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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Python library for accessing the Simplenote API

    :copyright: (c) 2011 by Daniel Schauenberg
    :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.
import sys
if sys.version_info > (3, 0):
    import urllib.request as urllib2
    import urllib.error
    from urllib.error import HTTPError
    import urllib.parse as urllib
    import html
    from http.client import BadStatusLine
    import urllib2
    from urllib2 import HTTPError
    import urllib
    from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
    from httplib import BadStatusLine

import base64
import time
import datetime
import uuid

    import json
except ImportError:
        import simplejson as json
    except ImportError:
        # For Google AppEngine
        from django.utils import simplejson as json

APP_ID   = 'chalk-bump-f49'
# There is no way for us to hide this key, only obfuscate it.
# So please be kind and don't (ab)use it.
# Simplenote/Simperium didn't have to provide us with this.
API_KEY  = base64.b64decode('YzhjMmI4NjMzNzE1NGNkYWJjOTg5YjIzZTMwYzZiZjQ=')
BUCKET   = 'note'
AUTH_URL = '' % (APP_ID)

class SimplenoteLoginFailed(Exception):

class Simplenote(object):
    """ Class for interacting with the simplenote web service """

    def __init__(self, username, password):
        """ object constructor """
        self.username = username
        self.password = password
        self.header = 'X-Simperium-Token'
        self.token = None
        self.current = ""

    def authenticate(self, user, password):
        """ Method to get simplenote auth token

            - User (string):     simplenote email address
            - password (string): simplenote password

            Simplenote API token as string

        request = Request(AUTH_URL)
        request.add_header('X-Simperium-API-Key', API_KEY)
        if sys.version_info < (3, 3):
            request.add_data(json.dumps({'username': user, 'password': password}))
   = json.dumps({'username': user, 'password': password}).encode()
            res = urllib2.urlopen(request).read()
            token = json.loads(res.decode('utf-8'))["access_token"]
        except (HTTPError, BadStatusLine):
            raise SimplenoteLoginFailed('Login to Simplenote API failed!')
        except IOError: # no connection exception
            token = None
        return token

    def get_token(self):
        """ Method to retrieve an auth token.

        The cached global token is looked up and returned if it exists. If it
        is `None` a new one is requested and returned.

            Simplenote API token as string

        if self.token == None:
            self.token = self.authenticate(self.username, self.password)
            return str(self.token,'utf-8')
        except TypeError:
            return self.token

    def get_note(self, noteid, version=None):
        """ Method to get a specific note

            - noteid (string): ID of the note to get
            - version (int): optional version of the note to get

            A tuple `(note, status)`

            - note (dict): note object
            - status (int): 0 on success and -1 otherwise

        # request note
        params_version = ""
        if version is not None:
            params_version = '/v/' + str(version)

        params = '/i/%s%s' % (str(noteid), params_version)
        request = Request(DATA_URL+params)
        request.add_header(self.header, self.get_token())
            response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
        except HTTPError as e:
            if e.code == 401:
                raise SimplenoteLoginFailed('Login to Simplenote API failed! Check Token.')
                return e, -1
        except (IOError, BadStatusLine) as e:
            return e, -1
        note = json.loads('utf-8'))
        note = self.__add_simplenote_api_fields(note, noteid, int("X-Simperium-Version")))
        # Sort tags
        # For early versions of notes, tags not always available
        if "tags" in note:
            note["tags"] = sorted(note["tags"])

        return note, 0

    def update_note(self, note):
        """ Method to update a specific note object, if the note object does not
        have a "key" field, a new note is created

            - note (dict): note object to update

            A tuple `(note, status)`
            - note (dict): note object
            - status (int): 0 on success and -1 otherwise

        # Let's create a copy to work with so we don't alter original
        note_to_update = note.copy()
        # determine whether to create a new note or update an existing one
        # Also need to add/remove key field to keep consistency
        if "key" in note_to_update:
            # Then already have a noteid we need to remove before passing to Simperium API
            noteid = note_to_update.pop("key", None)
            # Adding a new note
            noteid = uuid.uuid4().hex

