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# circleci

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Circle CI API Wrapper. Requires ruby `>= 2.0.0`.

⚠️ **403 Forbidden issue with GET Requests fixed in 2.1.0**

## Install

gem install circleci

or with Bundler

gem 'circleci'

## Usage

### Documentation

Documentation can be found on [rubydoc][docs] or in this README

### Configuring

#### Global Config

Configure using an API token from Circle

CircleCi.configure do |config|
  config.token = 'my-token'

Optionally you can configure your own host and/or port if using an enterprise
CircleCi host. The port will default to `80` if not set.

CircleCi.configure do |config|
  config.token = 'my-token' = ''
  config.port = 1234

Overriding request settings such as not verifying SSL

CircleCi.configure do |config|
  config.token = ENV['CIRCLECI_TOKEN'] = ''
  config.port = 80
  config.request_overrides = {
    use_ssl: false,
    verify_ssl: false

Setup for proxying requests
require 'circleci'

CircleCi.configure do |config|
  config.token = ENV['CIRCLECI_TOKEN']
  config.proxy_host = ''
  config.proxy_port = 8000
  config.proxy_user = 'myci'
  config.proxy_pass = 'supersecret'
  config.proxy = true

#### Config Object

If you need to use custom config per request or for specific non-global cases
you can instantiate a `CircleCi::Config` object with all the same granularity
as a global config.

# Using a new token
config = token: ENV['SECRET_CIRCLECI_TOKEN']

# Setting a new host
config_options = { host: ENV['CIRCLECI_HOST'], port: ENV['CIRCLECI_PORT'] }
config =

# Proxy setup is a little more invovled right now
# and requires setting proxy info on instantiated config
config = token: ENV['CIRCLECI_TOKEN'], proxy: true
config.proxy_host = ENV['CIRCLECI_PROXY_HOST']
config.proxy_port = ENV['CIRCLECI_PROXY_PORT']
config.proxy_user = ENV['CIRCLECI_PROXY_USER']
config.proxy_pass = ENV['CIRCLECI_PROXY_PASS']

### API Versioning

CircleCi is a versioned API. This gem attempts to stay up to date with any
changes between versions. As of now you can change the version on the config
you use to make requests.

config = token: ENV['CIRCLECI_TOKEN'], version: 'v1.1'

This will change the requests to be in the format of


### VCS Type

Introduced in `v1.1` of the API is interacting with projects and builds based
on their version control system type. Currently this can be `github` or `bitbucket`.
Please see endpoint documentation for `Project` and `Build` on usage but you can
set a vcs type on either as so

# A bitbucket project
project = 'username', 'project', 'bitbucket'

# A github build
build = 'username', 'project', 'github', '1234'

# Defaults to github
build = 'username', 'project', nil, '1234'
build.vcs_type # will be github

# Non-valid types default to github as well
project = 'username', 'project', 'gitlab'
project.vcs_type # will be github

## API Endpoints

* [User](#user)
  * [Heroku Key](#heroku_key)
  * [Me](#me)
* [Project](#project)
  * [All](#all)
  * [Build Branch](#build_branch)
  * [Build SSH Key](#build_ssh_key)
  * [Clear Cache](#clear_cache)
  * [Enable](#enable)
  * [Envvar](#envvar)
  * [Follow](#follow)
  * [Delete Checkout Key](#delete_checkout_key)
  * [Get Checkout Key](#get_checkout_key)
  * [List Checkout Keys](#list_checkout_keys)
  * [New Checkout Key](#new_checkout_key)
  * [Recent Project Builds](#recent_project_builds)
  * [Recent Builds Branch](#recent_builds_branch)
  * [Settings](#settings)
  * [Add Envvar](#add_envvar)
  * [Delete Envvar](#delete_envvar)
  * [SSH Key](#ssh_key)
  * [Unfollow](#unfollow)
* [Build](#build)
  * [Artifacts](#artifacts)
  * [Cancel](#cancel)
  * [Get](#get)
  * [Retry](#retry)
  * [Tests](#tests)
* [Recent Builds](#recent_builds)
  * [Get Recent Builds](#get_recent_builds)

### [User](#user)

#### [heroku_key](#heroku_key)

Endpoint: `/user/heroku-key`

Adds your Heroku API key to CircleCI.
# Use global config with token for user
user =
user.heroku_key 'your-api-key'

# Use a different config with another user token
user = other_user_config
user.heroku_key 'your-api-key'

Example response

Empty body response with a `200 OK` response code

#### [me](#me)

Endpoint: `/me`

Provides information about the signed in user.

