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Test Coverage
t0/l0/70: theme 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 (-àr, -ér, '-er, -ír, -ír/is: base/no vanishing el variant/vanishing el variant)
n0: theme 2, 4, 7, 11, 12 (-àr, -ér, '-er, -ír, -ír/is: northern variant)
t1/l1/71/p1/n1: theme 1 (-àr, -ér, '-er, -ír, -ír/is: base/no vanishing el variant/vanishing el variant/central variant/northern variant)
p4/l4/74: theme 4 (base central variant/no vanishing el variant central variant/vanishing el variant central variant)
t8/n8: theme 8 (base/northern variant)
T8/N8: theme 8 for stressed word (base/northern variant)
tA/lA/7A: theme 9, 10 (-àr: base/no vanishing el variant/vanishing el variant)
tE/lE/7E: theme 9, 10 (-ér, '-er, -ír, -ír/is: base/no vanishing el variant/vanishing el variant)
tB/lB/7B: theme 9, 10 for stressed words (-àr: base/no vanishing el variant/vanishing el variant)
tC/lC/7C: theme 9, 10 for stressed words (-ér, '-er, -ír, -ír/is: base/no vanishing el variant/vanishing el variant)

xA: irregular verb (re-?)andar
xB/xC: irregular verb (re-?)av?er, (re-?)g(av)er, ‘(v)er
xD : irregular verb (a(s)|apar|de|(in)kon|intra|man|(re)o|re|sos|tra)[ct][èé]ñer, (a(r)|ben|de(x)|(des|re)kon|in|inter|intr[ae]|kontra|mal|per|pre|(re)so|pro|rin|sko(n)|sora|x)v[èéí]ñer/‘ñer
xE : irregular verb (des|re)(c|ti?)oler, (ben|mal|re)(vu?|‘)oler
xF : irregular verb (dex)dar, ((dex)asue|des|kon(tra)|[lƚ]iku[ei]|putre|(ra)?re|sastu|sat[iu]s|sodis|sora|stra|stupe|tore|tume)far, (kon(tra)|mal|move|o|re|so(ra|to))star
xG : irregular verb liku[ei]far senŧa èle vanesente
xH : irregular verb ƚiku[ei]far ko èle vanesente
xI : irregular verb (bene|d[ei]x|in|inter|intr[ae]|kontra|pre|re)díxer
xJ : irregular verb (bene|d[ei]x|in|inter|intr[ae]|kontra|male|pre|re)díxer senŧa èle vanesente
xK : irregular verb (bene|d[ei]x|in|inter|intr[ae]|kontra|maƚe|pre|re)díxer ko èle vanesente
xL : irregular verb déver
xM : irregular verb (r[eï])èser
xN : irregular verb poder
xO : irregular verb (pre|re|stra)sav?er
xP : irregular verb (a|as|de|des|es|kon|pro|re|so)tràer
xQ : irregular verb vardar

P0/Pl/P7: pronomenal verbs, detached (-[gmnstv]e(ne) / -([gmstv]e)l[oaie] / -([gmstv]e)ƚ[oaie])
Q0/Ql/Q7: pronomenal verbs, attached ([gmnstv]e(ne) / ([gmstv]e)l[oaie] / ([gmstv]e)ƚ[oaie])
R0/Rl/R7: pronomenal verbs for '-er, attached ([gmnstv]e(ne) / ([gmstv]e)l[oaie] / ([gmstv]e)ƚ[oaie])
S0/Sl/S7: pronomenal verbs for the imperative, detached (-[gmnstv]e(ne) / -([gmstv]e)l[oaie] / -([gmstv]e)ƚ[oaie])
D0/Dl/D7: pronomenal verbs for the imperative, attached ([gmnstv]e(ne) / ([gmstv]e)l[oaie] / ([gmstv]e)ƚ[oaie])
FS: (public) sonorization of final consonants (ñ.>nc|ñ[oei], ñ.>in|ñ[oei], ñ.>n|ñ[oei], ñ.>ñ|ñ[oei], b.>p|b[oei], p.>p|p[oei], …)
J1: interrogatives for first person singular, detached (-(m)i, -n(t)[ei], -[ei])
I1: interrogatives for first person singular, attached ((m)i, n(t)[ei], [ei])
J2: interrogatives for first person plural, detached (-i, -n(t)[ei], -[ei])
I2: interrogatives for first person plural, attached (i, n(t)[ei], [ei])
J3: interrogatives for second person singular, detached (-(s)tu, -to)
I3: interrogatives for second person singular, attached ((s)tu, to)
J4: interrogatives for second person plural, detached (-[uo])
I4: interrogatives for second person plural, attached ([uo])
J5/j5: interrogatives for third person, detached (-l[oaie] / -ƚ[oaie])
I5/i5: interrogatives for third person, attached (l[oaie] / ƚ[oaie])
J6/j6: interrogatives for conditional present third person, detached (-ave > -ise-l[oaie] / -ave > -ise-ƚ[oaie])
I6/i6: interrogatives for conditional present third person, attached (-ave > -ísel[oaie], -ave > -íseƚ[oaie])