        # TODO: Set a ccid?
        # ccid = uuid.uuid4().hex
        if "version" in note_to_update:
            version = note_to_update.pop("version", None)
            url = '%s/i/%s/v/%s?response=1' % (DATA_URL, noteid, version)
            url = '%s/i/%s?response=1' % (DATA_URL, noteid)

        # TODO: Could do with being consistent here. Everywhere else is Request(DATA_URL+params)
        note_to_update = self.__remove_simplenote_api_fields(note_to_update)
        request = Request(url, data=json.dumps(note_to_update).encode('utf-8'))
        request.add_header(self.header, self.get_token())
        request.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')

        response = ""
            response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
        except HTTPError as e:
            if e.code == 401:
                raise SimplenoteLoginFailed('Login to Simplenote API failed! Check Token.')
                return e, -1
        except (IOError, BadStatusLine) as e:
            return e, -1
        note_to_update = json.loads('utf-8'))
        note_to_update = self.__add_simplenote_api_fields(note_to_update, noteid, int("X-Simperium-Version")))
        return note_to_update, 0

    def add_note(self, note):
        """ Wrapper method to add a note

        The method can be passed the note as a dict with the `content`
        property set, which is then directly send to the web service for
        creation. Alternatively, only the body as string can also be passed. In
        this case the parameter is used as `content` for the new note.

            - note (dict or string): the note to add

            A tuple `(note, status)`

            - note (dict): the newly created note
            - status (int): 0 on success and -1 otherwise


        if type(note) == str:
            return self.update_note({"content": note})
        elif (type(note) == dict) and "content" in note:
            return self.update_note(note)
            return "No string or valid note.", -1

    def get_note_list(self, data=True, since=None, tags=[]):
        """ Method to get the note list

        The method can be passed optional arguments to limit the list to
        notes containing a certain tag, or only updated since a certain
        Simperium cursor. If omitted a list of all notes is returned.

        By default data objects are returned. If data is set to false only
        keys/ids and versions are returned. An empty data object is inserted
        for compatibility.

            - tags=[] list of tags as string: return notes that have
              at least one of these tags
            - since=cursor Simperium cursor as string: return only changes
              since this cursor
            - data=True If false only return keys/ids and versions

            A tuple `(notes, status)`

            - notes (list): A list of note objects with all properties set except
            - status (int): 0 on success and -1 otherwise

        # initialize data
        status = 0
        ret = []
        response_notes = {}
        notes = { "index" : [] }

        # get the note index
        params = '/index?limit=%s' % (str(NOTE_FETCH_LENGTH))

        if since is not None:
            params += '&since=%s' % (since)
        # Fetching data is the default
        if data:
            params += '&data=true'

        # perform initial HTTP request
        request = Request(DATA_URL+params)
        request.add_header(self.header, self.get_token())
            response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
            response_notes = json.loads('utf-8'))
            # re-write for v1 consistency
            note_objects = []
            for n in response_notes["index"]:
                # If data=False then can't do this bit... or not all of it, just have id and version. Add empty data object.
                if not data:
                    n['d'] = {}
                note_object = self.__add_simplenote_api_fields(n['d'], n['id'], n['v'])
        except HTTPError as e:
            if e.code == 401:
                raise SimplenoteLoginFailed('Login to Simplenote API failed! Check Token.')
                return e, -1
        except (IOError, BadStatusLine) as e:
            return e, -1

        # get additional notes if bookmark was set in response
        while "mark" in response_notes:
            params += '&mark=%s' % response_notes["mark"]

