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3 days
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'use strict';
// Call spamassassin via spamd

const sock  = require('./line_socket');
const utils = require('haraka-utils');

exports.register = function () {

exports.load_spamassassin_ini = function () {
    this.cfg = this.config.get('spamassassin.ini', {
        booleans: [

    }, () => {

    const defaults = {
        spamd_socket: 'localhost:783',
        max_size:     500000,
        old_headers_action: "rename",
        subject_prefix: "*** SPAM ***",
        spamc_auth_header: 'X-Haraka-Relay',

    for (const key in defaults) {
        if (this.cfg.main[key]) continue;
        this.cfg.main[key] = defaults[key];

        'reject_threshold', 'relay_reject_threshold',
        'munge_subject_threshold', 'max_size'
    ].forEach(item => {
        if (!this.cfg.main[item]) return;
        this.cfg.main[item] = Number(this.cfg.main[item]);

exports.hook_data_post = function (next, connection) {

    if (this.should_skip(connection)) return next();

    const txn  = connection.transaction;
    txn.remove_header(this.cfg.main.spamc_auth_header); // just to be safe

    const username        = this.get_spamd_username(connection);
    const headers         = this.get_spamd_headers(connection, username);
    const socket          = this.get_spamd_socket(next, connection, headers);

    const spamd_response = { headers: {} };
    let state = 'line0';
    let last_header;
    const start =;

    socket.on('line', line => {
        connection.logprotocol(this, `Spamd C: ${line} state=${state}`);
        line = line.replace(/\r?\n/, '');
        if (state === 'line0') {
            spamd_response.line0 = line;
            state = 'response';
        else if (state === 'response') {
            if (line.match(/\S/)) {
                const matches = line.match(/Spam: (True|False) ; (-?\d+\.\d) \/ (-?\d+\.\d)/);
                if (matches) {
                    spamd_response.flag = matches[1];
                    spamd_response.score = matches[2];
                    spamd_response.hits = matches[2];  // backwards compat
                    spamd_response.reqd = matches[3];
                    spamd_response.flag = spamd_response.flag === 'True' ? 'Yes' : 'No';
            else {
                state = 'headers';
        else if (state === 'headers') {
            const m = line.match(/^X-Spam-([\x21-\x39\x3B-\x7E]+):\s*(.*)/);
            if (m) {
                connection.logdebug(this, `header: ${line}`);
                last_header = m[1];
                spamd_response.headers[m[1]] = m[2];
            let fold;
            if (last_header && (fold = line.match(/^(\s+.*)/))) {
                spamd_response.headers[last_header] += `\r\n${fold[1]}`;
            last_header = '';

    socket.once('end', () => {
        if (!connection.transaction) return next() // client gone

        if (spamd_response.headers?.Tests) {
            spamd_response.tests = spamd_response.headers.Tests.replace(/\s/g, '');
        if (spamd_response.tests === undefined) {
            // strip the 'tests' from the X-Spam-Status header
            if (spamd_response.headers?.Status) {
                // SpamAssassin appears to have a bug that causes a space not to
                // be added before autolearn= when the header line has been folded.
                // So we modify the regexp here not to match autolearn onwards.
                const tests = /tests=((?:(?!autolearn)[^ ])+)/.exec(
                if (tests) spamd_response.tests = tests[1];

        // do stuff with the results...
        txn.notes.spamassassin = spamd_response;
        connection.results.add(this, {
            time: ( - start)/1000,
            hits: spamd_response.hits,
            flag: spamd_response.flag,

        this.do_header_updates(connection, spamd_response);
        this.log_results(connection, spamd_response);

        const exceeds_err = this.score_too_high(connection, spamd_response);
        if (exceeds_err) return next(DENY, exceeds_err);

        this.munge_subject(connection, spamd_response.score);


exports.fixup_old_headers = function (txn) {
    const action = this.cfg.main.old_headers_action;
    const { headers } = txn.notes.spamassassin;

    let key;
    switch (action) {
        case "keep":
        case "drop":
            for (key in headers) {
                if (!key) continue;
        // case 'rename':
            for (key in headers) {
                if (!key) continue;
                key = `X-Spam-${key}`;
                const old_val = txn.header.get(key);
                if (old_val) {
                    // plugin.logdebug(plugin, `header: ${key}, ${old_val}`);
                    txn.add_header(key.replace(/^X-/, 'X-Old-'), old_val);

exports.munge_subject = function (conn, score) {
    const munge = this.cfg.main.munge_subject_threshold;
    if (!munge) return;
    if (parseFloat(score) < parseFloat(munge)) return;

    const subj = conn.transaction.header.get('Subject');
    const subject_re = new RegExp(`^${utils.regexp_escape(this.cfg.main.subject_prefix)}`);
    if (subject_re.test(subj)) return;    // prevent double munge

    conn.transaction.add_header('Subject', `${this.cfg.main.subject_prefix} ${subj}`);

exports.do_header_updates = function (conn, spamd_response) {
    if (spamd_response.flag === 'Yes') {
        // X-Spam-Flag is added by SpamAssassin
        conn.transaction.add_header('Precedence', 'junk');

    const modern = this.cfg.main.modern_status_syntax;
    if ( !this.cfg.main.add_headers ) return;

    for (const key in spamd_response.headers) {
        if (!key || key === '' || key === undefined) continue;
        let val = spamd_response.headers[key];
        if (val === undefined) { val = ''; }

