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Test Coverage

## [Unreleased changes](

## [v1.4.0 (May 12, 2021)](

  - Special thanks to Matt Schreiber (@tomeon):
    - Short-circuit to calling #instance_exec directly on the DSL object (prior to
      constructing a proxy object) when the DSL object and block context object are
      identical (*Sorry it took over a year to review and merge this!*)
  - Renamed default branch from master to main, see:
  - Temporarily removed YARD doc configuration, to replace after
    migration to Github Actions
  - Removed support for all EOL Rubies < 2.5
  - Migrated CI from Travis to Github Actions
  - Special thanks (again!) to Taichi Ishitani (@taichi-ishitani):
    - Use more reliable codecov github action (via simplecov-cobertura)
      rather than less reliable codecov gem
    - Enable bundle caching in github action setup-ruby 
  - Added Rubocop, and configured it to run in CI
  - Added Dependabot, and configured it to run daily
  - Added for vulnerability reporting policy

## [v1.3.5 (Jan 13, 2021)](

  - Special thanks to Jochen Seeber (@jochenseeber):
    - Fix remaining delegation on Ruby 2.7 (PR #62)
  - Remove support for Ruby 1.8.7 and REE, because they
    [are no longer runnable on Travis CI](
  - Announce that continued support for any EOL Ruby versions (that is, versions
    prior to Ruby 2.5 as of Jan 13 2021) will be decided on **Feb 1, 2021**
    based on comments to [issue #58](

## [v1.3.4 (Dec 22, 2020)](

  - Special thanks to Benoit Daloze (@eregon):
    - Fix delegation on Ruby 2.7 (issues #45 and #44, PR #52)

## [v1.3.3 (Dec 18, 2020)](

  - Special thanks (again!) to Taichi Ishitani (@taichi-ishitani):
    - Fix keyword arg warnings on Ruby 2.7 (issue #44, PR #45)
    - Filter Docile's source files from backtrace (issue #35, PR #36)

## [v1.3.2 (Jun 12, 2019)](

  - Special thanks (again!) to Taichi Ishitani (@taichi-ishitani):
    - Fix for DSL object is replaced when #dsl_eval is nested (#33, PR #34)

## [v1.3.1 (May 24, 2018)](

  - Special thanks to Taichi Ishitani (@taichi-ishitani):
    - Fix for when DSL object is also the block's context (#30)

## [v1.3.0 (Feb 7, 2018)](

  - Allow helper methods in block's context to call DSL methods
  - Add SemVer release policy explicitly
  - Standardize on double-quoted string literals
  - Workaround some more Travis CI shenanigans

## [v1.2.0 (Jan 11, 2018)](

  - Special thanks to Christina Koller (@cmkoller)
    - add DSL evaluation returning *return value of the block* (see `.dsl_eval_with_block_return`)
  - add an example to README
  - keep travis builds passing on old ruby versions

## [v1.1.5 (Jun 15, 2014)](

  - as much as possible, loosen version restrictions on development dependencies
  - clarify gemspec settings as much as possible
  - bump rspec dependency to 3.0.x

## [v1.1.4 (Jun 11, 2014)](

  - Special thanks to Ken Dreyer  (@ktdreyer):
    - make simplecov/coveralls optional for running tests \[[33834852c7](\]
    - update URL in gemspec \[[174e654a07](\]

## [v1.1.3 (Feb 4, 2014)](

  - Special thanks to Alexey Vasiliev (@le0pard):
    - fix problem to catch NoMethodError from non receiver object
    - upgrade rspec format to new "expect" syntax

## [v1.1.2 (Jan 10, 2014)](

  - remove unnecessarily nested proxy objects (thanks @Ajedi32)!
  - documentation updates and corrections

## [v1.1.1 (Nov 26, 2013)](

  - documentation updates and corrections
  - fix Rubinius build in Travis CI

## [v1.1.0 (Jul 29, 2013)](

  - add functional-style DSL objects via `Docile#dsl_eval_immutable`

## [v1.0.5 (Jul 28, 2013)](

  - achieve 100% yard docs coverage
  - fix rendering of docs at

## [v1.0.4 (Jul 25, 2013)](

  - simplify and clarify code
  - fix a minor bug where FallbackContextProxy#instance_variables would return
    symbols rather than strings on Ruby 1.8.x

## [v1.0.3 (Jul 6, 2013)](

  - instrument code coverage via SimpleCov and publish to

## [v1.0.2 (Apr 1, 2013)](

  - allow passing parameters to DSL blocks (thanks @dslh!)

## [v1.0.1 (Nov 29, 2012)](

  - relaxed rspec and rake dependencies to allow newer versions
  - fixes to documentation

## [v1.0.0 (Oct 29, 2012)](

  - Initial Feature Set