# Use global config with token for user
user =

# Use a different config with another user token
user = other_user_config

Example response

  "basic_email_prefs" : "smart", // can be "smart", "none" or "all"
  "login" : "pbiggar" // your github username

### [Project](#project)

#### [all](#all)

Endpoint: `/projects`

List of all the repos you have access to on Github, with build information organized by branch.

# Use global config with token for user
projects =

# Use a different config with another projects token
projects = other_projects_config

Example response

[ {
  "vcs_url": ""
  "followed": true // true if you follow this project in Circle
  "branches" : {
    "master" : {
      "pusher_logins" : [ "pbiggar", "arohner" ], // users who have pushed
      "last_non_success" : { // last failed build on this branch
        "pushed_at" : "2013-02-12T21:33:14Z",
        "vcs_revision" : "1d231626ba1d2838e599c5c598d28e2306ad4e48",
        "build_num" : 22,
        "outcome" : "failed",
      "last_success" : { // last successful build on this branch
        "pushed_at" : "2012-08-09T03:59:53Z",
        "vcs_revision" : "384211bbe72b2a22997116a78788117b3922d570",
        "build_num" : 15,
        "outcome" : "success",
      "recent_builds" : [ { // last 5 builds, ordered by pushed_at (decreasing)
        "pushed_at" : "2013-02-12T21:33:14Z",
        "vcs_revision" : "1d231626ba1d2838e599c5c598d28e2306ad4e48",
        "build_num" : 22,
        "outcome" : "failed",
        }, {
        "pushed_at" : "2013-02-11T03:09:54Z",
        "vcs_revision" : "0553ba86b35a97e22ead78b0d568f6a7c79b838d",
        "build_num" : 21,
        "outcome" : "failed",
        }, ... ],
      "running_builds" : [ ] // currently running builds
} ]

#### [build_branch](#build_branch)

Endpoint: `/project/:username/:repository/tree/:branch`

Build a specific branch of a project

# Use global config with token for user
project = 'username', 'reponame'

# Build the latest push for this branch
latest_build = project.build_branch 'branch'

# Adding URL params for revision or parallel
params = { revision: 'fda12345asdf', parallel: 2 }
res = project.build_branch 'branch', params
res.body['status'] # Not running
res.body['build_url'] # Get url of build

# Passing build parameters in the post body
build_params = { build_parameters: { 'MY_TOKEN' => '123asd123asd' } }
res = project.build_branch 'branch', {}, build_params

# Use a different config with another user token
project = 'username', 'reponame', 'github', other_project_config
project.build_branch 'branch'

