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# Taverna Player configuration

TavernaPlayer.setup do |config|

  # This can be set to the name of a workflow model class in the main
  # application and the listed methods should also be mapped if necessary. The
  # default behaviour is to use the Workflow model provided by Taverna Player.
  config.workflow_model_proxy = "TavernaPlayer::Workflow"
  #config.workflow_model_proxy("TavernaPlayer::Workflow") do |proxy|
    # This is the method that returns the name of the workflow file. Your
    # model MUST provide this otherwise a workflow cannot be run.
    #proxy.file_method_name = :file

    # This is the method that returns the title of the workflow. This can be
    # left unset if your model does not have this field but if you want to
    # set a run name at the time of run creation then you will need to
    # provide one or override the new run view.
    #proxy.title_method_name = :title

    # This is a method that returns a list of descriptions of the workflow
    # inputs. Each description should be of the form:
    #  {
    #    :name => "<input_name>",
    #    :description => "<input_description>",
    #    :example => "<input_example_value>"
    #  }
    # If you don't provide this method you will have to override the new run
    # view to create and initialize the inputs to a workflow.
    #proxy.inputs_method_name = :inputs

  # This should be set to the name of the user model class in the main
  # application if you have one. This defaults to nil and should be left as
  # such if your main application does not have users.
  #config.user_model_proxy = "User"

  # This should be set to the name of the method used to get the current user
  # in the main app. For Devise this would be :current_user. Defaults to nil.
  #config.current_user_callback = nil

  # Where to store files created by workflow runs. Should be fully qualified
  # or use :rails_root for the root directory of your application.
  #config.file_store = ":rails_root/public/system"

  # If you would like to use a different namespace for admin type resources
  # you can configure it here. Defaults to the empty string.
  #config.admin_scope = "admin"

  # The queue name for Taverna Player's delayed jobs to be run. Whatever you
  # use here be sure to start delayed job workers listening to this queue.
  #config.job_queue_name = "player"

  # Callbacks to be run at various points during a workflow run. These can be
  # defined as Proc objects or as methods and referenced by name.
  # Be careful! If a callback fails then the worker running the job will fail!
  # Add callbacks in this initializer or define them elsewhere and require the
  # file as usual (if they are not pulled in by some other code). You can
  # create example stub callbacks using:
  #   "rails generate taverna_player:callbacks"
  # which will put them in "lib/taverna_player_callbacks.rb".
  #require "taverna_player_callbacks"

  # The pre-run callback is called before the run has started (before Taverna
  # Server is contacted, in fact).
  # It takes the run model object as its parameter.
  #config.pre_run_callback = { |run| puts "Starting: #{}" }
  #config.pre_run_callback = "player_pre_run_callback"
  #config.pre_run_callback = :player_pre_run_callback

  # The post-run callback is called after the run has completed normally.
  # It takes the run model object as its parameter.
  #config.post_run_callback = { |run| puts "Finished: #{}" }
  #config.post_run_callback = "player_post_run_callback"
  #config.post_run_callback = :player_post_run_callback

  # The run-cancelled callback is called if the run is cancelled by the user.
  # It takes the run model object as its parameter.
  #config.run_cancelled_callback = { |run| puts "Cancelled: #{}" }
  #config.run_cancelled_callback = "player_run_cancelled_callback"
  #config.run_cancelled_callback = :player_run_cancelled_callback

  # The run-failed callback is called if the run fails for any reason.
  # It takes the run model object as its parameter.
  #config.run_failed_callback = { |run| puts "Failed: #{}" }
  #config.run_failed_callback = "player_run_failed_callback"
  #config.run_failed_callback = :player_run_failed_callback

  # Callbacks to be run to render various types of workflow port. These can be
  # defined as Proc objects or as methods and referenced by name.
  # Be careful! If a callback fails then users will see an Internal Server
  # Error (HTTP status code 500) instead of their run inputs and/or outputs!
  # Add callbacks in this initializer or define them elsewhere and require the
  # file as usual (if they are not pulled in by some other code). You can
  # create example callbacks using:
  #   "rails generate taverna_player:renderers"
  # which will put them in "lib/taverna_player_renderers.rb".
  #require "taverna_player_renderers"

  # Renderers for each type of value (referenced by MIME type) must then be
  # registered. All the renderers shown below are supplied as defaults.
  #config.port_renderers do |renderers|
    # Set a default renderer for if there is a workflow type that browsers
    # can't otherwise handle.

    # You can set a renderer to also be a default for the whole media-type. In
    # this case the below renderer is to be used for ALL text/* types that
    # aren't otherwise registered.
    #renderers.add("text/plain", :format_text, true)

    # This renderer overrides the default text/* renderer for text/xml values.
    #renderers.add("text/xml", :format_xml)

    # Browsers can't show all image types so just register very common ones.
    #renderers.add("image/jpeg", :show_image)
    #renderers.add("image/png", :show_image)
    #renderers.add("image/gif", :show_image)
    #renderers.add("image/bmp", :show_image)

    # This is the workflow error type and you should have a special renderer
    # for it.
    #renderers.add("application/x-error", :workflow_error)

    # If your workflows have list outputs (probable) then something to render
    # lists is also needed.

# Example workflow run callbacks defined in the initializer.

#def player_pre_run_callback(run)
#  puts "Starting: #{}"

#def player_post_run_callback(run)
#  puts "Finished: #{}"

#def player_run_cancelled_callback(run)
#  puts "Cancelled: #{}"