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This module contains methods for creating a scatterplot of team defense pair shot rates.

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as mplc

import scrapenhl2.plot.visualization_helper as vhelper
from scrapenhl2.scrape import schedules, team_info, players
import scrapenhl2.scrape.general_helpers as helper
import scrapenhl2.manipulate.manipulate as manip

def team_dpair_shot_rates_scatter(team, min_pair_toi=50, **kwargs):
    Creates a scatterplot of team defense pair shot attempr rates.

    :param team: int or str, team
    :param min_pair_toi: int, number of minutes for pair to qualify
    :param kwargs: Use season- or date-range-related kwargs only.


    kwargs['team'] = team

    startdate, enddate = vhelper.get_startdate_enddate_from_kwargs(**kwargs)
    rates = get_dpair_shot_rates(team, startdate, enddate)
    pairs = drop_duplicate_pairs(rates).query('TOI >= {0:d}'.format(60 * min_pair_toi))
    xy = _add_xy_names_for_dpair_graph(pairs)

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=[8, 6])
    ax = plt.gca()

    xy = _get_point_sizes_for_dpair_scatter(xy)
    xy = _get_colors_for_dpair_scatter(xy)

    # First plot players on their own
    for name in xy.Name.unique():
        # Get first two rows, which are this player adjusted a bit. Take average
        temp = xy.query('Name == "{0:s}"'.format(name)).sort_values('TOI', ascending=False) \
            .iloc[:2, :] \
            .groupby(['Name', 'PlayerID', 'Color'], as_index=False).mean()
        if players.get_player_handedness(temp.PlayerID.iloc[0]) == 'L':
            marker = '<'
            marker = '>'
        ax.scatter(temp.X.values, temp.Y.values, label=name, marker=marker,
                   s=temp.Size.values, c=temp.Color.values)

    # Now plot pairs
    for name in xy.Name.unique():
        temp = xy.query('Name == "{0:s}"'.format(name)).sort_values('TOI', ascending=False).iloc[2:, :]
        if len(temp) == 0:
        if players.get_player_handedness(temp.PlayerID.iloc[0]) == 'L':
            marker = '<'
            marker = '>'
        ax.scatter(temp.X.values, temp.Y.values, marker=marker, s=temp.Size.values, c=temp.Color.values)

    plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize=10)

    ax.set_title(', '.join(vhelper.generic_5v5_log_graph_title('D pair shot rates', **kwargs)))

    return vhelper.savefilehelper(**kwargs)

def _get_colors_for_dpair_scatter(df):
    A helper method that scales scatterpoint alphas corresponding to TOI column. The largest point gets an alpha of 0.9;
    others get smaller linearly. Follows current matplotlib color cycle, turning RGB into RGBA.

    :param df: dataframe with TOI column

    :return: df with an extra column Color.

    largest = df.TOI.max()

    color_cycle = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color']

    def get_adjusted_color(base, largesttoi, thistoi):
        newcolor = mplc.to_rgba(base, alpha=thistoi / largesttoi * 0.9)
        return newcolor

    dflst = []
    for i, name in enumerate(df.Name.unique()):
        color = vhelper.hex_to_rgb(color_cycle[i], maxval=1)
        temp = df.query('Name == "{0:s}"'.format(name))
        temp.loc[:, 'Color'] = temp.TOI.apply(lambda x: get_adjusted_color(color, largest, x))
    return pd.concat(dflst)

def _get_point_sizes_for_dpair_scatter(df):
    A helper method that scales scatterpoint sizes corresponding to TOI column. The largest point gets a size of 200;
    others get smaller linearly.

    :param df: dataframe with TOI column

    :return: df with an extra column Size that can be used in matplotlib as the kwarg 's'

    largest = df.TOI.max()
    df.loc[:, 'Size'] = df.TOI / largest * 200
    return df

def _add_xy_names_for_dpair_graph(df, delta_small=0.25, delta_large=0.75):
    X is CF60 and Y is CA60. Pushes PlayerID1 a little to the left and PlayerID2 a little to the right in X. Also
    adds player names.