Example response

  "compare" : null,
  "previous_successful_build" : {
    "build_time_millis" : 40479,
    "status" : "success",
    "build_num" : 76
  "build_parameters" : { },
  "committer_date" : "2014-07-27T14:40:15Z",
  "body" : "",
  "usage_queued_at" : "2014-07-29T14:05:36.373Z",
  "retry_of" : null,
  "reponame" : "soapy_cake",
  "build_url" : "",
  "parallel" : 1,
  "failed" : null,
  "branch" : "master",
  "username" : "ad2games",
  "author_date" : "2014-07-27T14:40:15Z",
  "why" : "edit",
  "user" : {
    "is_user" : true,
    "login" : "hwartig",
    "name" : "Harald Wartig",
    "email" : ""
  "vcs_revision" : "f932ea1b564ceaaa8cdba06b1bb93e1869a9a905",
  "build_num" : 77,
  "infrastructure_fail" : false,
  "ssh_enabled" : null,
  "committer_email" : "",
  "previous" : {
    "build_time_millis" : 40479,
    "status" : "success",
    "build_num" : 76
  "status" : "not_running",
  "committer_name" : "Harald Wartig",
  "retries" : null,
  "subject" : "Fix link to api_versions.yml",
  "timedout" : false,
  "dont_build" : null,
  "feature_flags" : { },
  "lifecycle" : "not_running",
  "stop_time" : null,
  "build_time_millis" : null,
  "circle_yml" : null,
  "messages" : [ ],
  "is_first_green_build" : false,
  "job_name" : null,
  "start_time" : null,
  "all_commit_details" : [ {
    "committer_date" : "2014-07-27T14:40:15Z",
    "body" : "",
    "author_date" : "2014-07-27T14:40:15Z",
    "committer_email" : "",
    "commit" : "f932ea1b564ceaaa8cdba06b1bb93e1869a9a905",
    "committer_login" : "hwartig",
    "committer_name" : "Harald Wartig",
    "subject" : "Fix link to api_versions.yml",
    "commit_url" : "",
    "author_login" : "hwartig",
    "author_name" : "Harald Wartig",
    "author_email" : ""
  } ],
  "outcome" : null,
  "vcs_url" : "",
  "author_name" : "Harald Wartig",
  "node" : null,
  "canceled" : false,
  "author_email" : ""

It also supports the Experimental Parameterized Builds

  build_environment_variables = {"ENV_VAR1" => "VALUE1", "ENV_VAR2" => "VALUE2"}
  res = CircleCi::Project.build_branch 'username', 'reponame', 'branch', build_environment_variables

#### [build_ssh_key](#build_ssh_key)

Endpoint: `/project/:username/:repository/:build_num/ssh-users`

Adds a user to the build's SSH permissions.

# Use global config with token for user
project = 'username', 'reponame'
res = project.build_ssh_key 'username', 'repo', 'RSA private key', 'hostname'

# Use a different config with another user token
project = 'username', 'reponame', 'github', other_project_config
project.build_ssh_key 'username', 'repo', 'RSA private key', 'hostname'

Example response

Empty response body with a `200 OK` successful response code

#### [clear_cache](#clear_cache)

Endpoint: `/project/:username/:repository/build-cache`

Clears the cache for a project

# Use global config with token for user
project = 'username', 'reponame'
res = project.clear_cache

# Use a different config with another user token
project = 'username', 'reponame', 'github', other_project_config

Example response

  "status" : "build caches deleted"

#### [delete_checkout_key](#delete_checkout_key)

Endpoint: `/project/:username/:repository/checkout-key/:fingerprint`

Delete a checkout key for a project by supplying the fingerprint of the key.
# Use global config with token for user
project = 'username', 'reponame'
res = project.delete_checkout_key 'fingerprint'

# Use a different config with another user token
project = 'username', 'reponame', 'github', other_project_config
project.delete_checkout_key 'fingerprint'

Example response


#### [enable](#enable)

Endpoint: `/project/:username/:repository/enable`

Enable a project in CircleCI. Causes a CircleCI SSH key to be added to
the GitHub. Requires admin privilege to the repository.

# Use global config with token for user
project = 'username', 'reponame'
res = project.enable

# Use a different config with another user token
project = 'username', 'reponame', 'github', other_project_config

Example response
    "hall_notify_prefs": nil,
    "irc_password": nil,
    "default_branch": "master",
    "hipchat_notify": nil,
    "campfire_notify_prefs": nil,
    "campfire_room": nil,
    "irc_keyword": nil,
    "slack_api_token": nil,
    "parallel": 1,
    "github_user": nil,
    "github_permissions": {
        "admin": true,
        "push": true,
        "pull": true
    "irc_server": nil,
    "heroku_deploy_user": nil,
    "dependencies": "",
    "slack_notify_prefs": nil,
    "ssh_keys": [

