# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
$:.push File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__)
require "weary/version"
Gem::Specification.new do |s|
s.name = %q{weary}
s.version = "#{Weary::VERSION}"
s.authors = ["Mark Wunsch"]
s.email = %q{mark@markwunsch.com}
s.summary = %q{A framework and DSL for the consumption of RESTful web services.}
s.description = %q{A framework and DSL to construct Ruby clients to RESTful web services. }
s.homepage = %q{http://github.com/mwunsch/weary}
s.rubyforge_project = %q{weary}
s.files = `git ls-files`.split "\n"
s.test_files = `git ls-files -- {spec,examples}/*`.split "\n"
s.require_paths = ['lib']
s.add_runtime_dependency "rack", ">= 1.4.5", "< 2.0"
s.add_runtime_dependency "addressable", "~> 2.3"
s.add_runtime_dependency "promise", "~> 0.3.0"
s.add_runtime_dependency "simple_oauth", "~> 0.2"
s.add_runtime_dependency "multi_json", "~> 1.7"