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This module contains methods for scraping TOI.

import json
import os.path
import urllib.request
import zlib
from time import sleep

from scrapenhl2.scrape import organization, schedules, manipulate_schedules, general_helpers as helpers, parse_toi

def scrape_game_toi(season, game, force_overwrite=False):
    This method scrapes the toi for the given game.

    :param season: int, the season
    :param game: int, the game
    :param force_overwrite: bool. If file exists already, won't scrape again

    :return: nothing
    filename = get_game_raw_toi_filename(season, game)
    if not force_overwrite and os.path.exists(filename):
        return False

    page = helpers.try_url_n_times(get_shift_url(season, game))
    save_raw_toi(page, season, game)
    # ed.print_and_log('Scraped toi for {0:d} {1:d}'.format(season, game))
    sleep(1)  # Don't want to overload NHL servers

    # It's most efficient to parse with page in memory, but for sake of simplicity will do it later
    # toi = read_toi_from_page(page)
    return True

def get_home_shiftlog_filename(season, game):
    Returns the filename of the parsed toi html home shifts

    :param season: int, the season
    :param game: int, the game

    :return: str, /scrape/data/raw/pbp/[season]/[game]H.html
    return os.path.join(organization.get_season_raw_toi_folder(season), str(game) + 'H.html')

def get_road_shiftlog_filename(season, game):
    Returns the filename of the parsed toi html road shifts

    :param season: int, current season
    :param game: int, game
    :return: str, /scrape/data/raw/pbp/[season]/[game]H.html
    return os.path.join(organization.get_season_raw_toi_folder(season), str(game) + 'R.html')

def scrape_game_toi_from_html(season, game, force_overwrite=True):
    This method scrapes the toi html logs for the given game.

    :param season: int, the season
    :param game: int, the game
    :param force_overwrite: bool. If file exists already, won't scrape again

    :return: nothing
    filenames = (get_home_shiftlog_filename(season, game), get_road_shiftlog_filename(season, game))
    urls = (get_home_shiftlog_url(season, game), get_road_shiftlog_url(season, game))
    filetypes = ('H', 'R')
    for i in range(2):
        filename = filenames[i]
        if not force_overwrite and os.path.exists(filename):

        page = helpers.try_url_n_times(urls[i])
        save_raw_toi_from_html(page, season, game, filetypes[i])
        sleep(1)  # Don't want to overload NHL servers
        print('Scraped html toi for {0:d} {1:d}'.format(season, game))

def save_raw_toi(page, season, game):
    Takes the bytes page containing shift information and saves to disk as a compressed zlib.

    :param page: bytes. str(page) would yield a string version of the json shifts
    :param season: int, the season
    :param game: int, the game

    :return: nothing
        page2 = zlib.compress(page.encode('latin-1'), level=9)
    except TypeError:
        # No level kwarg before Python 3.6
        page2 = zlib.compress(page.encode('latin-1'))
    filename = get_game_raw_toi_filename(season, game)
    w = open(filename, 'wb')

def save_raw_toi_from_html(page, season, game, homeroad):
    Takes the bytes page containing shift information and saves to disk as html.

    :param page: bytes. str(page) would yield a string version of the json shifts
    :param season: int, he season
    :param game: int, the game
    :param homeroad: str, 'H' or 'R'

    :return: nothing
    if homeroad == 'H':
        filename = get_home_shiftlog_filename(season, game)
    elif homeroad == 'R':
        filename = get_road_shiftlog_filename(season, game)
    w = open(filename, 'w')
    if type(page) != str:
        page = page.decode('latin-1')

def get_raw_html_toi(season, game, homeroad):
    Loads the html file containing this game's toi from disk.

    :param season: int, the season
    :param game: int, the game
    :param homeroad: str, 'H' for home or 'R' for road

    :return: str, the html toi
    if homeroad == 'H':
        filename = get_home_shiftlog_filename(season, game)
    elif homeroad == 'R':
        filename = get_road_shiftlog_filename(season, game)
    with open(filename, 'r') as reader:
        page =
    return page

def get_raw_toi(season, game):
    Loads the compressed json file containing this game's shifts from disk.

    :param season: int, the season
    :param game: int, the game

    :return: dict, the json shifts
    with open(get_game_raw_toi_filename(season, game), 'rb') as reader:
        page =
    return json.loads(str(zlib.decompress(page).decode('latin-1')))

def get_home_shiftlog_url(season, game):
    Gets the url for a page containing shift information for specified game from HTML tables for home team.

    :param season: int, the season
    :param game: int, the game

    :return : str, e.g.
    return '{0:d}{1:d}/TH0{2:d}.HTM'.format(season, season + 1, game)

def get_road_shiftlog_url(season, game):
    Gets the url for a page containing shift information for specified game from HTML tables for road team.

    :param season: int, the season
    :param game: int, the game

    :return : str, e.g.
    return '{0:d}{1:d}/TV0{2:d}.HTM'.format(season, season + 1, game)

def get_shift_url(season, game):
    Gets the url for a page containing shift information for specified game from NHL API.

    :param season: int, the season
    :param game: int, the game

    :return : str,[season]0[game]
    return '{0:d}0{1:d}'.format(season, game)

def get_game_raw_toi_filename(season, game):
    Returns the filename of the raw toi folder

    :param season: int, current season
    :param game: int, game

    :return: str, /scrape/data/raw/toi/[season]/[game].zlib
    return os.path.join(organization.get_season_raw_toi_folder(season), str(game) + '.zlib')

def scrape_season_toi(season, force_overwrite=False):
    Scrapes and parses toi from the given season.

    :param season: int, the season
    :param force_overwrite: bool. If true, rescrapes all games. If false, only previously unscraped ones

    :return: nothing
    if season is None:
        season = schedules.get_current_season()

    sch = schedules.get_season_schedule(season)
    games = sch[sch.Status == "Final"].Game.values
    intervals = helpers.intervals(games)
    interval_j = 0
    for i, game in enumerate(games):
            scrape_game_toi(season, game, force_overwrite)
            manipulate_schedules.update_schedule_with_pbp_scrape(season, game)
            parse_toi.parse_game_pbp(season, game, True)
            if len(parse_toi.get_parsed_toi(season, game)) < 3600:
                scrape_game_toi_from_html(season, game, True)
                parse_toi.parse_game_toi_from_html(season, game, True)
        except Exception as e:
            pass  # ed.print_and_log('{0:d} {1:d} {2:s}'.format(season, game, str(e)), 'warn')
        if interval_j < len(intervals):
            if i == intervals[interval_j][0]:
                print('Done scraping through {0:d} {1:d} ({2:d}%)'.format(
                    season, game, round(intervals[interval_j][0] / len(games) * 100)))
                interval_j += 1

def scrape_toi_setup():
    Creates raw toi folders if need be

    for season in range(2005, schedules.get_current_season() + 1):