    "extra": "",
    "followed": false,
    "branches": {
        "master": {
            "last_non_success": {
                "added_at": "2014-06-05T17:23:25.352Z",
                "pushed_at": "2014-06-05T17:22:52.518Z",
                "vcs_revision": "66d398cb635c5f4dd666dd1526bda5894d1246e4",
                "build_num": 6,
                "status": "no_tests",
                "outcome": "no_tests"
            "recent_builds": [
                    "added_at": "2014-06-05T17:23:25.352Z",
                    "pushed_at": "2014-06-05T17:22:52.518Z",
                    "vcs_revision": "66d398cb635c5f4dd666dd1526bda5894d1246e4",
                    "build_num": 6,
                    "status": "no_tests",
                    "outcome": "no_tests"
            "running_builds": [

    "campfire_token": nil,
    "hipchat_notify_prefs": nil,
    "test": "",
    "compile": "",
    "hipchat_room": nil,
    "slack_channel": nil,
    "slack_subdomain": nil,
    "vcs_url": "",
    "flowdock_api_token": nil,
    "hall_room_api_token": nil,
    "slack_webhook_url": nil,
    "irc_username": nil,
    "hipchat_api_token": nil,
    "campfire_subdomain": nil,
    "has_usable_key": true,
    "setup": "",
    "irc_channel": nil,
    "feature_flags": {
        "build_GH1157_container_oriented_ui": nil,
        "set-github-status": true
    "irc_notify_prefs": nil

#### [envvar](#envvar)

Endpoint: `/project/:username/:project/envvar`

Get a list of environment variables for a project

# Use global config with token for user
project = 'username', 'reponame'
res = project.envvar

# Use a different config with another user token
project = 'username', 'reponame', 'github', other_project_config

Example response


#### [follow](#follow)

Endpoint: `/project/:username/:repository/follow`

Follow a project

# Use global config with token for user
project = 'username', 'reponame'
res = project.follow

# Use a different config with another user token
project = 'username', 'reponame', 'github', other_project_config

Example response

    "followed": true,
    "first_build": nil

#### [get_checkout_key](#get_checkout_key)

Endpoint: `/project/:username/:repository/checkout-key/:fingerprint`

Get a checkout key for a project by supplying the fingerprint of the key.

# Use global config with token for user
project = 'username', 'reponame'
res = project.get_checkout_key 'fingerprint'

# Use a different config with another user token
project = 'username', 'reponame', 'github', other_project_config
project.get_checkout_key 'fingerprint

Example response

    "public_key": "ssh-rsa...",
    "type": "deploy-key", // can be "deploy-key" or "user-key"
    "fingerprint": "c9:0b:1c:4f:d5:65:56:b9:ad:88:f9:81:2b:37:74:2f",
    "preferred": true,
    "time" : "2015-09-21T17:29:21.042Z" // when the key was issued

#### [list_checkout_keys](#list_checkout_keys)

Endpoint: `/project/#{username}/#{project}/checkout-key`

List checkout keys

# Use global config with token for user
project = 'username', 'reponame'
res = project.checkout_keys

# Use a different config with another user token
project = 'username', 'reponame', 'github', other_project_config

Example response

        "public_key": "ssh-rsa...",
        "type": "deploy-key", // can be "deploy-key" or "user-key"
        "fingerprint": "c9:0b:1c:4f:d5:65:56:b9:ad:88:f9:81:2b:37:74:2f",
        "preferred": true,
        "time" : "2015-09-21T17:29:21.042Z" // when the key was issued

#### [new_checkout_key](#new_checkout_key)

Endpoint: `/project/:username/:repository/checkout-key`

Create an ssh key used to access external systems that require SSH key-based authentication.
Takes a type of key to create which an be `deploy-key` or `github-user-key`.

