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Add on-ice players to a file by specifying filename and columns from which to infer time elapsed in game.

import pandas as pd

from scrapenhl2.scrape import schedules, parse_toi, autoupdate, team_info, teams, players
from scrapenhl2.scrape import general_helpers as helpers

def add_players_to_file(filename, focus_team, season=None, gamecol='Game', periodcol='Period', timecol='Time',
                        time_format='elapsed', update_data=False, player_output='names'):
    Adds names of on-ice players to the end of each line, and writes to file in the same folder as input file.
    Specifically, adds 1 second to the time in the spreadsheet and adds players who were on the ice at that time.

    You cannot necessarily trust results when times coincide with stoppages--and it's worth checking faceoffs as well.

    :param filename: str, the file to read. Will save output as this filename but ending in "on-ice.csv"
    :param focus_team: str or int, e.g. 'WSH' or 'WPG'
    :param season: int. For 2007-08, use 2007. Defaults to current season.
    :param gamecol: str. The column holding game IDs (e.g. 20001). By default, looks for column called "Game"
    :param periodcol: str. The column holding period number/name (1, 2, 3, 4 or OT, etc). By default: "Period"
    :param timecol: str. The column holding time in period in M:SS format.
    :param time_format: str, how to interpret timecol. Use 'elapsed' or 'remaining'.
        E.g. the start of a period is 0:00 with elapsed and 20:00 in remaining.
    :param update_data: bool. If True, will autoupdate() data for given season. If not, will not update game data.
        Use when file includes data from games not already scraped.
    :param player_output: str, use 'names' or 'nums'. Currently only supports 'names'

    :return: nothing
    # TODO handle date instead of season and game

    if season is None:
        season = schedules.get_current_season()
    if update_data:

    df = _read_tracking_file(filename)
    df = add_times_to_file(df, periodcol, timecol, time_format)
    df = add_onice_players_to_df(df, focus_team, season, gamecol, player_output)
    _write_tracking_file(df, filename)

def _write_tracking_file(df, original_filename):
    Uses the original filename to create a new filename, and writes that to file.

    :param df: dataframe
    :param original_filename: str

    :return: nothing. df written to original_filename ending in "_on-ice.csv

    new_filename = original_filename[:original_filename.rfind('.')] + '_on-ice.csv'
    df.to_csv(new_filename, index=False)

def add_onice_players_to_df(df, focus_team, season, gamecol, player_output='ids'):
    Uses the _Secs column in df, the season, and the gamecol to join onto on-ice players.

    :param df: dataframe
    :param focus_team: str or int, team to focus on. Its players will be listed in first in sheet.
    :param season: int, the season
    :param gamecol: str, the column with game IDs
    :param player_output: str, use 'names' or 'nums' or 'ids'. Currently 'nums' is not supported.

    :return: dataframe with team and opponent players

    toi = teams.get_team_toi(season, focus_team).rename(columns={'Time': '_Secs'}).drop_duplicates()
    toi = toi[['Game', '_Secs', 'Team1', 'Team2', 'Team3', 'Team4', 'Team5', 'Team6',
               'Opp1', 'Opp2', 'Opp3', 'Opp4', 'Opp5', 'Opp6']].rename(columns={'Game': gamecol})

    # Rename columns
    toi = toi.rename(columns={col: '{0:s}{1:s}'.format(focus_team, col[-1])
                              for col in toi.columns if len(col) >= 4 and col[:4] == 'Team'})

    joined = df.merge(toi, how='left', on=['_Secs', gamecol])

    # Print missing games by finding nulls in Opp1
    # If I actually do have the TOI (which may not have made it into the team log b/c of missing PBP), then use that
    missings = set(joined[pd.isnull(joined.Opp1)].Game.unique())
    hassome = set(joined[pd.notnull(joined.Opp1)].Game.unique())
    for game in missings:
        if game in hassome:
            print('Missing some (not all) data to join on-ice players for {0:d}'.format(int(round(game))))
            # See if I have its TOI
                gametoi = parse_toi.get_parsed_toi(season, int(round(game))) \
                    .rename(columns={'Time': '_Secs'}).drop_duplicates() \
                    .drop({'HomeStrength', 'RoadStrength', 'HG', 'RG'}, axis=1)

