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Test Coverage
  "All Feeds": "所有摘要",
  "Favourites": "收藏夾",
  "Unread Articles": "未讀文章",
  "Recently Read": "最近閱讀",
  "Recently Played": "最近播放",
  "Saved articles": "已儲存的文章",
  "Show more": "顯示更多",
  "Show less": "顯示較少",
  "Subscriptions": "訂閱",
  "Add": "新增",
  "Please select category": "請選擇類別",
  "Add new category": "新增新類別",
  "Close": "關閉",
  "Subscribe": "訂閱",
  "No articles available": "無可用文章",
  "Load more": "載入更多",
  "Subscriptions added from here would not be synced with your service": "提醒:在此新增的訂閱不會與您的服務同步。",
  "Enter website or feed url": "輸入網站或摘要網址",
  "Enter new category": "輸入新類別",
  "Search": "搜尋",
  "Refresh All Feeds": "重新整理所有摘要",
  "Mark all as read": "全部標記為已讀",
  "Settings": "設定",
  "Preferences": "偏好",
  "Keep read RSS items": "保留已讀的 RSS 項目",
  "Set refresh interval for news feed": "設置新聞摘要的重新整理間隔",
  "Choose appearance": "選擇外觀",
  "Oldest articles first": "舊文章排前",
  "Disable images in Articles": "停用文章中的圖片",
  "Full article view by default": "預設使用全文閱覽",
  "View original by default": "預設使用原文閱覽",
  "Delete all feed, category and article data": "刪除所有摘要、類別、及文章資料",
  "Clear all data": "清除所有資料",
  "Proxy Setting": "Proxy 設定",
  "Web Server (HTTP)": "網頁伺服器 (HTTP):",
  "Secure Web Server (HTTPS)": "安全網頁伺服器 (HTTPS):",
  "Bypass proxy settings for these hosts & domains": "以下的網域和主機可以繞過 Proxy 設定:",
  "Set proxy & restart": "設置 proxy 並重新啟動",
  "Connect Instapaper": "連接 Instapaper",
  "Connect pocket": "連接 pocket",
  "Log into Instapaper": "登入 Instapaper",
  "Enter endpoint": "輸入端點",
  "Enter email": "輸入電子郵件地址",
  "Enter password": "輸入密碼",
  "Read it later services": "稍後閱讀服務",
  "Sharing": "分享",
  "Save articles to read it later services": "將文章儲存至稍後閱讀服務",
  "Instapaper": "Instapaper",
  "Connect": "連接",
  "Pocket": "Pocket",
  "RSS Services": "RSS 服務",
  "Sync across device with RSS services": "使用 RSS 服務在裝置間同步。",
  "Only one service can be connected If you have local sources prior to connecting sync accounts that share same feed URLs, local articles will be removed": "僅能連接一個服務。若您在連接同步帳號前已有相同摘要網址的本機來源,本機文章將被移除。",
  "Invalid credentials": "憑證無效",
  "Cancel": "取消",
  "Login": "登入",
  "OPML is a standard format to import or export feed subscriptions You can export OPML files from other readers and import it": "OPML 是匯入或匯出摘要訂閱的標準格式。您可以在其他閱讀器中匯出 OPML 檔案並匯入到這裡。",
  "Import": "匯入",
  "Import Subscriptions from OPML file": "從 OPML 檔案匯入訂閱",
  "Choose a file": "選擇檔案...",
  "Edit Feed": "編輯摘要",
  "Update": "更新",
  "Rename category": "重新命名類別",
  "Mark all articles as read": "全部標記為已讀",
  "Are you sure you want to mark all articles as read?": "您確定要將所有文章標記為已讀嗎?",
  "Yes": "是",
  "No": "否",
  "Full Content": "完整內容",
  "Save article": "儲存文章",
  "View original": "檢視原始",
  "Format Options": "格式選項",
  "Mark as unread": "標示為未讀",
  "Mark as read": "標示為已讀",
  "Mark as unfavourite": "標記為不喜歡",
  "Mark as favourite": "標記為喜歡",
  "Disconnect": "斷開連接",
  "Sync Account": "同步帳號",
  "Quit": "退出",
  "Edit": "編輯",
  "View": "檢視",
  "Add subscription": "新增訂閱",
  "Item": "項目",
  "Next item": "下一項目",
  "Previous item": "上一項目",
  "Toggle read": "切換閱讀",
  "Toggle favourite": "切換喜歡",
  "Mark all read": "標記全部已讀",
  "Save offline": "離線儲存",
  "View in browser": "在瀏覽器中檢視",
  "Import and Export": "匯入和匯出",
  "Import subscriptions": "匯入訂閱",
  "Export subscriptions": "匯出訂閱",
  "Speech": "Speech",
  "Start in tray": "在系統匣中啟動",
  "Automatically add to Recently": "自動新增至最近",
  "Automatically add to Recently Read": "自動新增至最近閱讀",
  "Content preview": "內容預覽",
  "Manage categories": "管理類別",
  "Manage feeds": "管理摘要",
  "Connect Feedbin": "連接 Feedbin",
  "Log into Feedbin": "登入 Feedbin",
  "Connect Self-hosted (Google Reader API)": "連接自架 (Google Reader API)",
  "Log into Self Hosted RSS Service": "登入自架 RSS 服務",
  "Enter username": "輸入使用者名稱",
  "Connect Fever": "連接 Fever",
  "Log into Fever": "登入 Fever",
  "No categories available": "無可用類別",
  "Feed in this categories would not be deleted": "在此類別的摘要不會被刪除",
  "Please select atleast one feed": "請至少選擇一個摘要",
  "Title": "標題",
  "Feed": "摘要",
  "Articles": "文章",
  "Action": "動作",
  "Unsubscribe": "取消訂閱",
  "Articles inside this feed would be deleted": "在此摘要中的所有文章將被刪除",
  "Category cannot be empty": {
      "": "類別不能留空。"
  "Category": "類別",
  "Manage Categories": "管理類別",
  "Manage Feeds": "管理摘要",
  "Please subscribe to atleast one feed to add category": "請至少訂閱一個摘要以新增類別",
  "No feeds available": "無可用摘要",
  "Add new feed": "新增新摘要",
  "Disconnect Fever": "與 Fever 斷開連接",
  "Disconnect Self-hosted (Google Reader API)": "與自架 (Google Reader API) 斷開連接",
  "Copy link": "複製連結",
  "Remove from favourite": "從收藏家中移除",
  "Edit Feedbin": "編輯 Feedbin",
  "Disconnect Feedbin": "與 Feedbin 斷開連接",
  "Disconnect pocket": "與 pocket 斷開連接",
  "Disconnect Instapaper": "與 Instapaper 斷開連接",
  "Copy feed link": "複製摘要連結",
  "Edit feed": "編輯摘要",
  "About Raven Reader": "關於 Raven Reader",
  "Version": "版本",
  "Services": "服務",
  "Hide": "隱藏",
  "Hide Others": "隱藏其餘",
  "Show All": "顯示全部",
  "Quit Raven Reader": "退出 Raven Reader",
  "Close Window": "關閉視窗",
  "Minimize": "最小化",
  "Zoom": "縮放",
  "Bring All to Front": "全部移到最上層",
  "Mark all articles as unread": "將所有文章標記為未讀",
  "Are you sure you want to mark all articles as unread?": "您確定要將所有文章標記為未讀嗎?",
  "Mark all unread": "標記全部未讀",
  "Article list actions": "文章列表動作",
  "Language": "語言"