# Use global config with token for user
project = 'username', 'reponame'
res = project.new_checkout_key 'deploy-key'

# Use a different config with another user token
project = 'username', 'reponame', 'github', other_project_config
project.new_checkout_key 'deploy-key

Example response

    "public_key": "ssh-rsa...",
    "type": "deploy-key", // can be "deploy-key" or "user-key"
    "fingerprint": "c9:0b:1c:4f:d5:65:56:b9:ad:88:f9:81:2b:37:74:2f",
    "preferred": true,
    "time" : "2015-09-21T17:29:21.042Z" // when the key was issued

#### [recent_project_builds](#recent_project_builds)

Endpoint: `/project/:username/:repository`

Build summary for each of the last 30 recent builds, ordered by build_num.

# Use global config with token for user
project = 'username', 'reponame'
res = project.recent_builds

# Use params to filter by status
res = project.recent_builds filter: 'failed'

# Use params to limit and give an offset
res = project.recent_builds limit: 10, offset: 50

# Use a different config with another user token
project = 'username', 'reponame', 'github', other_project_config

Example response

[ {
  "vcs_url" : "",
  "build_url" : "",
  "build_num" : 22,
  "branch" : "master",
  "vcs_revision" : "1d231626ba1d2838e599c5c598d28e2306ad4e48",
  "committer_name" : "Allen Rohner",
  "committer_email" : "",
  "subject" : "Don't explode when the system clock shifts backwards",
  "body" : "", // commit message body
  "why" : "github", // short string explaining the reason we built
  "dont_build" : null, // reason why we didn't build, if we didn't build
  "queued_at" : "2013-02-12T21:33:30Z" // time build was queued
  "start_time" : "2013-02-12T21:33:38Z", // time build started running
  "stop_time" : "2013-02-12T21:34:01Z", // time build finished running
  "build_time_millis" : 23505,
  "lifecycle" : "finished",
  "outcome" : "failed",
  "status" : "failed",
  "retry_of" : null, // build_num of the build this is a retry of
  "previous" : { // previous build
    "status" : "failed",
    "build_num" : 21
  } ]

#### [recent_builds_branch](#recent_builds_branch)

Endpoint: `/project/:username/:repository/tree/:branch`

Build summary for each of the last 30 recent builds for a specific branch, ordered by build_num.

# Use global config with token for user
project = 'username', 'reponame'
res = project.recent_builds_branch 'branch'

# Use params to filter by status
res = project.recent_builds_branch 'branch', filter: 'failed'

# Use params to limit and give an offset
res = project.recent_builds_branch 'branch', limit: 10, offset: 50

# Use a different config with another user token
project = 'username', 'reponame', 'github', other_project_config
project.recent_builds_branch 'branch'

Example response

[ {
  "vcs_url" : "",
  "build_url" : "",
  "build_num" : 22,
  "branch" : "new_feature",
  "vcs_revision" : "1d231626ba1d2838e599c5c598d28e2306ad4e48",
  "committer_name" : "Allen Rohner",
  "committer_email" : "",
  "subject" : "Don't explode when the system clock shifts backwards",
  "body" : "", // commit message body
  "why" : "github", // short string explaining the reason we built
  "dont_build" : null, // reason why we didn't build, if we didn't build
  "queued_at" : "2013-02-12T21:33:30Z" // time build was queued
  "start_time" : "2013-02-12T21:33:38Z", // time build started running
  "stop_time" : "2013-02-12T21:34:01Z", // time build finished running
  "build_time_millis" : 23505,
  "lifecycle" : "finished",
  "outcome" : "failed",
  "status" : "failed",
  "retry_of" : null, // build_num of the build this is a retry of
  "previous" : { // previous build
    "status" : "failed",
    "build_num" : 21
  } ]

#### [settings](#settings)

Endpoint: `/project/:username/:repository/settings`

Get project settings

# Use global config with token for user
project = 'username', 'reponame'
res = project.settings

# Use a different config with another user token
project = 'username', 'reponame', 'github', other_project_config

Example response

    "hall_notify_prefs": nil,
    "irc_password": nil,
    "default_branch": "master",
    "hipchat_notify": nil,
    "campfire_notify_prefs": nil,
    "campfire_room": nil,
    "irc_keyword": nil,
    "slack_api_token": nil,
    "parallel": 1,
    "github_user": nil,
    "github_permissions": {
        "admin": true,
        "push": true,
        "pull": true
    "irc_server": nil,
    "heroku_deploy_user": nil,
    "dependencies": "",
    "slack_notify_prefs": nil,
    "ssh_keys": [