                # Now that I do, need to switch column names, get players in right format, and join
                hname = team_info.team_as_str(schedules.get_home_team(season, int(round(game))))
                if hname == focus_team:
                    gametoi = gametoi.rename(columns={'H' + str(x): focus_team + str(x) for x in range(1, 7)})
                    gametoi = gametoi.rename(columns={'R' + str(x): 'Opp' + str(x) for x in range(1, 7)})
                    gametoi = gametoi.rename(columns={'R' + str(x): focus_team + str(x) for x in range(1, 7)})
                    gametoi = gametoi.rename(columns={'H' + str(x): 'Opp' + str(x) for x in range(1, 7)})

                gametoi = gametoi.assign(Game=int(round(game)))

                joined = helpers.fill_join(joined, gametoi, on=['_Secs', gamecol])

            except OSError:
            print('Missing all data to join on-ice players for {0:d}'.format(int(round(game))))
        print('Check scrape / parse status and game number')

    # Now convert to names or numbers
    for col in joined.columns[-12:]:
        if player_output == 'ids':
        elif player_output == 'names':
            joined.loc[:, col] = players.playerlst_as_str(pd.to_numeric(joined[col]))
        elif player_output == 'nums':
            pass  # TODO

    return joined.drop('_Secs', axis=1)

def _opp_cols_to_back(df):
    Extracts columns starting with "Opp" and moves them to the end.

    :param df: dataframe

    :return: dataframe with reordered columns

    cols = list(df.columns)
    oppcols = {col for col in cols if len(col) >= 3 and col[:3] == 'Opp'}

    neworder = [x for x in df.columns if x not in oppcols] + [x for x in df.columns if x in oppcols]
    return df[[neworder]]

def add_times_to_file(df, periodcol, timecol, time_format):
    Uses specified periodcol, timecol, and time_format col to calculate _Secs, time elapsed in game.

    :param df: dataframe
    :param periodcol: str, the column that holds period name/number (1, 2, 3, 4 or OT, etc)
    :param timecol: str, the column that holds time in m:ss format
    :param time_format: use 'elapsed' (preferred) or 'remaining'. This refers to timecol: e.g. 120 secs elapsed in
        the 2nd period might be listed as 2:00 in timecol, or as 18:00.

    :return: dataframe with extra column _Secs, time elapsed in game.

    df = df.dropna(subset={timecol})
    df.loc[:, periodcol] = df[periodcol].fillna(method='ffill')

    # Common to see semicolon in place of colon; fix here as well
    # Also fix, e.g. ! instead of 1, @ instead of 2, etc
    df.loc[:, '_MMSS'] = df[timecol].str.replace(';', ':') \
        .str.replace('!', '1') \
        .str.replace('@', '2') \
        .str.replace('#', '3') \
        .str.replace('$', '4') \
        .str.replace('%', '5') \
        .str.replace('^', '6') \
        .str.replace('&', '7') \
        .str.replace('*', '8') \
        .str.replace('(', '9') \
        .str.replace(')', '0') \

    if time_format == 'elapsed':
        def period_cont(x):
            y = str(x)[0]  # take just first since this may be a float
            if y.isdigit():
                return (float(x) - 1) * 1200
            elif x == 'OT':  # OT
                return period_cont(4)
                print('Cannot find period contribution for', x)
                return ''

        df.loc[:, '_Period_Contribution'] = df[periodcol].apply(period_cont)
        df.loc[:, '_Secs'] = df['_Period_Contribution'] + df['_MMSS']
    elif time_format == 'remaining':
        def period_cont(x):
            y = str(x)[0]  # take just first since this may be a float
            if y.isdigit():
                return float(x) * 1200
            elif x == 'OT':
                return 3900
                print('Cannot find period contribution for', x)
                return ''

        df.loc[:, '_Period_Contribution'] = df[periodcol].apply(period_cont)
        df.loc[:, '_Secs'] = df['_Period_Contribution'] - df['_MMSS']

    df.loc[:, '_Secs'] = df['_Secs'] + 1
    df = df.drop({'_MMSS','_Period_Contribution'}, axis=1, errors='ignore')
    return df

def _read_tracking_file(fname):
    A method that will read csv or excel, depending on fname extension.

    :param fname: str, file path

    :return: dataframe in the file

    if fname[-4:] == '.csv':
        return pd.read_csv(fname)
    elif fname[-5:] == '.xlsx':
        return pd.read_excel(fname)
        print('Did not recognize extension for', fname)