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Test Coverage
    "All Feeds": "All Feeds",
    "Favourites": "Favourites",
    "Unread Articles": "Unread Articles",
    "Recently Read": "Recently Read",
    "Recently Played": "Recently Played",
    "Saved articles": "Saved articles",
    "Show more": "Show more",
    "Show less": "Show less",
    "Subscriptions": "Subscriptions",
    "Add": "Add",
    "Please select category": "Please select category",
    "Add new category": "Add new category",
    "Close": "Close",
    "Subscribe": "Subscribe",
    "No articles available": "No articles available",
    "Load more": "Load more",
    "Subscriptions added from here would not be synced with your service": "Note: Subscriptions added from here would not be synced with your service.",
    "Enter website or feed url": "Enter website or feed url",
    "Enter new category": "Enter new category",
    "Search": "Search",
    "Refresh All Feeds": "Refresh All Feeds",
    "Mark all as read": "Mark all as read",
    "Settings": "Settings",
    "Preferences": "Preferences",
    "Keep read RSS items": "Keep read RSS items",
    "Set refresh interval for news feed": "Set refresh interval for news feed",
    "Choose appearance": "Choose appearance",
    "Oldest articles first": "Oldest articles first",
    "Disable images in Articles": "Disable images in Articles",
    "Full article view by default": "Full article view by default",
    "View original by default": "View original by default",
    "Delete all feed, category and article data": "Delete all feed, category and article data",
    "Clear all data": "Clear all data",
    "Proxy Setting": "Proxy Setting",
    "Web Server (HTTP)": "Web Server (HTTP):",
    "Secure Web Server (HTTPS)": "Secure Web Server (HTTPS):",
    "Bypass proxy settings for these hosts & domains": "Bypass proxy settings for these hosts & domains:",
    "Set proxy & restart": "Set proxy & restart",
    "Connect Instapaper": "Connect Instapaper",
    "Connect pocket": "Connect pocket",
    "Log into Instapaper": "Log into Instapaper",
    "Enter endpoint": "Enter endpoint",
    "Enter email": "Enter email",
    "Enter password": "Enter password",
    "Read it later services": "Read it later services",
    "Sharing": "Sharing",
    "Save articles to read it later services": "Save articles to read it later services",
    "Instapaper": "Instapaper",
    "Connect": "Connect",
    "Pocket": "Pocket",
    "RSS Services": "RSS Services",
    "Sync across device with RSS services": "Sync across device with RSS services.",
    "Only one service can be connected If you have local sources prior to connecting sync accounts that share same feed URLs, local articles will be removed": "Only one service can be connected. If you have local sources prior to connecting sync accounts that share same feed URLs, local articles will be removed.",
    "Invalid credentials": "Invalid credentials",
    "Cancel": "Cancel",
    "Login": "Login",
    "OPML is a standard format to import or export feed subscriptions You can export OPML files from other readers and import it": "OPML is a standard format to import or export feed subscriptions. You can export OPML files from other readers and import it.",
    "Import": "Import",
    "Import Subscriptions from OPML file": "Import Subscriptions from OPML file",
    "Choose a file": "Choose a file...",
    "Edit Feed": "Edit Feed",
    "Update": "Update",
    "Rename category": "Rename category",
    "Mark all articles as read": "Mark all articles as read",
    "Are you sure you want to mark all articles as read?": "Are you sure you want to mark all articles as read?",
    "Yes": "Yes",
    "No": "No",
    "Full Content": "Full Content",
    "Save article": "Save article",
    "View original": "View original",
    "Format Options": "Format Options",
    "Mark as unread": "Mark as unread",
    "Mark as read": "Mark as read",
    "Mark as unfavourite": "Mark as unfavourite",
    "Mark as favourite": "Mark as favourite",
    "Disconnect": "Disconnect",
    "Sync Account": "Sync Account",
    "Quit": "Quit",
    "Edit": "Edit",
    "View": "View",
    "Add subscription": "Add subscription",
    "Item": "Item",
    "Next item": "Next item",
    "Previous item": "Previous item",
    "Toggle read": "Toggle read",
    "Toggle favourite": "Toggle favourite",
    "Mark all read": "Mark all read",
    "Save offline": "Save offline",
    "View in browser": "View in browser",
    "Import and Export": "Import and Export",
    "Import subscriptions": "Import subscriptions",
    "Export subscriptions": "Export subscriptions",
    "Speech": "Speech",
    "Start in tray": "Start in tray",
    "Automatically add to Recently": "Automatically add to Recently",
    "Automatically add to Recently Read": "Automatically add to Recently Read",
    "Content preview": "Content preview",
    "Manage categories": "Manage categories",
    "Manage feeds": "Manage feeds",
    "Connect Feedbin": "Connect Feedbin",
    "Log into Feedbin": "Log into Feedbin",
    "Connect Self-hosted (Google Reader API)": "Connect Self-hosted (Google Reader API)",
    "Log into Self Hosted RSS Service": "Log into Self Hosted RSS Service",
    "Enter username": "Enter username",
    "Connect Fever": "Connect Fever",
    "Log into Fever": "Log into Fever",
    "No categories available": "No categories available",
    "Feed in this categories would not be deleted": "Feed in this categories would not be deleted",
    "Please select atleast one feed": "Please select atleast one feed",
    "Title": "Title",
    "Feed": "Feed",
    "Articles": "Articles",
    "Action": "Action",
    "Unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe",
    "Articles inside this feed would be deleted": "Articles inside this feed would be deleted",
    "Category cannot be empty": {
        "": "Category cannot be empty."
    "Category": "Category",
    "Manage Categories": "Manage Categories",
    "Manage Feeds": "Manage Feeds",
    "Please subscribe to atleast one feed to add category": "Please subscribe to atleast one feed to add category",
    "No feeds available": "No feeds available",
    "Add new feed": "Add new feed",
    "Disconnect Fever": "Disconnect Fever",
    "Disconnect Self-hosted (Google Reader API)": "Disconnect Self-hosted (Google Reader API)",
    "Copy link": "Copy link",
    "Remove from favourite": "Remove from favourite",
    "Edit Feedbin": "Edit Feedbin",
    "Disconnect Feedbin": "Disconnect Feedbin",
    "Disconnect pocket": "Disconnect pocket",
    "Disconnect Instapaper": "Disconnect Instapaper",
    "Copy feed link": "Copy feed link",
    "Edit feed": "Edit feed",
    "About Raven Reader": "About Raven Reader",
    "Version": "Version",
    "Services": "Services",
    "Hide": "Hide",
    "Hide Others": "Hide Others",
    "Show All": "Show All",
    "Quit Raven Reader": "Quit Raven Reader",
    "Close Window": "Close Window",
    "Minimize": "Minimize",
    "Zoom": "Zoom",
    "Bring All to Front": "Bring All to Front",
    "Mark all articles as unread": "Mark all articles as unread",
    "Are you sure you want to mark all articles as unread?": "Are you sure you want to mark all articles as unread?",
    "Mark all unread": "Mark all unread",
    "Article list actions": "Article list actions",
    "Language": "Language"