    "extra": "",
    "followed": true,
    "branches": {
        "master": {
            "running_builds": [
                    "added_at": "2014-06-05T17:22:52.779Z",
                    "pushed_at": "2014-06-05T17:22:52.518Z",
                    "vcs_revision": "66d398cb635c5f4dd666dd1526bda5894d1246e4",
                    "build_num": 6,
                    "status": "not_running",
                    "outcome": nil
    "campfire_token": nil,
    "hipchat_notify_prefs": nil,
    "test": "",
    "compile": "",
    "hipchat_room": nil,
    "slack_channel": nil,
    "slack_subdomain": nil,
    "vcs_url": "",
    "flowdock_api_token": nil,
    "hall_room_api_token": nil,
    "slack_webhook_url": nil,
    "irc_username": nil,
    "hipchat_api_token": nil,
    "campfire_subdomain": nil,
    "has_usable_key": true,
    "setup": "",
    "irc_channel": nil,
    "feature_flags": {
        "build_GH1157_container_oriented_ui": nil,
        "set-github-status": true
    "irc_notify_prefs": nil

#### [add_envvar](#add_envvar)

Endpoint: `/project/:username/:project/envvar`

Creates a new environment variable for a project

environment = { name: 'foo', value: 'bar' }

# Use global config with token for user
project = 'username', 'reponame'
res = project.add_envvar environment

# Use a different config with another user token
project = 'username', 'reponame', 'github', other_project_config
project.add_envvar environment

Example response


#### [delete_envvar](#delete_envvar)

Endpoint: `/project/:username/:project/envvar`

Deletes an environment variable for a project

envvar = 'SECRET_CI_TOKEN'

# Use global config with token for user
project = 'username', 'reponame'
res = project.delete_envvar envvar

# Use a different config with another user token
project = 'username', 'reponame', 'github', other_project_config
project.delete_envvar envvar

Example response

{"message": "ok"}

#### [ssh_key](#ssh_key)

Endpoint: `/project/:username/:repository/ssh-key`

Creates an ssh key that will be used to access the external system identified
by the hostname parameter for SSH key-based authentication.

# Use global config with token for user
project = 'username', 'reponame'
res = project.ssh_key 'RSA private key', 'hostname'

# Use a different config with another user token
project = 'username', 'reponame', 'github', other_project_config
project.ssh_key 'RSA private key', 'hostname'

Example response

Empty response body with a `200 OK` successful response code

#### [unfollow](#unfollow)

Endpoint: `/project/:username/:repository/unfollow`

Unfollow a project

# Use global config with token for user
project = 'username', 'reponame'
res = project.unfollow

# Use a different config with another user token
project = 'username', 'reponame', 'github', other_project_config

Example response

    "followed": false

### [Build](#build)

#### [artifacts](#artifacts)

Endpoint: `/project/:username/:repository/:build/artifacts`

Artifacts produced by the build, returns an array of artifact details

# Use global config with token for user
build = 'username', 'reponame', nil, 'build'
res = build.artifacts

# Use a different config with another user token
build = 'username', 'reponame', nil, 'build', other_build_config

    node_index: 0,
    path: "/tmp/circle-artifacts.NHQxLku/cherry-pie.png",
    pretty_path: "$CIRCLE_ARTIFACTS/cherry-pie.png",
    url: ""
    node_index: 0,
    path: "/tmp/circle-artifacts.NHQxLku/rhubarb-pie.png",
    pretty_path: "$CIRCLE_ARTIFACTS/rhubarb-pie.png",
    url: ""

#### [cancel](#cancel)

Endpoint: `/project/:username/:repository/:build/cancel`

Cancels the build, returns a summary of the build.

