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# tufte

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[![No Maintenance Intended](](

tufte is a minimal static site generator ideal for getting a blog running
quickly with:

  - [tufte-css]( for style
  - [redcarpet]( for Markdown rendering
  - [rouge]( for syntax highlighting

**Note:** this library is an [unmaintained]( experiment. If you want an actual static site generator, I would recommend [Jekyll](

## Getting started

You'll need [Ruby]( and [Bundler](
installed first.

Make a new directory for your blog and `cd` to it:

    mkdir blog/
    cd blog/

Add a `Gemfile` for the current version of tufte (make sure to commit this along
with your `Gemfile.lock` for reproducable builds).

    echo 'source ""\n\ngem "tufte", "~> 1.0"' > Gemfile
    bundle install

Add binstubs so you don't have to prefix commands with `bundle exec`:

    bundle binstubs tufte

Initialize a new blog and create scaffold files in the current directory:

    bin/tufte init

Generate HTML pages from the templates:

    bin/tufte build

Run a local server to view your blog at <http://localhost:9292> (this is a
simple wrapper around `rackup` so you can pass any options you normally use for
[Rack]( such as `-p 4000` to run on port 4000):

    bin/tufte serve

At this point you can edit the files in `templates/` and `posts/` to your
liking, running `bin/tufte build` after each change until you are satisfied with
your new blog.