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# Introduction
Raptor Request is a light weight PHP library built using the SOLID principles to wrap the incoming HTTP request in one single object, with a structure based on [[RFC7230](].

To install the library , just run the following composer command.
composer require phpraptor/request v0.1-beta

To capture the request, simply create an object of the `Http` class.
use Raptor\Request\Http;

$request = new Http;
As stated in [Section 3]( of the [[RFC7230](],

> All HTTP/1.1 messages consist of a start-line followed by a sequence of octets in a format similar to the Internet Message Format [RFC5322]: zero or more header fields (collectively referred to as the "headers" or the "header section"), an empty line indicating the end of the header section, and an optional message body.
> HTTP-message   = start-line *( header-field CRLF ) CRLF [ message-body ]

Or, in simple words, a request message has three components, a `request-line` (according to [Section 3.1]( of the [[RFC7230](], for a request message the `start-line` will be a `request-line`), followed by `header-fields` and then a `message-body`.

You can access these three components by calling `line()`, `header()` and `body()` methods on the request object.
$request->line();    // request-line
$request->header();  // header fields
$request->body();    // message body

# Request-line
[Section 3.1.1]( of the [[RFC7230](] states,

> A request-line begins with a method token, followed by a single space (SP), the request-target, another single space (SP), the protocol version, and ends with CRLF.
> request-line   = method SP request-target SP HTTP-version CRLF

This means that the request-line itself is further divided into three sub-components.
$request->line()->method();   // method token
$request->line()->target();   // request-target
$request->line()->version();  // HTTP-version
### Method token
To get the method token or the request method, call the `method()` function.
$request->method();    // short approach

// Example output:
### Request-target
[Section 5.3]( of the [[RFC7230](] states,

> There are four distinct formats for the request-target, depending on both the method being requested and whether the request is to a proxy.
> request-target = origin-form / absolute-form / authority-form / asterisk-form

According to [Section 3.1.1]( of the [[RFC7230](],

> The most common form of request-target is the origin-form.
> origin-form    = absolute-path [ "?" query ]

The `origin-form` has two sub-components, the `absolute-path` and the `query string parameters`.

* #### Absolute-path (Request URI)
To get the absolute path or the request URI, call the `path()` method.

// Example output:
* #### Query String Parameters ($_GET)
To get all the query string parameters, call the `query()` method.
$request->query();    // short approach

// Example output:
    'search' => 'john doe',
    'page' => '2'
If you want to get a particular query string parameter, call the `query()` method and pass the required key as the argument.
$request->query('search');    // short approach

// Example output:
'john doe'
You can also define a default value to return if a key does not exist in the query string parameters.
$request->line()->target()->query('search', 'default value');
$request->query('search', 'default value');    // short approach

// Example output:
'default value'
### HTTP-version
To get the HTTP-version, call the `version()` method.

// Example output:

# Header Fields
To get all the header fields or the request headers, call the `all()` method on the `header()` method of the request object.

// Example output:
    'HTTP_HOST' => 'localhost',
    'HTTP_USER_AGENT' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0',
    'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',
    'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE' => 'en-US,en;q=0.5',
    'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING' => 'gzip, deflate',
    'HTTP_COOKIE' => 'PHPSESSID=t8ih495a8fap4agrkk9ectn2r5',
    'HTTP_CONNECTION' => 'keep-alive'
If you want to get a particular header field, call the `get()` method and pass the required key as the argument.

// Example output:
You can also define a default value to return if a key does not exist in the header fields.
$request->header()->get('HTTP_EXAMPLE', 'default value');

// Example output:
'default value'

### Cookies ($_COOKIE)
The browser cookies are sent to the server with the header fields, so to get all the cookies, call the `cookie()` method on the `header()` method of the request object.
$request->cookie();    // short approach

// Example output:
    'PHPSESSID' => 'lopaavhboml1ua6a539b8u0rm7'
If you want to get a particular cookie, call the `cookie()` method and pass the required key as the argument.
$request->cookie('PHPSESSID');    // short approach

// Example output:
You can also define a default value to return if a key does not exist in the cookies.
$request->header()->cookie('FONTSIZE', '14px');
$request->cookie('FONTSIZE', '14px');    // short approach

// Example output:

# Message Body
[Section 3.3]( of the [[RFC7230](] states,

> The message body (if any) of an HTTP message is used to carry the payload body of that request

The payload body can contain request body parameters, i.e. `$_POST`, and any uploaded files, i.e. `$_FILES`.

### Request Body Parameters ($_POST)
To get all the request body parameters, call the `param()` method.
$request->param();    // short approach

// Example output:
    'username' => 'phpraptor',
    'password' => 'johndoe'
If you want get a particular request body parameter, call the `param()` method and pass the required key as the argument.
$request->param('username');    // short approach

// Example output:
You can also define a default value to return if a key does not exist in the request body parameters.
$request->body()->param('category_id', 30);
$request->param('category_id', 30);    // short approach

// Example output:

### Uploaded Files ($_FILE)
To get all the uploaded files, call the `files()` method.
$request->uploads();    // short approach

// Example output:
    'image' => [
        'name' => 'image01.jpg',
        'type' => 'image/jpeg',
        'tmp_name' => '\path\to\tmp\php2660.tmp',
        'error' => 0,
        'size' => 135069
If you want get a particular uploaded file, call the `file()` method and pass the required key as the argument.
$request->file('image');    // short approach

// Example output:
    'name' => 'image01.jpg',
    'type' => 'image/jpeg',
    'tmp_name' => '\path\to\tmp\php2660.tmp',
    'error' => 0,
    'size' => 135069

### Content Length
To get the content length of the message body, call the `contentLength()` method.

// Example output:

### Content Type
To get the content type of the message body, call the `contentType()` method.

// Example output:
'multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundarySMTxQwbotazq4ctK'