# Use global config with token for user
build = 'username', 'reponame', nil, 'build'
res = build.cancel

# Use a different config with another user token
build = 'username', 'reponame', nil, 'build', other_build_config

Example response

  "vcs_url" : "",
  "build_url" : "",
  "build_num" : 26,
  "branch" : "master",
  "vcs_revision" : "59c9c5ea3e289f2f3b0c94e128267cc0ce2d65c6",
  "committer_name" : "Allen Rohner",
  "committer_email" : "",
  "subject" : "Merge pull request #6 from dlowe/master"
  "body" : "le bump", // commit message body
  "why" : "retry", // short string explaining the reason we built
  "dont_build" : null, // reason why we didn't build, if we didn't build
  "queued_at" : "2013-05-24T19:37:59.095Z" // time build was queued
  "start_time" : null, // time build started running
  "stop_time" : null, // time build finished running
  "build_time_millis" : null,
  "username" : "circleci",
  "reponame" : "mongofinil",
  "lifecycle" : "queued",
  "outcome" : "canceled",
  "status" : "canceled",
  "canceled" : true,
  "retry_of" : 25, // build_num of the build this is a retry of
  "previous" : { // previous build
    "status" : "success",
    "build_num" : 25

#### [get](#get)

Endpoint: `/project/:username/:repository/:build`

Full details for a single build, including the output for all actions. The response includes all of the fields from the build summary.

# Use global config with token for user
build = 'username', 'reponame', nil, 'build'
res = build.get

# Use a different config with another user token
build = 'username', 'reponame', nil, 'build', other_build_config

Example response

  "vcs_url" : "",
  "build_url" : "",
  "build_num" : 22,
  "steps" : [ {
    "name" : "configure the build",
    "actions" : [ {
      "bash_command" : null,
      "run_time_millis" : 1646,
      "start_time" : "2013-02-12T21:33:38Z",
      "end_time" : "2013-02-12T21:33:39Z",
      "name" : "configure the build",
      "command" : "configure the build",
      "exit_code" : null,
      "out" : [ ],
      "type" : "infrastructure",
      "index" : 0,
      "status" : "success",
    } ] },
    "name" : "lein2 deps",
    "actions" : [ {
      "bash_command" : "lein2 deps",
      "run_time_millis" : 7555,
      "start_time" : "2013-02-12T21:33:47Z",
      "command" : "((lein2 :deps))",
      "messages" : [ ],
      "step" : 1,
      "exit_code" : 0,
      "out" : [ {
        "type" : "out",
        "time" : "2013-02-12T21:33:54Z",
        "message" : "Retrieving org/clojure ... from clojars\r\n"
      } ],
      "end_time" : "2013-02-12T21:33:54Z",
      "index" : 0,
      "status" : "success",
      "type" : "dependencies",
      "source" : "inference",
      "failed" : null
    } ] },
    "name" : "lein2 trampoline midje",
    "actions" : [ {
      "bash_command" : "lein2 trampoline midje",
      "run_time_millis" : 2310,
      "continue" : null,
      "parallel" : true,
      "start_time" : "2013-02-12T21:33:59Z",
      "name" : "lein2 trampoline midje",
      "command" : "((lein2 :trampoline :midje))",
      "messages" : [ ],
      "step" : 6,
      "exit_code" : 1,
      "out" : [ {
        "type" : "out",
        "time" : "2013-02-12T21:34:01Z",
        "message" : "'midje' is not a task. See 'lein help'.\r\n\r\nDid you mean this?\r\n         do\r\n"
      }, {
        "type" : "err",
        "time" : "2013-02-12T21:34:01Z",
        "message" : "((lein2 :trampoline :midje)) returned exit code 1"
      } ],
      "end_time" : "2013-02-12T21:34:01Z",
      "index" : 0,
      "status" : "failed",
      "timedout" : null,
      "infrastructure_fail" : null,
      "type" : "test",
      "source" : "inference",
      "failed" : true
    } ]
  } ],

#### [retry](#retry)

Endpoint: `/project/:username/:repository/:build/retry`

Retries the build, returns a summary of the new build.

