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35 mins
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const MINUTES_PER_HOUR = 60;
const MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE = 60 * 1000;
const TIME_SEPARATOR = ':';

const _isValidNumber = number => !Number.isNaN(Number(number));
const _isValidObjectValue = (obj, key) =>, key) && (typeof obj[key] !== 'undefined');

const _objectToNumber = (obj) => {
    const hours = _isValidObjectValue(obj, 'hours') ? obj.hours : 0;
    const minutes = _isValidObjectValue(obj, 'minutes') ? obj.minutes : 0;

    if (_isValidNumber(hours) && _isValidNumber(minutes)) {
        const absMinute = (
            (Math.abs(Number(hours)) * MINUTES_PER_HOUR) + Math.abs(Number(minutes))
        if (, -0) || Number(hours) < 0) {
            return -absMinute;
        return absMinute;
    throw new Error(`Cannot convert object ${JSON.stringify(obj)} to TimeDuration`);

const _stringToObject = (str, separator = TIME_SEPARATOR) => {
    const [hours, minutes] = str.split(' ').join('').split(separator);
    if (_isValidNumber(hours) && _isValidNumber(minutes)) {
        return {
            hours: Number(hours),
            minutes: Number(minutes)
    throw new Error(`Cannot convert string "${str}" to TimeDuration`);

const _isNegativeZero = x =>, x);

class TimeDuration {

    constructor(...args) {
        this._minutes = 0;

        const [firstValue, secondValue] = args;

        if (typeof firstValue === 'number' && args.length === 1) {
            this._minutes = firstValue;

        } else if (firstValue instanceof TimeDuration) {
            this._minutes = firstValue.valueOf();

        } else if (firstValue instanceof Date && secondValue instanceof Date) {
            this._firstConversionFromDateDiff(firstValue, secondValue);

        } else {
            this._firstConversionFromCommonFormats(firstValue, secondValue, args.length);

    _firstConversionFromDateDiff(firstValue, secondValue) {
        const milisecondsDiff = Math.abs(firstValue - secondValue);
        this._minutes = Math.round(milisecondsDiff / MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE);

    _firstConversionFromCommonFormats(firstValue, secondValue, argsLength) {
        const fistValueType = typeof firstValue;
        if (fistValueType === 'string' && argsLength === 1 &&
            firstValue.includes(TIME_SEPARATOR)) {
            const timeObj = _stringToObject(firstValue);
            this._minutes = _objectToNumber(timeObj);

        } else if (fistValueType === 'object' && argsLength === 1) {
            this._minutes = _objectToNumber(firstValue);

        } else if (argsLength === 2 && fistValueType === 'number' &&
            typeof secondValue === 'number') {
            this._minutes = _objectToNumber({
                hours: firstValue,
                minutes: secondValue

    /* Conversion operations (output) */

    toMinutes() {
        return this._minutes;

    valueOf() {
        return this._minutes;

    toHours(roundDigits = 2) {
        const hours = this._minutes / MINUTES_PER_HOUR;
        const factor = 10 ** roundDigits;
        return Math.round(hours * factor) / factor;

    toObject() {
        const roundFn = this._minutes > 0 ? Math.floor : Math.ceil;
        const hours = roundFn(this._minutes / MINUTES_PER_HOUR);
        const minutes = this._minutes % MINUTES_PER_HOUR;
        return { hours, minutes };

    toString(hoursWithZero = false) {
        const { hours, minutes } = this.toObject();
        const absMinutes = Math.abs(minutes);
        const minutesZeroed = absMinutes < 10 ? `0${absMinutes}` : absMinutes;
        const hoursZeroed = hours < 10 && hoursWithZero ? `0${hours}` : hours;
        const hoursProcessed = !hours && _isNegativeZero(hours) ?
            `-${hoursZeroed}` : hoursZeroed;
        return `${hoursProcessed}:${minutesZeroed}`;

    /* Getters and setters */

    get hours() {
        return this.toObject().hours;

    get minutes() {
        return this.toObject().minutes;

    set hours(hours) {
        const minutes = this._minutes % MINUTES_PER_HOUR;
        this._minutes = (hours * MINUTES_PER_HOUR) + minutes;

    set minutes(minutes) {
        const hours = Math.floor(this._minutes / MINUTES_PER_HOUR);
        this._minutes = (hours * MINUTES_PER_HOUR) + minutes;

    /* Modification operations */

    add(timeToAdd) {
        const timeToAddNormalized = new TimeDuration(timeToAdd);
        this._minutes = this._minutes + timeToAddNormalized;
        return this;

    subtract(timeToSubtract) {
        const timeToAddNormalized = new TimeDuration(timeToSubtract);
        this._minutes = this._minutes - timeToAddNormalized;
        return this;

    multiplyBy(multiplicationFactor) {
        this._minutes = this._minutes * multiplicationFactor;
        return this;

    divideBy(divisionFactor) {
        this._minutes = Math.round(this._minutes / divisionFactor);
        return this;


module.exports = TimeDuration;