        if (key === 'Status' && !modern) {
            const legacy = spamd_response.headers[key].replace(/ score=/,' hits=');
            conn.transaction.add_header('X-Spam-Status', legacy);
        if (val === '') continue;
        conn.transaction.add_header(`X-Spam-${key}`, val);

exports.score_too_high = function (conn, spamd_response) {
    const { score } = spamd_response;
    if (conn.relaying) {
        const rmax = this.cfg.main.relay_reject_threshold;
        if (rmax && (score >= rmax)) {
            return "spam score exceeded relay threshold";

    const max = this.cfg.main.reject_threshold;
    if (max && (score >= max)) return "spam score exceeded threshold";

    return '';

exports.get_spamd_username = function (conn) {

    let user = conn.transaction.notes.spamd_user;  // 1st priority
    if (user && user !== undefined) return user;

    if (!this.cfg.main.spamd_user) return 'default';   // when not defined
    user = this.cfg.main.spamd_user;

    // Enable per-user SA prefs
    if (user === 'first-recipient') {                // special cases
        return conn.transaction.rcpt_to[0].address();
    if (user === 'all-recipients') {
        throw "Unimplemented";
        // TODO: pass the message through SA for each recipient. Then apply
        // the least strict result to the connection. That is useful when
        // one user blacklists a sender that another user wants to get mail
        // from. If this is something you care about, this is the spot.
    return user;

exports.get_spamd_headers = function (conn, username) {
    const headers = [
        'HEADERS SPAMC/1.4',
        `User: ${username}`,
        `X-Envelope-From: ${conn.transaction.mail_from.address()}`,
        `X-Haraka-UUID: ${conn.transaction.uuid}`,
    if (conn.relaying) {
        headers.push(`${this.cfg.main.spamc_auth_header}: true`);

    return headers;

exports.get_spamd_socket = function (next, conn, headers) {
    const plugin = this;
    const txn = conn.transaction;

    // TODO: support multiple spamd backends

    const socket = new sock.Socket();
    socket.is_connected = false;
    const results_timeout = parseInt(plugin.cfg.main.results_timeout) || 300;

    socket.on('connect', function () {
        // Abort if the transaction is gone
        if (!txn) {
            plugin.logwarn(conn, 'Transaction gone, cancelling SPAMD connection');

        this.is_connected = true;
        // Reset timeout
        this.setTimeout(results_timeout * 1000);

    socket.on('error', err => {
        if (txn) txn.results.add(plugin, {err: `socket error: ${err.message}` });
        if (plugin.cfg.defer.error) return next(DENYSOFT, 'spamd scan error');
        return next();

    socket.on('timeout', function () {
        if (!this.is_connected) {
            if (txn) txn.results.add(plugin, {err: `socket connect timeout` });
            if (plugin.cfg.defer.connect_timeout) return next(DENYSOFT, 'spamd connect timeout');
        else {
            if (txn) txn.results.add(plugin, {err: `timeout waiting for results` });
            if (plugin.cfg.defer.scan_timeout) return next(DENYSOFT, 'spamd scan timeout');
        return next();

    const connect_timeout = parseInt(plugin.cfg.main.connect_timeout) || 30;
    socket.setTimeout(connect_timeout * 1000);

    if (plugin.cfg.main.spamd_socket.match(/\//)) {    // assume unix socket
    else {
        const hostport = plugin.cfg.main.spamd_socket.split(/:/);
        socket.connect((hostport[1] || 783), hostport[0]);

    return socket;

exports.log_results = function (conn, spamd_response) {
    const cfg = this.cfg.main;
    const reject_threshold = (conn.relaying) ? (cfg.relay_reject_threshold || cfg.reject_threshold) : cfg.reject_threshold;

    const human_text = `status=${spamd_response.flag}` +
              `, score=${spamd_response.score}` +
              `, required=${spamd_response.reqd}` +
              `, reject=${reject_threshold}` +
              `, tests="${spamd_response.tests}"`;

    conn.transaction.results.add(this, {
        human: human_text,
        status: spamd_response.flag, score: parseFloat(spamd_response.score),
        required: parseFloat(spamd_response.reqd), reject: reject_threshold, tests: spamd_response.tests,
        emit: true});

exports.should_skip = function (connection = {}) {
    const { transaction } = connection;
    if (!transaction) return true;

    // a message might be skipped for multiple reasons, store each in results
    let result = false;  // default

    const max = this.cfg.main.max_size;
    if (max) {
        const size = connection.transaction.data_bytes;
        if (size > max) {
            connection.transaction.results.add(this, { skip: `size ${utils.prettySize(size)} exceeds max: ${utils.prettySize(max)}`});
            result = true;

    if (this.cfg.check.authenticated == false && connection.notes.auth_user) {
        connection.transaction.results.add(this, { skip: 'authed'});
        result = true;

    if (this.cfg.check.relay == false && connection.relaying) {
        connection.transaction.results.add(this, { skip: 'relay'});
        result = true;

    if (this.cfg.check.local_ip == false && connection.remote.is_local) {
        connection.transaction.results.add(this, { skip: 'local_ip'});
        result = true;

    if (this.cfg.check.private_ip == false && connection.remote.is_private) {
        if (this.cfg.check.local_ip == true && connection.remote.is_local) {
            // local IPs are included in private IPs
        else {
            connection.transaction.results.add(this, { skip: 'private_ip'});
            result = true;

    return result;