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This module contains method related to team logs.

import os.path

import feather
import pandas as pd
import pyarrow
from tqdm import tqdm

from scrapenhl2.scrape import organization, parse_pbp, parse_toi, schedules, team_info, general_helpers as helpers, \
    scrape_toi, manipulate_schedules

def get_team_pbp(season, team):
    Returns the pbp of given team in given season across all games.

    :param season: int, the season
    :param team: int or str, the team abbreviation.

    :return: df, the pbp of given team in given season
    return feather.read_dataframe(get_team_pbp_filename(season, team_info.team_as_str(team, True)))

def get_team_toi(season, team):
    Returns the toi of given team in given season across all games.

    :param season: int, the season
    :param team: int or str, the team abbreviation.

    :return: df, the toi of given team in given season
    return feather.read_dataframe(get_team_toi_filename(season, team_info.team_as_str(team, True)))

def write_team_pbp(pbp, season, team):
    Writes the given pbp dataframe to file.

    :param pbp: df, the pbp of given team in given season
    :param season: int, the season
    :param team: int or str, the team abbreviation.

    :return: nothing
    if pbp is None:
        print('PBP df is None, will not write team log')
    feather.write_dataframe(pbp, get_team_pbp_filename(season, team_info.team_as_str(team, True)))

def write_team_toi(toi, season, team):
    Writes team TOI log to file

    :param toi: df, team toi for this season
    :param season: int, the season
    :param team: int or str, the team abbreviation.

    if toi is None:
        print('TOI df is None, will not write team log')
        feather.write_dataframe(toi, get_team_toi_filename(season, team_info.team_as_str(team, True)))
    except ValueError:
        # Need dtypes to be numbers or strings. Sometimes get objs instead
        for col in toi:
                toi.loc[:, col] = pd.to_numeric(toi[col])
            except ValueError:
                toi.loc[:, col] = toi[col].astype(str)
        feather.write_dataframe(toi, get_team_toi_filename(season, team_info.team_as_str(team, True)))

def get_team_pbp_filename(season, team):
    Returns filename of the PBP log for this team and season

    :param season: int, the season
    :param team: int or str, the team abbreviation.

    return os.path.join(organization.get_season_team_pbp_folder(season),
                        "{0:s}.feather".format(team_info.team_as_str(team, abbreviation=True)))

def get_team_toi_filename(season, team):
    Returns filename of the TOI log for this team and season

    :param season: int, the season
    :param team: int or str, the team abbreviation.

    return os.path.join(organization.get_season_team_toi_folder(season),
                        "{0:s}.feather".format(team_info.team_as_str(team, abbreviation=True)))

def update_team_logs(season, force_overwrite=False, force_games=None):
    This method looks at the schedule for the given season and writes pbp for scraped games to file.
    It also adds the strength at each pbp event to the log. It only includes games that have both PBP *and* TOI.

    :param season: int, the season
    :param force_overwrite: bool, whether to generate from scratch
    :param force_games: None or iterable of games to force_overwrite specifically

    :return: nothing

    # For each team

    sch = schedules.get_season_schedule(season).query('Status == "Final"')
    new_games_to_do = sch[(sch.Game >= 20001) & (sch.Game <= 30417)]

    if force_games is not None:
        new_games_to_do = pd.concat([new_games_to_do,
                                     sch.merge(pd.DataFrame({'Game': list(force_games)}),
                                               how='inner', on='Game')]) \

    allteams = sorted(list(new_games_to_do.Home.append(new_games_to_do.Road).unique()))

    for team in tqdm(allteams, desc = 'Updating team logs'):
        #print('Updating team log for {0:d} {1:s}'.format(season, team_info.team_as_str(team)))

        # Compare existing log to schedule to find missing games
        newgames = new_games_to_do[(new_games_to_do.Home == team) | (new_games_to_do.Road == team)]
        if force_overwrite:
            pbpdf = None
            toidf = None
            # Read currently existing ones for each team and anti join to schedule to find missing games
                pbpdf = get_team_pbp(season, team)
                if force_games is not None:
                    pbpdf = helpers.anti_join(pbpdf, pd.DataFrame({'Game': list(force_games)}), on='Game')
                newgames = newgames.merge(pbpdf[['Game']].drop_duplicates(), how='outer', on='Game', indicator=True)
                newgames = newgames[newgames._merge == "left_only"].drop('_merge', axis=1)
            except OSError:
                pbpdf = None
            except OSError:  # pyarrow (feather) FileNotFoundError equivalent
                pbpdf = None

                toidf = get_team_toi(season, team)
                if force_games is not None:
                    toidf = helpers.anti_join(toidf, pd.DataFrame({'Game': list(force_games)}), on='Game')
            except OSError:
                toidf = None
            except OSError:  # pyarrow (feather) FileNotFoundError equivalent
                toidf = None

        for i, gamerow in newgames.iterrows():
            game = gamerow[1]
            home = gamerow[2]
            road = gamerow[4]

