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const amqp = require('amqp');
const logger = require('./logger');

let rabbitqueue;
let exchangeName;
let queueName;
let deliveryMode;
let connExchange_;
let connQueue_;
let routing_;
exports.exchangeMapping = {}

//This method registers the hook and try to initialize the connection to rabbitmq server for later use.
exports.register = function () {
    logger.logdebug("About to connect and initialize queue object");
    logger.logdebug(`Finished initiating : ${exports.exchangeMapping[exchangeName + queueName]}`);

//Actual magic of publishing message to rabbit when email comes happen here.
exports.hook_queue = (next, connection) => {
    if (!connection?.transaction) return next();

    //Calling the get_data method and when it gets the data on callback, publish the message to queue with routing key.
    connection.transaction.message_stream.get_data(buffere => {
        const exchangeData = exports.exchangeMapping[exchangeName + queueName]
        logger.logdebug(`Sending the data: ${ queueName} Routing : ${exchangeData} exchange :${connExchange_}`);
        if (connExchange_ && routing_) {
            //This is publish function of rabbitmq amqp library, currently direct queue is configured and routing is fixed.
            //Needs to be changed.
            connExchange_.publish(routing_, buffere,{deliveryMode}, error => {
                if (error) {
                    //There was some error while sending the email to queue.
                    logger.logdebug("queueFailure: #{JSON.stringify(error)}");
                    return next();
                else {
                    //Queueing was successful, send ok as reply
                    logger.logdebug( "queueSuccess");
                    return next(OK,"Successfully Queued! in rabbitmq");
        else {
            //Seems like connExchange is not defined , lets create one for next call
            return next();

//This initializes the connection to rabbitmq server, It reads values from rabbitmq.ini file in config directory.
exports.init_rabbitmq_server = function () {
    // this is called during init of rabbitmq

    //Read the config file rabbitmq
    const config     = this.config.get('rabbitmq.ini');
    //Just putting the defaults
    const options = {};
    let confirm = true;
    let durable = true;
    let autoDelete = false;
    let exchangeType = 'direct';

    //Getting the values from config file rabbitmq.ini
    if (config.rabbitmq) { = config.rabbitmq.server_ip || '';
        options.port = config.rabbitmq.server_port || '5672';
        options.login = config.rabbitmq.user || 'guest';
        options.password = config.rabbitmq.password || 'guest';
        exchangeName = config.rabbitmq.exchangeName || 'emailMessages';
        exchangeType = config.rabbitmq.exchangeType || 'direct';
        confirm = config.rabbitmq.confirm === 'true'|| true;
        durable = config.rabbitmq.durable === 'true'|| true;
        autoDelete = config.rabbitmq.autoDelete === 'true' || false;
        deliveryMode = config.rabbitmq.deliveryMode || 2;
        queueName = config.rabbitmq.queueName || 'emails';
    else {
        //If config file is not available , lets get the default values
        queueName = 'emails';
        exchangeName = 'emailMessages';
        deliveryMode = 2;
        durable = true;

    //Create connection to the rabbitmq server
    logger.logdebug("About to Create connection with server");
    rabbitqueue = amqp.createConnection(options);

    //Declaring listerner on error on connection.
    rabbitqueue.on('error', error => {
        logger.logdebug(`There was some error on the connection : ${error}`);

    //Declaring listerner on close on connection.
    rabbitqueue.on('close', close => {
        logger.logdebug(` Connection  is beingclosed : ${close}`);

    /* Declaring the function to perform when connection is established and ready, function involves like:
     *    1. Creating or connecting to Exchange.
     *  2. Creating or connecting to Queue.
     *  3. Binding the Exchange and Queue.
     *  4. Saving some variables in global to be used while publishing message.

    rabbitqueue.on('ready', () => {
        logger.logdebug("Connection is ready, will try making exchange");
        // Now connection is ready will try to open exchange with config data., {  type: exchangeType,  confirm,  durable }, connExchange => {

            logger.logdebug(`connExchange with server ${connExchange} autoDelete : ${autoDelete}`);

            //Exchange is now open, will try to open queue.
            return rabbitqueue.queue(queueName,{autoDelete, durable }, connQueue => {
                logger.logdebug(`connQueue with server ${connQueue}`);

                //Creating the Routing key to bind the queue and exchange.
                const routing = `${queueName}Routing`;

                // Will try to bing queue and exchange which was created above.
                connQueue.bind(connExchange, routing);
                const key = exchangeName + queueName;

                //Save the variables for publising later.
                if (!exports.exchangeMapping[key]) {
                    exports.exchangeMapping[key] = [];
                connExchange_ = connExchange;
                connQueue_ = connQueue;
                routing_ = routing;
                    exchange : connExchange_,
                    queue : connQueue_,
                    routing : routing_,
                logger.logdebug(`exchange: ${exchangeName}, queue: ${queueName}  exchange : ${connExchange_} queue : ${connQueue_}` );