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This module is from `SO <>`_.
It adds labels for lines on the lines themselves.

from math import atan2,degrees
import numpy as np

def labelLine(line, x, label=None, align=True, **kwargs):
    """Labels line with line2D label data"""

    ax = line.get_axes()
    xdata = line.get_xdata()
    ydata = line.get_ydata()

    if (x < xdata[0]) or (x > xdata[-1]):
        print('x label location is outside data range!')

    # Find corresponding y co-ordinate and angle of the line
    ip = 1
    for i in range(len(xdata)):
        if x < xdata[i]:
            ip = i

    y = ydata[ip - 1] + (ydata[ip] - ydata[ip - 1]) * (x - xdata[ip - 1]) / (xdata[ip] - xdata[ip - 1])

    if not label:
        label = line.get_label()

    if align:
        # Compute the slope
        dx = xdata[ip] - xdata[ip - 1]
        dy = ydata[ip] - ydata[ip - 1]
        ang = degrees(atan2(dy, dx))

        # Transform to screen co-ordinates
        pt = np.array([x, y]).reshape((1, 2))
        trans_angle = ax.transData.transform_angles(np.array((ang,)), pt)[0]

        trans_angle = 0

    # Set a bunch of keyword arguments
    if 'color' not in kwargs:
        kwargs['color'] = line.get_color()

    if ('horizontalalignment' not in kwargs) and ('ha' not in kwargs):
        kwargs['ha'] = 'center'

    if ('verticalalignment' not in kwargs) and ('va' not in kwargs):
        kwargs['va'] = 'center'

    if 'backgroundcolor' not in kwargs:
        kwargs['backgroundcolor'] = ax.get_facecolor()

    if 'clip_on' not in kwargs:
        kwargs['clip_on'] = True

    if 'zorder' not in kwargs:
        kwargs['zorder'] = 2.5

    ax.text(x, y, label, rotation=trans_angle, **kwargs)

def labelLines(lines, align=True, xvals=None, **kwargs):
    """Labels lines in a line graph"""

    ax = lines[0].get_axes()
    labLines = []
    labels = []

    # Take only the lines which have labels other than the default ones
    for line in lines:
        label = line.get_label()
        if "_line" not in label and '_nolegend' not in label:

    if xvals is None:
        xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim()
        xvals = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, len(labLines)+2)[1:-1]

    for line, x, label in zip(labLines, xvals, labels):
        labelLine(line, x, label, align, **kwargs)