            # load parsed pbp and toi
                    gamepbp = None
                    gamepbp = parse_pbp.get_parsed_pbp(season, game)
                except OSError:
                    print("Check PBP for", season, game)
                    gametoi = None
                    gametoi = parse_toi.get_parsed_toi(season, game)
                except OSError:
                    # try html
                    scrape_toi.scrape_game_toi_from_html(season, game)
                    parse_toi.parse_game_toi_from_html(season, game)
                    manipulate_schedules.update_schedule_with_toi_scrape(season, game)
                        gametoi = parse_toi.get_parsed_toi(season, game)
                    except OSError:
                        print('Check TOI for', season, game)

                if gamepbp is not None and gametoi is not None and len(gamepbp) > 0 and len(gametoi) > 0:
                    # Rename score and strength columns from home/road to team/opp
                    if team == home:
                        gametoi = gametoi.assign(TeamStrength=gametoi.HomeStrength, OppStrength=gametoi.RoadStrength) \
                            .drop({'HomeStrength', 'RoadStrength'}, axis=1)
                        gamepbp = gamepbp.assign(TeamScore=gamepbp.HomeScore, OppScore=gamepbp.RoadScore) \
                            .drop({'HomeScore', 'RoadScore'}, axis=1)
                        gametoi = gametoi.assign(TeamStrength=gametoi.RoadStrength, OppStrength=gametoi.HomeStrength) \
                            .drop({'HomeStrength', 'RoadStrength'}, axis=1)
                        gamepbp = gamepbp.assign(TeamScore=gamepbp.RoadScore, OppScore=gamepbp.HomeScore) \
                            .drop({'HomeScore', 'RoadScore'}, axis=1)

                    # add scores to toi and strengths to pbp
                    gamepbp = gamepbp.merge(gametoi[['Time', 'TeamStrength', 'OppStrength']], how='left', on='Time')
                    gametoi = gametoi.merge(gamepbp[['Time', 'TeamScore', 'OppScore']], how='left', on='Time')
                    gametoi.loc[:, 'TeamScore'] = gametoi.TeamScore.fillna(method='ffill')
                    gametoi.loc[:, 'OppScore'] = gametoi.OppScore.fillna(method='ffill')

                    # Switch TOI column labeling from H1/R1 to Team1/Opp1 as appropriate
                    cols_to_change = list(gametoi.columns)
                    cols_to_change = [x for x in cols_to_change if len(x) == 2]  # e.g. H1
                    if team == home:
                        swapping_dict = {'H': 'Team', 'R': 'Opp'}
                        colchanges = {c: swapping_dict[c[0]] + c[1] for c in cols_to_change}
                        swapping_dict = {'H': 'Opp', 'R': 'Team'}
                        colchanges = {c: swapping_dict[c[0]] + c[1] for c in cols_to_change}
                    gametoi = gametoi.rename(columns=colchanges)

                    # finally, add game, home, and road to both dfs
                    gamepbp.loc[:, 'Game'] = game
                    gamepbp.loc[:, 'Home'] = home
                    gamepbp.loc[:, 'Road'] = road
                    gametoi.loc[:, 'Game'] = game
                    gametoi.loc[:, 'Home'] = home
                    gametoi.loc[:, 'Road'] = road

                    # concat toi and pbp
                    if pbpdf is None:
                        pbpdf = gamepbp
                        pbpdf = pd.concat([pbpdf, gamepbp])
                    if toidf is None:
                        toidf = gametoi
                        toidf = pd.concat([toidf, gametoi])

            except FileNotFoundError:

        # write to file
        if pbpdf is not None:
            pbpdf.loc[:, 'FocusTeam'] = team
        if toidf is not None:
            toidf.loc[:, 'FocusTeam'] = team

        write_team_pbp(pbpdf, season, team)
        write_team_toi(toidf, season, team)
        #print('Done with team logs for {0:d} {1:s} ({2:d}/{3:d})'.format(
        #    season, team_info.team_as_str(team), teami + 1, len(allteams)))

def team_setup():
    Creates team log-related folders.

    :return: nothing
    for season in range(2005, schedules.get_current_season() + 1):
    for season in range(2005, schedules.get_current_season() + 1):
