFastCache\Helper\Psr16Adapter('files');


### Log

Library also supports logging packages based on [PSR-3]( standard, i.e. very popular


$oInstanceLogger = new \Monolog\Logger('name_of_my_logger');
$oInstanceLogger->pushHandler(new \Monolog\Handler\ErrorLogHandler(


### Teryt Authentication
Service TERYT WS1 shares API based on `SOAP Protocol`. More information about service you can find on 
this [site](
There are two ways to connect to the server:
 - `production database` - you need login/password
 - `testing database` - default authentication with default login/password pair

First of all we need configure connection calling `setTerytConfig()` method and 
optionally set cache and log instances

use mrcnpdlk\Teryt\Client;
use mrcnpdlk\Teryt\NativeApi;
use mrcnpdlk\Teryt\Config;

$oConfig = new Config([
    'logger'       => $oInstanceLogger,
    'cache'        => $oInstanceCacheFiles,
    'username'     => 'my_login',
    'password'     => 'my_password',
    'isProduction' => true,
$oNativeApi = NativeApi::create($oConfig);

After that we able to call auxiliary static methods defined in NativeApi class, i.e:

## Defined methods (`\mrcnpdlk\Teryt\NativeApi`)
Almost all methods from official documentation have been mapped and defined.

Full list below `\mrcnpdlk\Teryt\NativeApi`:

### General

| Method | Status | Description|
| ------ | ------ |------ |

### Catalog TERC

| Method | Status | Description|
| ------ | ------ |------ |

### Catalog NTS

| Method | Status | Description|
| ------ | ------ |------ |

### Catalog ULIC

| Method | Status | Description|
| ------ | ------ |------ |

### Catalog SIMC

| Method | Status | Description|
| ------ | ------ |------ |

### Dictionary

| Method | Status | Description|
| ------ | ------ |------ |

### Catalog

| Method | Status | Description|
| ------ | ------ |------ |

### Changes

| Method | Status | Description|
| ------ | ------ |------ |

### Verification

| Method | Status | Description|
| ------ | ------ |------ |
|`WeryfikujNazwaAdresUlic()`|:warning:|empty response|

### Search

| Method | Status | Description|
| ------ | ------ |------ |
|`WyszukajJPT()`|:warning:|empty response|

## Defined methods (`\mrcnpdlk\Teryt\Api`)

| Method | Status | Description|
| ------ | ------ |------ |

$oApi = new \mrcnpdlk\Teryt\Api($oClient);

mrcnpdlk\Teryt\Model\City Object
    [id] => 0700884
    [parentId] => 0700884
    [rmId] => 01
    [rmName] => wieś
    [name] => Burzenin
    [commune] => mrcnpdlk\Teryt\Model\Commune Object
            [id] => 101414
            [tercId] => 1014052
            [name] => Burzenin
            [typeId] => 2
            [typeName] => gmina wiejska
            [district] => mrcnpdlk\Teryt\Model\District Object
                    [id] => 1014
                    [name] => sieradzki
                    [typeName] => powiat
                    [province] => mrcnpdlk\Teryt\Model\Province Object
                            [id] => 10
                            [name] => ŁÓDZKIE