    :param df: dataframe with CF60 and CA60. This df will be wide.
    :param delta_small: amount to move by, in data coordinates, for LL and RR pairs
    :param delta_large: amount to move by, in data coordinates, for LR pairs. Need two deltas because the plot is with
        triangles and the triangles plot so that the vertex across from the short side, and not the center of the short
        side, is at the xy specified.

    :return: dataframe with X and Y and names added on, melted version of original df
    df = df.assign(PairIndex=1)
    df.loc[:, 'PairIndex'] = df.PairIndex.cumsum()

    melted = helper.melt_helper(df[['PlayerID1', 'PlayerID2', 'CF60', 'CA60', 'TOI', 'PairIndex']],
                                id_vars=['CF60', 'CA60', 'TOI', 'PairIndex'], var_name='P1P2', value_name='PlayerID')

    handedness = players.get_player_ids_file().query('Pos == "D"')[['ID', 'Hand']]
    deltadf = df[['PlayerID1', 'PlayerID2', 'PairIndex']] \
        .merge(handedness.rename(columns={'ID': 'PlayerID1', 'Hand': 'Hand1'}), how='left', on='PlayerID1') \
        .merge(handedness.rename(columns={'ID': 'PlayerID2', 'Hand': 'Hand2'}), how='left', on='PlayerID2')
    deltadf.loc[((deltadf.Hand1 == 'L') & (deltadf.Hand2 == 'R')), 'DeltaReq'] = delta_large
    deltadf.loc[:, 'DeltaReq'] = deltadf.DeltaReq.fillna(delta_small)
    deltadf = deltadf[['PairIndex', 'DeltaReq']]

    melted = melted.merge(deltadf, how='left', on='PairIndex')

    melted.loc[:, 'Name'] = melted.PlayerID.apply(players.player_as_str)

    temp1 = melted[melted.P1P2 == 'PlayerID1']
    temp2 = melted[melted.P1P2 == 'PlayerID2']

    temp1.loc[:, 'X'] = temp1.CF60 - temp1.DeltaReq
    temp2.loc[:, 'X'] = temp2.CF60 + temp2.DeltaReq

    melted = pd.concat([temp1, temp2])
    melted.loc[:, 'Y'] = melted.CA60

    return melted

def drop_duplicate_pairs(rates):
    The shot rates dataframe has duplicates--e.g. in one row Orlov is PlayerID1 and Niskanen PlayerID2, but in
    another Niskanen is PlayerID1 and Orlov is playerID2. This method will select only one, using the following rules:

    - For mixed-hand pairs, pick the one where P1 is the lefty and P2 is the righty
    - For other pairs, arrange by PlayerID. The one with the smaller ID is P1 and the larger, P2.

    :param rates: dataframe as created by get_dpair_shot_rates

    :return: dataframe, rates with half of rows dropped

    handedness = players.get_player_ids_file().query('Pos == "D"')[['ID', 'Hand']]
    rates = rates.merge(handedness.rename(columns={'ID': 'PlayerID1', 'Hand': 'Hand1'})) \
        .merge(handedness.rename(columns={'ID': 'PlayerID2', 'Hand': 'Hand2'}))

    rates = rates[((rates.Hand1 == "R") & (rates.Hand2 == "L")) == False]

    lr_pairs = rates.query('Hand1 == "L" & Hand2 == "R"')  # Will keep these
    ll_rr_pairs = rates[((rates.Hand1 == "L") & (rates.Hand2 == "R")) == False]

    # Melt and arrange, and pick first
    ll_rr_pairs = ll_rr_pairs[['PlayerID1', 'PlayerID2']].assign(PairIndex=1)
    ll_rr_pairs.loc[:, 'PairIndex'] = ll_rr_pairs.PairIndex.cumsum()
    melted = helper.melt_helper(ll_rr_pairs, id_vars='PairIndex', var_name='P1P2', value_name='PlayerID')

    firsts = melted.sort_values(['PairIndex', 'PlayerID']) \
        .groupby('PairIndex', as_index=False) \
        .first() \
        .drop('P1P2', axis=1) \
        .rename(columns={'PlayerID': 'PlayerID1'})
    lasts = melted.sort_values(['PairIndex', 'PlayerID']) \
        .groupby('PairIndex', as_index=False) \
        .last() \
        .drop('P1P2', axis=1) \
        .rename(columns={'PlayerID': 'PlayerID2'})

    joined = firsts.merge(lasts, how='outer', on='PairIndex').drop('PairIndex', axis=1)

