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2 days
Test Coverage
// messagesniffer

const fs = require('fs');
const net = require('net');
const plugin = exports;

// Defaults
let port = 9001;

exports.register = function () {
    const cfg = this.config.get('messagesniffer.ini');
    if (cfg.main.port) port = parseInt(cfg.main.port);

exports.hook_connect = function (next, connection) {
    const cfg = this.config.get('messagesniffer.ini');
    // Skip any private IP ranges
    // Skip connection.transaction undefined
    if (connection?.remote?.is_private || !connection?.transaction) return next();

    // Retrieve GBUdb information for the connecting IP
    SNFClient(`<snf><xci><gbudb><test ip='${connection.remote.ip}'/></gbudb></xci></snf>`, (err, result) => {
        if (err) {
            connection.logerror(this, err.message);
            return next();
        let match;
        if ((match = /<result ((?:(?!\/>)[^])+)\/>/.exec(result))) {
            // Log result
            connection.loginfo(this, match[1]);
            // Populate result
            const gbudb = {};
            const split = match[1].toString().split(/\s+/);
            for (const element of split) {
                const split2 = element.split(/=/);
                gbudb[split2[0]] = split2[1].replace(/(?:^'|'$)/g,'');
            // Set notes for other plugins
            connection.notes.gbudb = gbudb;
            // Handle result
            switch (gbudb.range) {
                case 'new':
                case 'normal':
                    return next();
                case 'white':
                    // Default for white if no configuration
                    if (!cfg.gbudb || (cfg.gbudb && !cfg.gbudb[gbudb.range])) {
                        return next(OK);
                    // fall through
                case 'caution':
                case 'black':
                case 'truncate':
                    if (cfg.gbudb?.[gbudb.range]) {
                        connection.loginfo(this, `range=${gbudb.range} action=${cfg.gbudb[gbudb.range]}`);
                        switch (cfg.gbudb[gbudb.range]) {
                            case 'accept':
                                // Whitelist
                                connection.notes.gbudb.action = 'accept';
                                return next(OK);
                            case 'allow':
                            case 'continue':
                                // Continue to next plugin
                                connection.notes.gbudb.action = 'allow';
                                return next();
                            case 'retry':
                            case 'tempfail':
                                return next(DENYSOFT, `Poor GBUdb reputation for [${connection.remote.ip}]`);
                            case 'reject':
                                return next(DENY, `Poor GBUdb reputation for [${connection.remote.ip}]`);
                            case 'quarantine':
                                connection.notes.gbudb.action = 'quarantine';
                                connection.notes.quarantine = true;
                                connection.notes.quarantine_action = [ OK, `Message quarantined (${connection.transaction.uuid})` ];
                            case 'tag':
                                connection.notes.gbudb.action = 'tag';
                                // Unknown action
                                return next();
                    else if (gbudb.range === 'truncate') {
                        // Default for truncate
                        return next(DENY, `Poor GBUdb reputation for [${connection.remote.ip}]`);
                    return next();
                    // Unknown
                    connection.logerror(this, `Unknown GBUdb range: ${gbudb.range}`);
        else {

exports.hook_data_post = function (next, connection) {
    const cfg = this.config.get('messagesniffer.ini');
    const txn = connection?.transaction;
    if (!txn) return next();

    function tag_subject (){
        const tag = cfg.main.tag_string || '[SPAM]';
        const subj = txn.header.get_decoded('Subject');
        // Try and prevent any double subject modifications
        const subject_re = new RegExp(`^${tag}`);
        if (!subject_re.test(subj)) {
            txn.add_header('Subject', `${tag} ${subj}`);
        // Add spam flag
        txn.add_header('X-Spam-Flag', 'YES');

    // Check GBUdb results
    if (connection.notes.gbudb?.action) {
        switch (connection.notes.gbudb.action) {
            case 'accept':
            case 'quarantine':
                return next(OK);
            case 'tag':
                // Tag message
                return next();

    const tmpdir = cfg.main.tmpdir || '/tmp';
    const tmpfile = `${tmpdir}/${txn.uuid}.tmp`;
    const ws = fs.createWriteStream(tmpfile);

    ws.once('error', err => {
        connection.logerror(this, `Error writing temporary file: ${err.message}`);

