

Test Coverage
// HashTable.h
// Task
// CIS 22C F2016: Matthew Tso
// Maybe try djb2 hash algorithm from: http://www.cse.yorku.ca/~oz/hash.html
// TODO: try next-prime implementation here: http://stackoverflow.com/a/30052481/2684355
//       to get the next prime number of a certain order of magnitude


// #include <iterator>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

#include "ADT\DictionaryInterface.h"
#include "HashList.h"
#include "TaskEntry.h"

typedef unsigned int uint;

namespace task 
     * HashTable
     * Collision resolution using separate chaining of linked-lists.
    template <typename KeyType, typename ValueType>
    class HashTable : public adt::DictionaryInterface<KeyType, ValueType> // : public std::iterator<input_iterator_tag, int>
        static const uint DEFAULT_SIZE = 101; // Should be a prime number
        static const uint HASH_START = 15607; // 701;
        static const uint HASH_MULTIPLIER = 17;

        // Points to the dynamic array of linked lists
        HashList<KV>* table;

        unsigned int entry_count;
        unsigned int used_tables;
        unsigned int table_size;
        unsigned int index_of_longest;
        unsigned int collisions;

        // Uses a multiplicative hash to determine
        // an index based off of current table size
        inline unsigned int hashOf(const KeyType& target_key, const unsigned int &for_size) const;

        // Re-hashes the table to decrease load factor
        // will often lower the count of the longest list too 
        void expandTable();

        // Checks the primality of a number
        bool isPrime(const unsigned int &number);

        // Returns the next prime number greater than a minimum
        unsigned int nextPrime(unsigned int minimum);

        // Forces an expansion of the table.
        void forceExpansion();

        Default Constructor
        HashTable<KeyType, ValueType>();

        ~HashTable<KeyType, ValueType>();

         * Returns true if the Dictionary is empty
        bool isEmpty() const;

         * Returns a count of the entries
        unsigned int count() const;

         * Inserts an item by value
        bool insert(const KeyType& new_key, const ValueType& new_value);

         * Removes an item by its key, may throw if entry is not found
        bool remove(const KeyType& delete_key);

        * Clears each list in the table
        void clear();

        * Returns a copy of the value of an entry identified by key
        ValueType getValue(const KeyType& target_key) const;

         * Returns a reference to the value of an entry identified by the key
        ValueType& getRawValue(const KeyType& target_key);

        * Returns true if an entry is found with a key that matches
        bool contains(const KeyType& target_key) const;

        * Traverses each list in the table by array order
        * the list traverses from top to bottom
        virtual void traverse(void visit( ValueType& entry)) const;

        // Returns the load factor between 0 and 1,
        // number of non-empty tables divided by table size
        double getLoadFactor() const;

        // Returns the longest list identfied by index
        unsigned int countLongestList() const;

        // Returns the number of non-empty tables
        unsigned int countUsedTables() const;

        // Returns the current table size, should be a prime number
        unsigned int getTableSize() const;

        // Returns the number of comparisons before finding an entry by key
        int getAccessCountOf(const KeyType& target_key);

        // Returns the number of tables with more than one entry in it
        uint getCollisionCount() const;

#include "HashTableImplementation.h"