            # perform the actual HTTP request
            request = Request(DATA_URL+params)
            request.add_header(self.header, self.get_token())
                response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
                response_notes = json.loads('utf-8'))
                # re-write for v1 consistency
                note_objects = []
                for n in response_notes["index"]:
                    if not data:
                        n['d'] = {}
                    note_object = n['d']
                    note_object = self.__add_simplenote_api_fields(n['d'], n['id'], n['v'])
            except HTTPError as e:
                if e.code == 401:
                    raise SimplenoteLoginFailed('Login to Simplenote API failed! Check Token.')
                    return e, -1
            except (IOError, BadStatusLine) as e:
                return e, -1
        note_list = notes["index"]
        self.current = response_notes["current"]
        # Can only filter for tags at end, once all notes have been retrieved.
        if (len(tags) > 0):
            note_list = [n for n in note_list if (len(set(n["tags"]).intersection(tags)) > 0)]
        return note_list, status

    def trash_note(self, note_id):
        """ Method to move a note to the trash

            - note_id (string): key of the note to trash

            A tuple `(note, status)`

            - note (dict): the newly created note or an error message
            - status (int): 0 on success and -1 otherwise

        # get note
        note, status = self.get_note(note_id)
        if (status == -1):
            return note, status
        # set deleted property, but only if not already trashed
        # TODO: A 412 is ok, that's unmodified. Should handle this in update_note and
        # then not worry about checking here
        if not note["deleted"]:
            note["deleted"] = True
            note["modificationDate"] = time.time()
            # update note
            return self.update_note(note)
            return note, 0

    def delete_note(self, note_id):
        """ Method to permanently delete a note

            - note_id (string): key of the note to trash

            A tuple `(note, status)`

            - note (dict): an empty dict or an error message
            - status (int): 0 on success and -1 otherwise

        # notes have to be trashed before deletion
        note, status = self.trash_note(note_id)
        if (status == -1):
            return note, status

        params = '/i/%s' % (str(note_id))
        request = Request(url=DATA_URL+params, method='DELETE')
        request.add_header(self.header, self.get_token())
            response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
        except (IOError, BadStatusLine) as e:
            return e, -1
        except HTTPError as e:
            if e.code == 401:
                raise SimplenoteLoginFailed('Login to Simplenote API failed! Check Token.')
                return e, -1
        return {}, 0

    def __add_simplenote_api_fields(self, note, noteid, version):
        # Compatibility with original Simplenote API v2.1.5

        # We are not creating a copy of the note to work with as these are only
        # used internally and so doesn't matter if we alter "original"
        note[u'key'] = noteid
        note[u'version'] = version
            note[u'modifydate'] = note["modificationDate"]
            note[u'createdate'] = note["creationDate"]
            note[u'systemtags'] = note["systemTags"]
        except KeyError:
            # For when data=False
        return note

    def __remove_simplenote_api_fields(self, note):
        # We are not creating a copy of the note to work with as these are only
        # used internally and so doesn't matter if we alter "original"

        # These two should have already removed by this point since they are
        # needed for updating, etc, but _just_ incase...
        note.pop("key", None)
        note.pop("version", None)
        # Let's only set these ones if they exist. We don't want None so we can
        # still set defaults afterwards
        mappings = {
                "modifydate": "modificationDate",
                "createdate": "creationDate",
                "systemtags": "systemTags"
        if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
            for k,v in mappings.iteritems():
                if k in note:
                    note[v] = note.pop(k)
            for k,v in mappings.items():
                if k in note:
                    note[v] = note.pop(k)
        # Need to add missing dict stuff if missing, might as well do by
        # default, not just for note objects only containing content
        createDate = time.time()
        note_dict = {
            "tags" : [],
            "systemTags" : [],
            "creationDate" : createDate,
            "modificationDate" : createDate,
            "deleted" : False,
            "shareURL" : "",
            "publishURL" : "",
        if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
            for k,v in note_dict.iteritems():
                note.setdefault(k, v)
            for k,v in note_dict.items():
                note.setdefault(k, v)
        return note

class Request(urllib2.Request):
    """ monkey patched version of urllib2's Request to support HTTP DELETE
        Taken from, thanks @kennethreitz

    if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
        def __init__(self, url, data=None, headers={}, origin_req_host=None,
                    unverifiable=False, method=None):
            urllib2.Request.__init__(self, url, data, headers, origin_req_host, unverifiable)
            self.method = method

        def get_method(self):
            if self.method:
                return self.method

            return urllib2.Request.get_method(self)