    ws.once('close', () => {
        const start_time =;
        SNFClient(`<snf><xci><scanner><scan file='${tmpfile}' xhdr='yes'/></scanner></xci></snf>`, (err, result) => {
            const end_time =;
            const elapsed = end_time - start_time;
            // Delete the tempfile
            fs.unlink(tmpfile, () => {});
            let match;
            // Make sure we actually got a result
            if ((match = /<result code='(\d+)'/.exec(result))) {
                const code = parseInt(match[1]);
                let group;
                let rules;
                let gbudb_ip;
                // Make a note that we actually ran
                connection.notes.snf_run = true;
                // Get the returned headers
                if ((match = /<xhdr>((?:(?!<\/xhdr>)[^])+)/.exec(result,'m'))) {
                    // Parse the returned headers and add them to the message
                    const xhdr = match[1].split('\r\n');
                    const headers = [];
                    for (const line of xhdr) {
                        // Check for continuation
                        if (/^\s/.test(line)) {
                            // Continuation; add to previous header value
                            if (headers[headers.length-1]) {
                                headers[headers.length-1].value += `${line}\r\n`;
                        else {
                            // Must be a header
                            match = /^([^: ]+):(?:\s*(.+))?$/.exec(line);
                            if (match) {
                                headers.push({ header: match[1], value: (match[2] ? `${match[2]}\r\n` : '\r\n') });
                    // Add headers to message
                    for (const header of headers) {
                        // If present save the group for logging purposes
                        if (header.header === 'X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group') {
                            group = header.value.replace(/\r?\n/gm, '');
                        // Log GBUdb analysis
                        if (header.header === 'X-GBUdb-Analysis') {
                            // Retrieve IP address determined by GBUdb
                            const gbudb_split = header.value.split(/,\s*/);
                            gbudb_ip = gbudb_split[1];
                            connection.logdebug(this, `GBUdb: ${header.value.replace(/\r?\n/gm, '')}`);
                        if (header.header === 'X-MessageSniffer-Rules') {
                            rules = header.value.replace(/\r?\n/gm, '').replace(/\s+/g,' ').trim();
                            connection.logdebug(this, `rules: ${rules}`);
                        // Remove any existing headers
                        txn.add_header(header.header, header.value);
                // Summary log
                connection.loginfo(this, `result: time=${elapsed}ms code=${code
                }${gbudb_ip ? ` ip="${gbudb_ip}"` : ''
                }${group ? ` group="${group}"` : ''
                }${rules ? ` rule_count=${rules.split(/\s+/).length}` : ''
                }${rules ? ` rules="${rules}"` : ''}`);
                // Result code MUST in the 0-63 range otherwise we got an error
                if (code === 0 || (code && code <= 63)) {
                    // Handle result
                    let action;
                    if (cfg.message) {
                        if (code === 0 && cfg.message.white) {
                            action = cfg.message.white;
                        else if (code === 1) {
                            if (cfg.message.local_white) {
                                action = cfg.message.local_white;
                            else {
                                return next(OK);
                        else if (code === 20) {
                            if (cfg.message.truncate) {
                                action = cfg.message.truncate;
                            else {
                                return next(DENY, `Poor GBUdb reputation for IP [${connection.remote.ip}]`);
                        else if (code === 40 && cfg.message.caution) {
                            action = cfg.message.caution;
                        else if (code === 63 && {
                            action =;
                        else {
                            if (cfg.message[`code_${code}`]) {
                                action = cfg.message[`code_${code}`];
                            else {
                                if (code > 1 && code !== 40) {
                                    if (cfg.message.nonzero) {
                                        action = cfg.message.nonzero;
                                    else {
                                        return next(DENY, `Spam detected by MessageSniffer (code=${code} group=${group})`);
                    else {
                        // Default with no configuration
                        if (code > 1 && code !== 40) {
                            return next(DENY, `Spam detected by MessageSniffer (code=${code} group=${group})`);
                        else {
                            return next();
                    switch (action) {
                        case 'accept':
                            // Whitelist
                            return next(OK);
                        case 'allow':
                        case 'continue':
                            // Continue to next plugin
                            return next();
                        case 'retry':
                        case 'tempfail':
                            return next(DENYSOFT, `Spam detected by MessageSniffer (code=${code} group=${group})`);
                        case 'reject':
                            return next(DENY, `Spam detected by MessageSniffer (code=${code} group=${group})`);
                        case 'quarantine':
                            // Set flag for queue/quarantine plugin
                            txn.notes.quarantine = true;
                            txn.notes.quarantine_action = [ OK, `Message quarantined (${txn.uuid})` ];
                        case 'tag':
                            // fall through
                            return next();
                else {
                    // Out-of-band code returned
                    // Handle Bulk/Noisy special rule by re-writing the Precedence header
                    if (code === 100) {
                        let precedence = txn.header.get('precedence');
                        if (precedence) {
                            // We already have a precedence header
                            precedence = precedence.trim().toLowerCase();
                            switch (precedence) {
                                case 'bulk':
                                case 'list':
                                case 'junk':
                                    // Leave these as they are
                                    // Remove anything else and replace it with 'bulk'
                                    txn.add_header('Precedence', 'bulk');
                        else {
                            txn.add_header('Precedence', 'bulk');
                    return next();
            else {
                // Something must have gone wrong
                connection.logwarn(this, `unexpected response: ${result}`);
            return next();

    // TODO: we only need the first 64Kb of the message
    txn.message_stream.pipe(ws, { line_endings: '\r\n' });

exports.hook_disconnect = function (next, connection) {
    const cfg = this.config.get('messagesniffer.ini');

    // Train GBUdb on rejected messages and recipients
    if (cfg.main.gbudb_report_deny && !connection.notes.snf_run &&
        (connection.rcpt_count.reject > 0 || connection.msg_count.reject > 0)) {
        const snfreq = `<snf><xci><gbudb><bad ip='${connection.remote.ip}'/></gbudb></xci></snf>`;
        SNFClient(snfreq, (err, result) => {
            if (err) {
                connection.logerror(this, err.message);
            else {
                connection.logdebug(this, `GBUdb bad encounter added for ${connection.remote.ip}`);
    else {

function SNFClient (req, cb) {
    let result;
    const sock = new net.Socket();
    sock.setTimeout(30 * 1000); // Connection timeout
    sock.once('timeout', function () {
        cb(new Error('connection timed out'));
    sock.once('error', err => cb(err));
    sock.once('connect', function () {
        // Connected, send request
        plugin.logprotocol(`> ${req}`);
    sock.on('data', data => {
        plugin.logprotocol(`< ${data}`);
        // Buffer all the received lines
        (result ? result += data : result = data);
    sock.once('end', () => {
        // Check for result
        if (/<result /.exec(result)) return cb(null, result);

        let match;
        if ((match = /<error message='([^']+)'/.exec(result))) {
            return cb(new Error(match[1]));

        cb(new Error(`unexpected result: ${result}`));
    // Start the sequence