A1: (public) all declinations, adjectives of first class (a>[oaie]|[^oaie], o>i|[^ij]o, .o>i|[ij]o, o>[ae])
A2: (public) adjectives of second class (a>[aie]|[^oaie], a>[ie])
F0: (public) feminine plural substantives, adjectives of third class (a>[ei]|[^oaie], a>e, e>i)
M0: (public) masculine plural substantives (a>[oi]|[^oaie], o>i|[^i]o, .o>i|io, [ae]>i)
M1: (public) adding of -io/a to the words in -o/a ([lnr]>.io, [oe]>io, a>ia)

B1: (public) suffix for feltrin-belumat transformation, plural with transformation '[aeou][ln] > 'Vi (.>i|[èò][ln], a.>ài|a[ln], e.>éi|e[ln], o.>ói|o[ln], u.>úi|u[ln])
B2: (public) suffix for feltrin-belumat transformation, plural with transformation '[aeou].+[aeou][ln] > 'V.+Vi (l>i|[aeouàèéòóú]l, n>i|[aeouàèéòóú]n)
V3/V7: (public) suffix for venetian transformation (l>ƚ, j>ɉ, ŧ>s, đ>x)
Vf: (public) suffix for venetian transformation for femenine words (l>ƚe)
Vp: (public) prefix for venetian transformation (l>ƚ, j>ɉ, ŧ>s, đ>x)
Pd: (public) suffix for paduan transformation: metaphonesis (oxo>uxi)
Vs: (public) prefix for vicentine transformation (re->ra-/ar-, se->sa-, per- > par-)
Vr/VR: (public) suffix for veronexe transformation (-ente > -ènte/M0FS, -en[pstŧ]o > -èn[pstŧ]o/M0FSPd, -en[dstŧ]a > -èn[dstŧ]a/F0, -osto > -òsto/M0FS, -ongo > -òngo/M0FS)

v0/v7: (public) plants and crafts ((i)èr>ar(o/a/i/e), dor>(t)or(a/i/e)|[aeiou]dor, ol>i[oò]l(o/a/i/e)|[rs]ol, ol>òl(o/a/i/e)|[rs]ol, …)
m0/m7: (public) deverbal nominals (-ment(o/i))
z0/s0/s7: (public) deverbal nominals (r>ŧion, r>sion)
d0/d7: (public) deverbal nominals ([ai]r>(d)ura, [ai]dur>ur, [ai]dur>ureto, [ai]dura>ura, [ai]dura>ureta)
x0/x7: (public) deaverbial nominals (a>ixm[oi]|[nr], a>ixm[oi])
r0: (public) denominal nominals (-[ae]ría)
i0: (public) denominal nominals (a>ist[aei]|l, [ae]>ist[aei], o>ist[aei]|[^i]o, o>st[aei]|io)
w0: (public) adverbs in -mente
y0/y1: (public) collective substantives (duro>ur[oi], ada>à[ae], ida>í[ae], uda>ú[ae])
Z0: (public) ignore upper/lower case

aZ/aS: (public) altered substantives (-aŧo/a, -aso/a)
aT: (public) altered substantives (-ato/a)
eL/e7: (public) altered substantives (-èl/èla, -èƚo/a)
eZ/eS: (public) deajectival nominals (-eŧa/e, -esa/e)
eT/e0: (public) altered substantives (-eto/a)
iN: (public) altered substantives (-in/-ina)
iZ/iS: (public) deajectival nominals (-iŧia/e, -isia/e)
oT: (public) altered substantives (-òto/a)
uZ/uS: (public) altered substantives (-uŧo/a)

^0/^1/^2/^3/^4/^5/^6/^7/^8: (public) prefix for altered substantives (anti-/tra-/pre-/kapo-/kontra-/kontro-/stra-/mal-/ben-)
-0/-1: (public) prefix for removal or lowering, and euphonic of de- (de-/de[sx]-)
+0: (public) prefix for deajectival verbs (i(n)-)
*0: (public) prefix for contrary or privative-pejorative action, removal, exit, separation ([sx]-)
.0: (public) prefix for repeated action (r[ea]-/ar-)
@0: (public) prefix for direction, approach, addition, intensive value (a-)
@1: prefix for reinforcing (gives a superlative value) (ar[sŧ][iï]-)
:0: (public) prefix for union, participation, connection (kon-)
gv: (public) prefix for initial lenition gua>va
%0: (public) numerals (collectives) (-exèna)
%1: (public) altered numerals (collectives) (-ando)
%a/%7: (public) altered numerals (collectives) (-èximo)
%2/%3: (public) latin numerals (I, II, III, …)
$0/$1/$2/$3: (public) unit of measures (k/M/G/…, h/da, d/c/m/…, ki/Mi/Gi/…)
'0: (public) truncated words at the begin (adds an apostrophe at the begin)
'9: (public) truncated words at the end (adds an apostrophe at the end)