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Test Coverage

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    <a href="">
        <img alt="raven reader logo" src="" width="400">

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    <strong>All your articles in one place. Beautiful.</strong>

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<a href=""><img src="" alt="DeepScan grade"></a>
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<a href="" title="devDependencies status">
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<a title=" Shield" href=""> <img src=""/></a>
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Working on the new version completely re-written. This version of Raven Reader would no longer be maintained. Stay tuned for more announcements and new repo.

## Download
To download, please visit

[![Get it from the Snap Store](](

## Install via [Homebrew]( (macOS)
To use Homebrew-Cask you just need to have [Homebrew]( installed.

brew install --cask raven-reader

## Install via [Chocolatey]( (Windows) (Thanks to [@A-d-r-i](

choco install raven


## Features

- [x] Full Article Read
- [x] Subscribing to news feed
- [x] Marking as read/unread
- [x] Marking as favourite
- [x] Dark mode
- [x] Configurable cron job for refresh interval of feeds
- [x] Minimize app to tray and run in background
- [x] Open article link in external browser
- [x] Responsive
- [x] Exporting feed in OPML format
- [x] Importing feeds
- [x] Windows support
- [x] Linux support
- [x] Offline reading
- [x] Keyboard Shortcuts
- [x] Sidebar count
- [x] Text size configuration
- [x] Text font style configuration (Currently has Playfair Display, Muli, Open Sans and Roboto Slab)
- [x] Supports categorizing of the feeds. 
- [x] macOS touchbar shortcuts
- [x] Integration with read it later apps: Pocket, Instapaper
- [x] Podcast support. Subscribe to podcast rss feed and listen within app.
- [x] Accessibility Friendly
- [x] Feedbin integration (Folders are WIP)
- [x] Inoreader integration
- [x] Google Reader API support. Supports self hosted RSS Services like etc. (Folders are WIP)
- [x] Support for subscribing Youtube channels and viewing within app.
- [x] Flexible resizing of columns/panes

Please feel free to suggest more ideas to improve this app.

## Supported Platforms
- Feedbin
- Inoreader
- Self hosted RSS Services compatible with Google Reader API (OldReader, Bazqux, FreshRSS)
- Fever

## Supported Locale

| Language  | Contributor  |
| English   |              |
| French    |              |
| Catalan   | [alexhoma](|
| Turkish   | [ahmetcadirci25](|
| Chinese   | [@LinWhite2333](|
| Dutch     | [@Vistause](    |
| Russian   | [@vanja-san](   |
| Polish    | [@konhi](|
| Brazilian Portuguese | [@gabrielgomeso](|
| Italian | [@luverolla](|
| German | [@nebulon42](|

## Contributions
We're excited that you're wanting to help us make Raven Reader even better! Contributions of all sizes are welcome, if you'd like to work on something take a look through the current [GitHub issues]( If it's a new feature or potential bugs, please make a new issue ticket for it and populate it accordingly.

## Contributors Wall
<a href="">
  <img src="" />

_Note: It may take up to 24h for the []( plugin to update because it's refreshed once a day._

## Developer Notes

For setup instructions and configuration follow

#### Build Setup

``` bash

# install dependencies
yarn install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:9080
yarn electron:serve

# build electron application for production
yarn electron:build

# lint all JS/Vue component files in `src/`
yarn run lint


## Powered by

- [Bootstrap](
- [Vue]( & [Vuex](
- [Lovefield](
- [Mercury Parser](

## License