    # Inner join back on
    df = pd.concat([lr_pairs,
                    rates.merge(joined, how='inner', on=['PlayerID1', 'PlayerID2'])]) \
        .drop({'Hand1', 'Hand2'}, axis=1)

    return df

def get_dpair_shot_rates(team, startdate, enddate):
    Gets CF/60 and CA/60 by defenseman duo (5v5 only) for this team between given range of dates

    :param team: int or str, team
    :param startdate: str, start date
    :param enddate: str, end date (inclusive)

    :return: dataframe with PlayerID1, PlayerID2, CF, CA, TOI (in secs), CF/60 and CA/60
    startseason, endseason = [helper.infer_season_from_date(x) for x in (startdate, enddate)]

    dflst = []
    for season in range(startseason, endseason+1):
        games_played = schedules.get_team_games(season, team, startdate, enddate)
        games_played = [g for g in games_played if g >= 20001 and g <= 30417]
        toi = manip.get_game_h2h_toi(season, games_played).rename(columns={'Secs': 'TOI'})
        cf = manip.get_game_h2h_corsi(season, games_played, 'cf').rename(columns={'HomeCorsi': 'CF'})
        ca = manip.get_game_h2h_corsi(season, games_played, 'ca').rename(columns={'HomeCorsi': 'CA'})

        # TOI, CF, and CA have columns designating which team--H or R
        # Use schedule to find appropriate ones to filter for
        sch = schedules.get_team_schedule(season, team, startdate, enddate)
        sch = helper.melt_helper(sch[['Game', 'Home', 'Road']],
                                 id_vars='Game', var_name='HR', value_name='Team')
        sch = sch.query('Team == {0:d}'.format(int(team_info.team_as_id(team))))
        sch.loc[:, 'HR'] = sch.HR.apply(lambda x: x[0])
        sch = sch.assign(Team1=sch.HR, Team2=sch.HR).drop({'Team', 'HR'}, axis=1)

        toi = toi.merge(sch, how='inner', on=['Game', 'Team1', 'Team2'])
        cf = cf.merge(sch, how='inner', on=['Game', 'Team1', 'Team2'])
        ca = ca.merge(sch, how='inner', on=['Game', 'Team1', 'Team2'])

        # CF and CA from home perspective, so switch if necessary
        cfca = cf.merge(ca, how='outer', on=['Game', 'PlayerID1', 'PlayerID2', 'Team1', 'Team2'])
        cfca.loc[:, 'tempcf'] = cfca.CF
        cfca.loc[:, 'tempca'] = cfca.CA
        cfca.loc[cf.Team1 == 'R', 'CF'] = cfca[cfca.Team1 == 'R'].tempca
        cfca.loc[ca.Team1 == 'R', 'CA'] = cfca[cfca.Team1 == 'R'].tempcf

        cfca = cfca.drop({'Team1', 'Team2', 'tempcf', 'tempca'}, axis=1)
        toi = toi.drop({'Team1', 'Team2', 'Min'}, axis=1)

        joined = toi.merge(cfca, how='outer', on=['PlayerID1', 'PlayerID2', 'Game']) \

    df = pd.concat(dflst) \
        .groupby(['PlayerID1', 'PlayerID2'], as_index=False).sum()
    df.loc[:, 'CF60'] = df.CF * 3600 / df.TOI
    df.loc[:, 'CA60'] = df.CA * 3600 / df.TOI

    defensemen = players.get_player_ids_file().query('Pos == "D"')[['ID']]
    df = df.merge(defensemen.rename(columns={'ID': 'PlayerID1'}), how='inner', on='PlayerID1') \
        .merge(defensemen.rename(columns={'ID': 'PlayerID2'}), how='inner', on='PlayerID2')

    return df