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Test Coverage
## [Version 0.5.0](

## [Version 0.4.0](

* Updated code to work with Rails 4.0.0beta1

## [Version 0.3.0](

* Allowed the options to be specified inside the can_be method call block
* Added a block processor to each of the `change_to` methods
* Added the ability to configure the relationship name
* Implemented a set of custom RSpec matcher
* History can be kept to easily get back to data after switching can_be types
* Fixed issue where calling a change_to method didn't destroy the original details record upon save

## [Version 0.2.1](

Changed the way that the details models are added.

## [Version 0.2.0](

Added details functionality for storing custom fields per type.

## [Version 0.1.0](

Initial release.