# Use global config with token for user
build = 'username', 'reponame', nil, 'build'
res = build.retry

# Use a different config with another user token
build = 'username', 'reponame', nil, 'build', other_build_config

Example response

  "vcs_url" : "",
  "build_url" : "",
  "build_num" : 23,
  "branch" : "master",
  "vcs_revision" : "1d231626ba1d2838e599c5c598d28e2306ad4e48",
  "committer_name" : "Allen Rohner",
  "committer_email" : "",
  "subject" : "Don't explode when the system clock shifts backwards",
  "body" : "", // commit message body
  "why" : "retry", // short string explaining the reason we built
  "dont_build" : null, // reason why we didn't build, if we didn't build
  "queued_at" : "2013-04-12T21:33:30Z" // time build was queued
  "start_time" : "2013-04-12T21:33:38Z", // time build started running
  "stop_time" : "2013-04-12T21:34:01Z", // time build finished running
  "build_time_millis" : 23505,
  "lifecycle" : "queued",
  "outcome" : null,
  "status" : "queued",
  "retry_of" : 22, // build_num of the build this is a retry of
  "previous" : { // previous build
    "status" : "failed",
    "build_num" : 22

#### [tests](#tests)

Endpoint: `/project/:username/:repository/:build/tests`

Tests endpoint to get the recorded tests for a build. Will return an array of
the tests ran and some details.

# Use global config with token for user
build = 'username', 'reponame', nil, 'build'
res = build.tests

# Use a different config with another user token
build = 'username', 'reponame', nil, 'build', other_build_config

    "message" => nil,
    "file" => "spec/unit/user_spec.rb",
    "source" => "rspec",
    "run_time" => 0.240912,
    "result" => "success",
    "name" => "user creation",
    "classname"=> "spec.unit.user_spec"
    "message" => "Unable to update user",
    "file" => "spec/unit/user_spec.rb",
    "name"=>"user update",

### [recent_builds](#recent_builds)

#### [get_recent_builds](#get_recent_builds)

Endpoint: `/recent-builds`

Build summary for each of the last 30 recent builds, ordered by build_num.

# Use global config with token for user
recent =
res = recent.get

# Params of limit and offset can be passed in
res = recent.get limit: 10, offset: 50

# Use a different config with another user token
recent = other_builds_config

[ {
  "vcs_url" : "",
  "build_url" : "",
  "build_num" : 22,
  "branch" : "master",
  "vcs_revision" : "1d231626ba1d2838e599c5c598d28e2306ad4e48",
  "committer_name" : "Allen Rohner",
  "committer_email" : "",
  "subject" : "Don't explode when the system clock shifts backwards",
  "body" : "", // commit message body
  "why" : "github", // short string explaining the reason we built
  "dont_build" : null, // reason why we didn't build, if we didn't build
  "queued_at" : "2013-02-12T21:33:30Z" // time build was queued
  "start_time" : "2013-02-12T21:33:38Z", // time build started
  "stop_time" : "2013-02-12T21:34:01Z", // time build finished
  "build_time_millis" : 23505,
  "username" : "circleci",
  "reponame" : "mongofinil",
  "lifecycle" : "finished", // :queued, :scheduled, :not_run, :not_running, :running or :finished
  "outcome" : "failed", // :canceled, :infrastructure_fail, :timedout, :failed, :no_tests or :success
  "status" : "failed", // :retried, :canceled, :infrastructure_fail, :timedout, :not_run, :running, :failed, :queued, :scheduled, :not_running, :no_tests, :fixed, :success
  "retry_of" : null, // build_num of the build this is a retry of
  "previous" : { // previous build
    "status" : "failed",
    "build_num" : 21
  }, ... ]

### Tests

Tests are ran using Rspec and VCR for API interaction recording.
Run using `rake` or `rspec`. Please add tests for any new features or
endpoints added if you are contributing. Code styling is enforced with RuboCop
and uses a checked in `.rubocop.yml` for this project.

Tests are using a live CircleCi API token for this repository. Any tests
should be using this key, which is in the `.env` file. You should not have
to do anything outside of writing the tests against this repository.
