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package skiplist

// Node for a skiplist which is a linked list
// node containing a slice of forward referencing nodes,
// the previous node and the key and value of the node
type Node struct {
    forward  []*Node
    backward *Node
    key      int
    val      interface{}

// NewNode takes a level used for the forward slice
// referencing linked nodes as well as the key and
// value of the node
func NewNode(level, key int, val interface{}) *Node {
    return &Node{
        forward: make([]*Node, level),
        key:     key,
        val:     val,

// Value returns val of node
func (n *Node) Value() interface{} {
    return n.val

// Returns next node or nil if next node is not present
func (n *Node) next() *Node {
    if len(n.forward) == 0 {
        return nil
    return n.forward[0]

// Returns the previous node
func (n *Node) prev() *Node {
    return n.backward